Good morning to you. I am Alex's dad. I am writing to you on behalf of Alex's family. We are still looking for him.
I want to thank you for your immediate response and support.
I like to let your readers know that we appreciate all the kinds words about Alex and their prayers for his prompt and safe return home.
We also hope that any negative comments about what anyone could have done stop...these are not constructive...instead we should be commenting about what can be done now to find Alex.
We prepared flyers and began to distribute these around Salisbury and Fruitland.
There will be some copies at home for anyone that can find time to pick up some and help with distribution.
God bless you all and God bless our Alex.
Felipe Arroyo
Felipe & Wilma
You and your family are in my prayers today.
Betty G
I hope wherever he is, he's safe!
i just posted it on facebook!!! This is so sad.
Felipe and Wilma, All the way down here in FL all I can do is pray for Alex's return! You are all in my love, thoughts, and prayers throughout the day!
-Marya Torres-
You and your family are in my prayers!!
I am praying for your boy's safe return, sir.
This is Alex's mom and we are asking anyone interested in helping us search all fields , corn fiels woods etc, to please contact us by phone or come by the house or just organize groups of two or more to help us search. We are searching all avenues to find our son and would greatly appreciate any and all help available.
This is Alex's sister, Krystal. following up on my mom's comment, if anyone can help provide water for the searchers, we would greatly appreciate it.
Right now, family and friends are searching the field behind the Fruitland Walmart. If you want to help, just go there.
Was his car ever located?
Arroyo Family,
This is your neighbor Lauren. I honestly can't stop thinking about Alex and it has been very hard trying to pay attention in my classes. Even though I'm a couple hours away I'll still drive down in a heart beat to help your family in the search for Alex. You guys have been wonderful people in my life and Alex is so lucky to have you as parents. Many people are praying for you guys. Love You all and I hope every prayer gets answered.
Still praying for the safe return of Alex and praying for his family during this difficult time.
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