DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sad & Maddening Story
"This evening while walking my dog in the Pinehurst area a neighbor stopped me to ask if I knew anyone who had a black medium size dog because earlier in the evening a woman walking the dog witnessed her dog attack and kill another dog who was in his own yard. A young boy carried his dead dog into his house and the woman just took off. I believe that this is a crime equivalent to a hit and run and should be punished as such. I hope that SBY news believes this is worthy of a post and can help expose the person that did not care enough to stay and help with a tragedy that she was responsible for."
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How ignorant of her.
Worst story ever, you might have just runied my day.
That breaks my heart.
The dog owner needs to be locked up and held responsible.
that boils my blood. that boy will be living with that the rest of his life, and remembering that the one responsible didn't even help. sick.
Yew that dog that did the attacking needs to be put down. He attacked one dog, who is to say he won't attack another dog or a child for that matter. I am so tired of people not standing up for their own damn mistakes. I know this is off topic but recently my car was hit twice, and both times no note and nobody stayed around. People need to stop running and take responsiblilty. I know sometimes accidents do happen, but stand up for them and aknowledge what YOU did wrong!!!
I hope the person who owns this dog gets caught! That was a child's dog, probably their bestfriend.. :(
Aww, god bless the poor child!
Hope she is found & punished!!
If this happened around Pinehurst, the person who wrote this should contact the president of the Camden Neighborhood Association, Tim Spies, tspies@cavtel.net. He circulates crime news and community events to everyone in that whole area on a regular basis. You're more likely to get more information on this since it will reach the area neighbors. I'll pass the word on to a friend who lives there, too. Good luck.
I have heard another side to this story. I'm told the two dogs were passing eachother on a sidewalk. The black dog was in fact on a leash. The two dogs growled at eachother, barked, but the black dog did NOT bite or attack the other dog. The dog that unfortunately passed was 12 years old. As the woman continued to walk away with the black dog, it was only then that she heard the young boy screaming and running to the house. The Police were called. There were no puncture wounds, no blood, nothing. Unfortunately it looks like the 12 year old dog died of heart failure.
It's unfortunate for all parties involved, especially the young child and the Family of the deceased dog. However, the woman/owner of the black dog is not at fault and that must be recognized.
This is a very sad story and I understand the loss of a pet and extend my condolences to the family of the dog that died. However, from what I know of this it seems that emotions may be running high and the story may have been victim to something like an innocent version of a whispering circle, where the original thing that was said is completely different by the time it reaches the last person who shares the story again.
It is my understanding that the police officer spoke to the owner of the 2nd dog and that he indicated that there were no bite marks, blood, or evidence of a fight on the dog that passed, and that it was an older dog and could have have had a heart attack. The black dog was on a leash for what I understand. The owner of the black dog was unaware of the collapse of the other dog as she was taking her dog home because thw two had growled at one another. It is possible that this was nothing more than a tragedy that no one is really to blame for. I am sure that the owners of both dogs are terribly sad and hope that they will have an opportunity to talk and heal heartache and tension.
The black dog and the woman are both neighbors and friends of mine. She is an animal lover and it is unfortunate that you only have one side of the story. I am sorry that the boy lost his dog. His death may have been caused by his age and medical condition.
There is ,I understand, a police report that I haven't seen, which might shed some light on this subject.
Ken, might I suggest you look up a few comments and see the "other side" of the story.
And Joe might be right on this. I had a Irish Setter that had some age on her and a much younger dog that we had got in a fight with her. A few minutes later the Irish Setter went to lay down and die. Very sad, but their ticker is just like ours, it won't last for ever.
Joe, Sorry, I was referring to the original "post". And I do sign my name to my comments.
This, as the one person said, is not a difficult pill to swallow for the reason the writer probably went. I am the mother of the boy and it was our dog. There is no fault of the other owner. She was not aware of what had happened to our dog. She was walking her dog by our home. We have a 12 yr old golden retriever. While my 14 yr old was bringing her in the house, our dog saw the other dog & went over "to say hi". They smelled each other and then the other dog did a lunge at our dog (I'm sure a "alpha" dog kindof thing). My dog collapsed. It happened so fast and our initial thought was the other dog bit our dog maybe in the neck? My son scooped her up, put her at the back door where we ran out and checked her. She had very little movement then died right there. We ran down the street and tried to find the woman to find out more information and could not find her. We did call the police as precaution. We did not know if this was an aggressive dog, and did'nt want anyone/pet hurt. If that was wrong- then I'm sorry. I don't believe I was. We didnt know if the dog couldve bit something on our dog, like a nerve that couldve caused her to collapse? We didnt know. We were crying, dealing with an extremely upset child and not knowing her side. We found the woman. She is a very nice person and genuinally did not know what had happened to our dog. I BELIEVE that whe her dog lunged at mine, because of her age, she might've had a heart attack/failure. We do not fault this woman in any way and do NOT want anyone out there to believe we want to blame her for this. This is a hard pill to swallow in the fact that Chloe was a member of our family, had grown up with our son and we loved her dearly. We obviously did not want her to die. But are we ever ready for our pets to go? This is not a hard pill to swallow, in the way that we aren't accepting it wasnt her fault. We do not blame her at all. It was a very unfortunate thing. We are very sad. But in our grief are not placing blame.
Joe, Is there a way that you can post the owners comment on today's(Thursday)news update?
Yes please post this for today. I want to make sure that all who read the original 2 stories read mine as well. I do NOT want this woman to feel in any way any more guilt then she already does!
It would appear that it is very easy to simply post something on this blog and have a person tried and condemed in a matter of minutes - Are we in Salem???? Is this a new avenue for Witchhunts????
I am amazed that someone could start such a hurtful chain of events and cause a RESPECTED, HARD WORKING RESIDENT (who has lived in this neighborhood for TEN YEARS)to be AFRAID for herself and her pet in her OWN HOME. Who are you people?? HER DOG DID NOTHING BUT SNIFF ANOTHER DOG - HER DOG WAS LEASHED - THE OTHER DOG WAS NOT - Get your stories straight. Last night a group of teenagers in a Truck sped by this owner with her PET several times, causing quite a panic. When going by the house of the dog that passed away - there is the truck. So now what, a resident of this community cannot walk in THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD without fear - is that the town we live in??????? GOOD GOD PEOPLE - get a life and keep your "UNFOUNDED OPINIONS" to yourselves - THIS IS NOT A WITCHHUNT. If anything happens to her or her pet - I hold all of you responsible!!!!!!!!!
NOONE IN MY HOUSEHOLD HAS ANY BLAME ON THIS WOMAN! NOONE IN MY HOUSEHOLD RODE BY HER OR HER HOME! We do not blame her! We do not hold her responsible-please get this straight! I do not know who this was that rode by-but it was not me, my husband and obviously not my 14 yr old son! There is no witch hunt going on with us!!! We left things with this woman the other night, stressing to her, that there were no hard feeling. That's the way we want it to stay!
To whom said this lady was passed by teenagers several times...Its time you got your story straight! I do know for a fact the lady was not passed by so called teenagers several times...because i truck comes down a road that she is on ONE TIME that means several times? Look get you story straght before you try to make it out that anyone is a victim...The dog was old and passed away thats it end of story!!! That lady was not drivin by several times,And thats a fact!So your saying if i turn on a road and she is walking her dog i cant go down that road without her or whoever making it seem like the truck is down that road because of her? hhaha your pathetic in many ways then 1!!!! Get over it to many storys have been twisted around in this case......
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