The National Republican Senatorial Committee does not plan to spend money on its Delaware Senate nominee, Christine O’Donnell, an NRSC official said last night.
O’Donnell, who defeated Republican stalwart Rep. Mike Castle in the state’s GOP Senate primary, surged in recent weeks amid donations from tea party groups and an endorsement from Sarah Palin. But she trails her general election opponent, Democrat Chris Coons, in most polls.
The official noted that if her position improves, the committee might reconsider its allocation of scarce resources.
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Shame on the Republicans!
This shows you where the Republican Party is going these days by turning their backs on a viable candidate. Christine has a lot to offer and the moronic Republican's got their panties in a twist.
The People have spoken. Get over it!!
The Conservatives are cleaning house and the fat cat establishment doesn't like it! If we can get the Democrats to do the same thing maybe we can get our country back! Both parties have become self serving and wasteful, spending our money. They have made a career out of keeping the people divided.
God Bless Christine!!
We need more people like her!!
Looks like we have a few losers, ROTFLMAO!
The People have spoken!!
Sore losers again? Why won't they help move this country forward? The problem with politics is that there are too many politicians in there!
I'm sure the Republican National Committee will come around after a disappointing upset. I am upset that my party feels this way! The "people" spoke.......accept the fact that the Delaware Republicans wanted change. I don't know if she is the better one on the Republican ticket, but she is the one, so work together and help this Republican win the election in November!!
i believe she can win in the general election. forget the republican party and go with "conservative" until we can get the republican party back to it's roots.
she needs the conservative's support from across the nation and she can pull it off.
Anon 12:02 I think you are confused by the "function" of a State Senate race.
State senate race.
It's perfect She's poised to run against both parties talk about a win win !
Anon 12:17 I think you are confused by the "function" of a State Senate race. There is not a single senate candidate elected these days without funding from outside their state. That is just reality. btw, I'm assuming you understand that this is not a "state senate race" to elect someone to represent their district in Dover, this is a federal senate race to elect someone to represent them in Washington DC. You might not understand that.
Castle was a RINO and everybody knew it. See ya Castle
This is more proof that neither party really represents us! They are the establishment along with the main stream media. They are more interested in their own self interest and the interest of their corporate friends. I think both parties need to be given a reality check! They need to be reminded why they are there! Should not be a career and there should be term limits! Should be looked at as a civic duty and not a vocation!
Well, the NRSC has changed ther mind already. They made a statement saying that they would make the max donation to Christine O'Donnell.
"The official noted that if her position improves, the committee might reconsider its allocation of scarce resources."
Perhaps if they allocate resources, her position might improve? I thought thats what those resources were meant for...
At first I didn't think she should go from zero to US Senate in one sweep but today after her win I realized it can't be any worse then Mike Castle and the other senators who don't even read the bills. Have faith. I just heard that she received $750,000 in donations from her web site today.
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