I have been sitting here for the past few days rejecting nasty personal attacks against Mrs. O'Donnell and I have rejected them because there's no evidence that their smear comments are accurate or true.
What I'm personally seeing are the Democrats in major fear of this woman. It was a nasty campaign by both parties, O'Donnell won, end of story. The nasty comments won't fly here. Go somewhere else.
You're a good man, Joe.
She's really stirred the pot, as have a lot of the non-establishment candidates, and they are FURIOUS that their power is being taken away from them (on BOTH sides).
The smears against O'Donnell are ludicrous. So what she took ten years to pay off her student loans--she wasn't lucky enough to be an illegal or minority and get taxpayer affirmative action to pay her way. This is what happens when an "outsider" that doesn't have any connections with the "good ole boy" political ruling class becomes popular--they are a real threat to the "business as usual" profiting from the taxpayer that has been established. Biden smeared her in 2004 and you better believe he helped his buddy Mike Castle the Astle this go around. Well "WE THE PEOPLE" are awake and off the couch and fuming over being treated like imbeciles. Donate anything you can to O'Donnell--we need her.
The gloves are off! Pelosi and the liberal DC establishement are in full panic mode. They can't win with the truth, hence the full frontal and dispicable assault against ALL opposing candidates. We ain't seen nothing yet.
That's all the left are successful at, smear! And that's because they're aided by the MSM.
Ummm kind of reminds me of all the smear campaigns against Obama:) He won, he is now our President...get over it!!
The Dems are in major fear? Oh buddy, you've got that wrong. She has done us a huge favor!
I don't cuss...I don't attack anyone...I'm not one of the other bloggers but still you don't publish my comment? Do you only pick and choose the ones you agree with?
She is just like us......Stupid move that backfired on them when they pulled out her so called dirt because alot of us hard working individuals cant pay alot of our bill on time!!!!
What?! She has definetly been smeared but the smears have been coming from her own party. Not to mention that any woman who implies that her opponent is having a gay affair should expect the same kind of smears to come her way. It's just a shame that this is our US politics today and the idealogues and pundits eat it up.
Nasty personal attacks? Pot, meet kettle.
Most of you seem to think that Obama is a foreign born, Muslim Marxist. You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you in the face.
The idea that you don't post smears is absurd. You not only post them, you originate them.
Democrats can't run on there record!
Those Democrats should take a lesson from what happened to Mike Castle with the nasty campaign ads. 40 yrs of polical service and hes at home clicking the remote on the tv
As John Lennon once sang (to the great displeasure of the ruling class at the time)....Power to the People! Power to the people, right on!
You mean smears like she paid her mother with campaign money? A smear that she has now acknowleged as true. Hilarious
People don't trust the Democrats anymore they have shown they want a government take over and have done nothing for the economy and keep people divided by race,gender,income and religion.
You people on the left that keep voting for progressive marxists, can't you see the distruction to the country they are causing?
They promiss you free this and free that, all the while they are taking away you freedoms.
Can't you lefties get past the "I've always voted democrat" and wake up?
Get a clue, the democrats today are not the democrats of the past!
5;54 I have news for you my friend. Not only do people not trust the Dems they don't trust the Reps either both are crooks and liars. O'Donnell has been slammed harder by her own party than I have seen in any election. the Republicans and NRSC should be ashamed of themselves. Not only will I not be donating to the MDGOP any longer I will not send another dollar to the NRSC again. I will be changing my party affiliation to Independent as soon as possible. I want nothing to do with either party and their despicable actions.
5:54 What freedom of yours has the current administration taken away from you?
Not on the warpath - definitely think that if she is elected the voters will get what they deserve with her - not much. She is a flake and will likely not get much done - so a lost seat in all reality. Don't think she will be able to accomplish much beyond saying no - which is not helping the country or her adopted state. That said, I think most Delawareans are smart enough to see her for what she is and not elect her. Don't forget, Delaware is a blue state and she won the primary by the red votes, not the blue votes. Her win might be what is needed to get more dems to the polls in November.
