I've been a loyal reader to your site for about 4 years now and I love all the work you do. I'm writing today because I need your help. Sometime late Monday night an object was stolen off of my mother's front lawn in Ocean City. It's a granite stone tiger (statue) about 3-4 feet long, its not a statue you would normally see around here. It weighs around 400 pounds and is not easy to move. For it to be stolen it had to be carefully planned out by someone (or a group) that knew of the statue and how it had to be moved. The thieves went to great lengths to take it. This potentially could be some type of college prank (it is the season for that). I have enclosed a picture of the tiger.
This statue has been in the family many years and means a lot to us. I'm hoping one of your readers have seen it. Maybe in a place where college age students stay (in Salisbury or the surrounding areas). Though I don't want to single them out. I'm just hoping the statue can be found. I'm offering a $150.00 reward to someone who can bring the statue back to us. If anyone has any information I ask that they please call me at 410-430-1066 or e-mail to richdrake@aol.com. Thank you so much.
Rich Drake
Ocean City, MD
This past Saturday evening / Sunda morning someone(s) placed approx 25 signs, garden gnomes & other yard ornaments in our front & side yard (we live on Frederick Ave near SU), but nothing that big. Like Mr. Drake said "tis the season"
Yup, someone stole something, it must be the college kids.
Who else would go to the trouble of taking a 400 lb stone lion?(lol)
Its in a frathouse somewhere-I hope they do the right thing and return it.
I agree Bluto. It was definately a college prank. To 10:26--no one is demonizing all college students, but let's be honest. These frat boys get their drink on on a Saturday night and then they go around and see a lawn ornament and steal it and put it in a frat house. Hopefully, someone will see it and return it or convince the people that stole it to return it.
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