Everyday low prices just got a little higher. A JPMorgan Chase study of a Virginia Walmart (hey, it's a big store, you gotta just pick one to do a decent survey of its inventory) found that in the past six weeks the retailer raised prices on average of 6%, but on some products, as high as 60%.
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That's their mo. They move in and open with lower prices to put the smaller business out then they raise their prices,and people have no choice. cj
You are absolutely correct. They are NOT good for America
Quietly raising prices...and so are other retail stores. IMO, cj, people DO have choices. One needs to shop around to find the best price. If you can find an exact item cheaper in another store, Walmart will meet that price but why not purchase it in the "other" store to begin with. It is just human nature I guess to bash Walmart for rising prices than to shop around.
Free enterprise this is America shop somewhere else or open your own store . Stop waiting for government hand outs !
9:19, free market capitalism is ALWAYS good for America.Right?
The reason Walmart is raising prices has to do with China and their currency. China let their money float in the open market instead of under-valuing it like they have for the last 15 years. So now the USA must pay more for Chinese goods and Walmart is the largest importer of Chinese goods hence the price increase.
Do you think they will always have low prices when they have to deal with unions and a terrible economy ? Thank Obama !
All their prices when up last year when gas and diesel was so high. They have yet to come back down. Now it seems they are going up again.
10:46, please see Budd's comments and come back to reality. You guys probably blame Obama for the crack in your @$$.
Home Depot does the exact same thing.
It is not free enterprise when they are anitcompetitive. They don't compete with anybody. They have a monopoly on retail in America.
Most people don't understand that the pundits for "free enterprise" and "capitalism" are usually socialists or communists.
The capitalist economic principle was created by the Bolsheviks as a less violent means of transforming a society into a commuist government. The so called capitalists do not compete with each other. They simply refuse to compete.
Look at the price of gasoline. Shell, Exxon, BP, Sunoco are all within a penny or two of each other. They want us to believe they all have the same exact costs of buying and refining the product?
Look at the price of soft drinks. Coke and Pepsi do not compete with each other.
Look at the price of cereal, butter, milk, bread. None of the manufacturers compete with each other. There is no real competition in our economic system.
What does it cost to eat a meal at Wendy's, McDonald's, Hardees?
Here is the exception: If an entrepreneur gets into the action suddenly the major corporations will crush him or her.
Walmart is an Un-American Corporation. It has single handedly destroyed American industries that manufacture soft goods like clothing, towels, sheets, toys, etc. It seems to be a front for Chinese Communism right here in America.
Furthermore, Walmart has done more to depress American wages than any other company I can remember. There are no more mom & pop grocery stores, drug stores, electronic stores, clothing stores, hardware businesses etc. All of them are gone. It is a terrible blight on American economy.
really 2;18. No Target, Big K, Big Lots?
Everything we are and everything we have become is our own doing.
Tell you what. Why don't all you "blue collar, patriotic, hard-working, conservative, true Americans" start a Walmart boycott until they start selling primarily US goods.
Nahhh, you would rather use your ammo on Obama birth certificate and gays getting married.
3;31, if everyone had the same loser attitude as you, we'd all be out of business. Guess what; you have a dollar menu at McDonalds because of competition from Wendy's dollar menu. Gas stations are ubiquitous; of course company A is not going to be able to undercut company B by a significant amount. I can find you competing prices on all the food items you named.
But I will agree that China is kicking out butt. The damn idealogues keep believing every half-baked skeem that their respective side of the aisle comes up with. The right shouts "free market" and their dummy idealogues cheer while their jobs go overseas. The left screams "union wages" and cheers while (imagine that) their jobs go overseas.
Sorry to rant, but you idiots who see the country as blue vs red, elephant vs donkey, lib vs conserv. have only yourselves to blame for the mess we are in. You believe anything the pundits tell you. You form opinions THEN go after some facts to support them. You demonize those who disagree with your philosophy and swear out your side of the aisle always has it right. Guess what, neither side has things right all the time. But you want to drive out anyone that doesn't tow the party line, then you have the nerve to talk about nothing getting done on capital hill. What's it going to take for you guys to wake up and see that Rush/Hannity/Beck/Olberman/Matthew/and the politicians are laughing all the way to the bank watching you struggle to get by and work to keep them in a position of power?
Wal-Mart is crappy in the customer service department. Have never met an employee there that was helpful or informed. That's the main reason we shop anywhere else in town.
Free trade agreements are what is killing American products and jobs, not Walmart. Put a tariff on Chinese goods and see how fast people start buying American products. Nike and other clothing manufactures produce their products in Asia for the cheap labor, Walmart has nothing to do with this at all. Tax any foriegn made products. It won't happen now because China holds so much of our debt, we'll do anything to make them happy.
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