After filing a lawsuit that prompted NIST to release more than 3 terabytes of photographs and videos from their investigation into the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7 on 9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies has obtained evidence that suggests NIST edited several videos of the collapse of Building 7 in order to hide evidence of a controlled implosion.
The Center filed a FOIA Request with NIST on January 26, 2009, seeking production of “all of the photographs and videos collected, reviewed, cited or in any other way used by NIST during its investigation of the World Trade Center building collapses.” Following several unsuccessful attempts to get NIST to even acknowledge receipt of the Request, the Center was forced to file a lawsuit on May 28, 2009. Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, the Request was assigned a reference number, and NIST began periodically releasing batches of responsive records.
The Center has now begun posting some of those images and videos online, the first batch of which is from an external hard disk drive “NIST WTC Investigation Cumulus Video Clips.”
In one of the clips, the video of which has been in the public domain for years, a loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls. Once the support columns that held up the penthouse are taken out, the rest of the building falls almost within its own footprint.
In one of the clips, the video of which has been in the public domain for years, a loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls. Once the support columns that held up the penthouse are taken out, the rest of the building falls almost within its own footprint.
GO HERE to read more and see videos.
Ggenerally with a controlled implosion there's a serious of timed explosions. They don't just go boom once. That boom is probably the sound of a critical support failing.
9:13, I agree. Many people are trying to prove that it is a gov't conspiracy, but I do not see one here. I know that implosions require explosives to be placed in multiple locations, and go off simultaneously.
despite the feat of the WTC it was know when it was built the property and future building technology would surpass its grandure and it was constructed with latent charges that would make dropping it and further developing the property possible
it just happens they didnt have too tell that story to the public or the insurers or set a date
it was bad 70s construction on a budget and they new that then
it was all just business and the war it hardly justified just more business
its not an affront or personal attact on bible thumpers or the american dream
it was just business and if you cant see that then well........just get all excited to vote and think that changes anything
its all just international business
Don't know why you post this.
I mean the two people could not get out of the building and they say there was no evidence of structural damage? These people were walking not in wheelchairs. Furthermore those structural supports would take xray vision to see as they are several stories underground.
Guess these wackos also think the families of those in the four planes were lying. I mean really
GW can't plant evidence of WMD but can completely cover up the largest controlled demolition on earth.
These guys need some professional help.
9:13: Yep, every critical support of #7 failing simultaneously, at the same time, created that single "boom" sound. (I am being redundant for a reason.)
10:14: So....why did #7 collapse in it's own foot print like that? I am just asking. Are you a structural engineer?
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