Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. announced today that paving work will begin the week of August 16th at 15 locations in the county. Mr. Pollitt said that funding for the $1.8 Million project is available as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Pollitt stressed that the federal funding allocations were limited to ‘major’ roadways in Wicomico County and were not available for smaller roads in need of repair.
The following locations are scheduled for paving:
1) Riverside Drive – Woodland Road to Tony Tank Bridge
2) Dykes Road – Near Robins Avenue
3) Robins Ave. – Near Dykes Road
4) Nutters Cross Road – Wycroft Drive to Colbourn Mill Road
5) Johnson Road – Caravan Way to Nutters Cross Road
6) Gunby Road – Rt. 350 to North Schumaker Drive
7) Phillip Morris Drive – Route 50 to Route 346
8) Outten Road – Beaglin Park Drive to Nottingham Woods
9) Civic Avenue – Route 50 to Route 346
10) Beaglin Park Drive – Saint’s Way south to Parkside High School
11) South Schumaker Drive – Route 12 to Beaglin Park Drive
12) Pemberton Drive – Turtle Creek to Crooked Oak Lane
13) Pemberton Drive – Near Upper Ferry Road
14) West Road – Near Adventist Drive
15) Connelly Mill Road – Railroad Crossing
Mr. Pollitt expects the project to last for about three weeks and is asking citizens to be patient as the work will cause traffic delays and detours.
The Connelly Mill Road project involves the replacement of the existing rail crossing. Residents may expect at least a seven day road closure at the crossing. The county will post detour signs.
The following locations are scheduled for paving:
1) Riverside Drive – Woodland Road to Tony Tank Bridge
2) Dykes Road – Near Robins Avenue
3) Robins Ave. – Near Dykes Road
4) Nutters Cross Road – Wycroft Drive to Colbourn Mill Road
5) Johnson Road – Caravan Way to Nutters Cross Road
6) Gunby Road – Rt. 350 to North Schumaker Drive
7) Phillip Morris Drive – Route 50 to Route 346
8) Outten Road – Beaglin Park Drive to Nottingham Woods
9) Civic Avenue – Route 50 to Route 346
10) Beaglin Park Drive – Saint’s Way south to Parkside High School
11) South Schumaker Drive – Route 12 to Beaglin Park Drive
12) Pemberton Drive – Turtle Creek to Crooked Oak Lane
13) Pemberton Drive – Near Upper Ferry Road
14) West Road – Near Adventist Drive
15) Connelly Mill Road – Railroad Crossing
Mr. Pollitt expects the project to last for about three weeks and is asking citizens to be patient as the work will cause traffic delays and detours.
The Connelly Mill Road project involves the replacement of the existing rail crossing. Residents may expect at least a seven day road closure at the crossing. The county will post detour signs.
So I guess we will have to keep riding the goat path (Naylor Mill) for a while longer.
I guess people want this money given back too. Who needs roads fixed, right? Throw the bum out- he's stealing from the taxpayers.
Really? Really? Why am I NOT surprised Morris Mill Rd is NOT on that list? I know for sure that it hasnt had anything done to it other than the 'a shovel for this hole' and a 'shovel of patch for that hole' in the 8+ years I've had to use it. But alas... after a few calls to that wonderful government office to advise them that when it floods in 3 places after a rain of more than 10 minutes which creates very hazardous conditions, and nothing is done for 3 days AFTER the rain and water have dried up they set out orange barrels (yeah, they iz some fast ones up in there), what should I expect? Go Pollitt---- geeesh!
Thank goodness Connelly Mill is FINALLY being fixed!!!!
Three weeks, Hope it's done in that time. Many of those roads lead to a few schools which starts soon. Should be interesting to see how the first week of school will be on the roads.
Pemberton - Turtle Creek to Crooked Oak? Really? What a waste, it should be Turtle Creek to Parson's.
Whats the longest patch on this list?
Cple hundred yards long? Of tar and chip? For nearly 2 MILL?!?! Dosent this come out to more than the entire new collection road? Why the heck does thus same extremely expensive paving company ALWAYS gets the bids?
And what happened to Fire Tower Rd in Hebron?? It's horrible!
Mike, did you read the part about the money is only available for major roadways? Morris Mill is not a major roadway. If you dont like the road, go a different way. Folks, get used to good roads going bad, and bad roads getting worse. If you don't like it, call the State.
4:21 PM, you are evidentally one of the clueless people that has no idea of what things cost. This stuff is put out on bid and the lowest bidder wins. Plain and simple.
4:19 PM, this is County paving, not City. Why would the County pave roads in the City.
4:23, Firetower rd is not a major road
It's about time they finally fix the railroad crossing on Connelly Mill, that spot is horrible
So, this is where the lay offs and furlough money from county employees is going into with interest. Take from Peter to pay Paul. Ummmmm.
5:55, Can you read? The article clearly states that this is federal funding. Ummmmmm.... get it?
I do feel that many roads need repairs or repaving, but why is it that we can find money for that sort of thing and nothing for education, maintaining jobs, etc.???
I think you are the clueless one. The lowest bidder doesn't always get the job. Its who ever scratches their back. Remember it's the good ole boys network in this county.
Funny how those roads ares one of the most traveled semi-back roads in the county. You can tell someone is paving their way to our vote.
4:58, YOU are clueless. It is a competetive sealed bid process. If any funny business happened, the other bidding companies could sue the crap out of the county. What size is your tin foil hat?
804: Does not providing work for road workers maintain jobs ? As an out of work road worker myself i see this a spark of hope to some local paving company's who have struggled to keep their doors open around here.
The next point i would like to make is this. I see many of you complaining about how crappy this or that road is. You guys really need to look around. Many other county's and states have started removing paved roads reverting them back stone to save money.
looks to me like there are some city roads in this mix. what about willards, pittsville, powellville, sharptown and mardela? these are all roads either right outside salisbury on in salisbury. what a crock of s@#t!
1039 yeah right.
Half those roads don't NEED to be paved! I could come up with at least a dozen major roads that should have been a higher priority that these! ie: Breaglin Park between Old Ocean City and Middle Neck! That road is only a few years old and has more pothole repairs on it than original pavement! Ricky is certainly after votes on this one!
There are no city streets being paved. The section of "Breaglin" (as you put it) was not on the feds map of roads allowed. You all need to call and ask questions like I did instead of stickin your foot in your mouth on a blog.
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