O'Donnell is getting the same treatment, although on a greater scale, that one of our own local candidates received from her own party. People fear change after Obama and his change. They are afraid they may be forced to live within their means. Well to bad, change is coming, like it or not.
"You mean smears like she paid her mother with campaign money? A smear that she has now acknowleged as true. Hilarious"
You ARE allowed to put practically anyone on your campaign payroll. What's hilarious is that Castle managed to acquire nearly $9M in personal assets since he has been in public office and nobody questions it. Yeah, he could have run a highly profitable lemonade stand at the beach but....
Seems to me it's fellow Republicans that have done the most complaining about CO'D the week. We Dems are sitting back, smirking, at how the Republican Party is ensuring general elections losses for themselves.
CO'D may carry Kent County. She may carry Sussex. She doesn't have a chance in New Castle, and most Castle voters won't voe for her in the fall.
Don't assume all who slam CO'D are Democrats, Joe.
5:54 What freedoms have been taken away? Name one. Everyone was up in arms over guns which were supposed to have been taken away when Obama took office - didn't happen. What freedom have you had taken away since 2008?
Smear? Like saying that the President is a foreign born muslim communists.
As a democrat I am very happy that this woman won. She ensured that democrats will win DE in November
to ll:19 Yes BHO is the President but he is not an AMERICAN !!!
Maybe You should wake-up.
O'Donnel was a long time paying for College tuition,,,,,,,But she's not a self proclaimed MARXCIST
You Libs just don't get it........
You are absolutely right Joe. Not only are the democrats scared to death, but the republicans are too. The whole establishment is upside down because one of US is in a position to maybe take some of their unfettered power away. Even though I live in Maryland, I have donated to her campaign as well as Sharon Angle. The republicans saw their last dollar from me about two years ago. The people are finally waking up and I am looking forward to the return of a system where the representatives represent the people instead of unions and their own interests. Power to the people!
9:47 too bad that 'power to the people' to you means power to the idiots and flakes. At least if you are successful you will get the government you deserve, unfortunately so we will also get the government you deserve, a confederacy of dunces.
So, Obama must be a genius: "When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him."
Thanks for the sign!
I find it ironic that the (so-called) "smart" people among us are the very ones who are being played as fools by the "genius" and his cronies. Wake up man-you've had the government that you deserve for almost two years now and look what we have. Take off your liberal/racial glasses at give it a good hard honest look. Are you capable of that? Being a working man of conscience and reason, I would prefer a confederacy of dunces over a communist regime. Only an educated idiot would think otherwise. Here's your sign.
Obamie is on very thin ice , he got elected with illegal votes and is not a citizen etc. , etc. by, by obamie .
ha, 12:07 communist regime huh? No one ever answered yesterday's query. Where have you lost freedom?
Don't try to make it seem like the Dems are responisible for slamming her... yes they are being hard on her but her own party is worse!! The Republican party has smeared her and said they weren't going to support her! I don't think it gets any worse than that. I don't know if they have finally decided to support her but the damage is already done.
Many of the comments left on blogs railing negative comments, sometimes very mean spirited, only serve to solidify my position that O’Donnell has faults in her character just as I do. Mine are more substantial than hers I feel. In life, I have tried to learn from my mistakes. I’m not able to undo them, but trying to understand where and why I made them will surely benifit my future, because I do not want to repeat them again. Sometimes I’m sucessful, but not always. I’ll chalk it up to being human and try harder the next time and one of the important things that I learn, as I move through this life, is that mean spirited judgements on others isn’t part of my character, and I cannot respect those that do. There will always be intelligent people using any excuse they can find, to degrade and eviscerate a persons character regardless. In short, if you look for the bad in people you’ll surely find your hearts content. Christine O’Donnell’s just a human, not God. She’ll get my flawed-character vote. FredG
To 7:47-ha and huh? You really have a way with words, don't you? You are a such a cunning liguist.
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