My life and that of my wife and family changed suddenly on Saturday, August 28, 2010.
Alex Xavier Arroyo-Flores, beloved son, brother, grandchild, nephew, cousin, friend, did not return home from what was supposed to be a routine trip from his home to his work site.
It got worse by the minute, as we found first that his phone appeared to be off, and then that he never made it to work around 5:00 PM the evening before (Friday August 27, 2010).
For a week we have had no firm leads, but lots of hope. We tried a few things, as far-fetched as these may have been, with no positive results.
To this date, we still do not know why Alex is not home with his family.
We have had numerous calls, e-mails, and visitors. Friends and family called to check on Alex’s whereabouts, to let us know how much they are praying for his safe return, to let us know that he is indeed safe. Some visited to pickup flyers. Some brought food for the family. Some visited to comfort us. There is no way to thank everyone for the extraordinary support that pours into our lives daily.
We wish that we had more clues as to the whereabouts of Alex…but know that if we did…we would be out searching for him…and we know that you would be there with us.
The suffering of this week is beyond comprehension…we really hope that Alex is fine wherever he is.
We are certain that one day we are going to find Alex, and when that day comes that we are going to have a big hug…and after that we are going to try to figure out what happened and how to make sure that it never happens again.
If someone knows where Alex is, we hope that you find it in your heart to allow us to find him.
Alex, if you are watching this, please take a good look at your family and know that above all we love you, we wish you the best…and we would love to hear from you. Our lives will never be the same until we see you or hear from you again.
May God Bless Alex always.
Felipe Arroyo on behalf of the Arroyo-Flores family and relatives

Remember Folks, Alex was in an accident after this photo was taken and there is no pin stripe along this side of the car.
God bless , my heart goes out to you guys!
i've never met this man, but he has such a sweet smile and seems to have a loving family. I will pray that he returns home safely.
prayers are with.
Thank you for talking to us about your son. I've been praying he will be found & will continue to do so. God bless your family.
I pray that this family finds out where he is. I pray for a positive outcome!
I have gone to school with Alex since the 3rd grade, we were never close but always friendly when near each other!! We even ended up at UMES together. I pray he is found quickly and his family can be reunited with him. My prayers go out to his family.-- Mary Kate Porter
This is so heartbreaking.
I guess they have checked all the security cameras at Walmart and Mcdonald's to see if his car ever drove by on the road. We are all hoping and praying for the Arroyo-Flores family.
How sad :{
My heart aches for this family. I can not even begin to imagine what they must be going through. Mr. Arroyo, you, your family and Alex are in our prayers daily. I pray you hear from your son soon and he is well. God Bless you all.
It's good to see a picture of the actual car w/that particular pinstripe which should help tremendously in the search. Still keeping the faith! God Bless Alex and his family and friends!
This is a feeling I cannot imagine living with...not knowing where your child is. Let me say that my families prayers are with you all. We pray that Alex comes home safe and sound. We pray that your sleepless nights end quickly. We pray that, though you may never have an answer as to why this occured, you will have God's peace in the end of it all. We know with His love everything is okay.
Mary the Virgin Mother of God knew what it felt like to lose a child when Our Lord stayed behind in the Temple, and she and St. Joseph didn't find Him for 3 days. She knew the agony of watching Him die on the Cross! In fact she probably felt ever painful emotion possible, so she is close to us when we hurt and ask for her help.
I ask Our Lady to intercede on behalf of Alex and his family, that God will give them His peace until Alex will be found. And may She obtain that he will be found alive!
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