I wonder what would happen if Christians blocked the streets of New York every Sunday for an hour or two?????
A Christian Nation cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public place, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets... Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe. This is Political Correctness gone crazy...
This is an accurate picture once a year on a Friday afternoon in several locations
throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large number of Muslims that cannot fit into the mosque - They fill the surrounding streets, facing east for a couple of hours between about 2 & 4 p.m. - Besides this one at 42nd St & Madison Ave, there is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc., etc. - Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building another "high rise" Mosque a few blocks from "ground zero" - With regard to that one, the "Imam" refuses to disclose where the $110 million dollars to build it is coming from and there is a lawsuit filed to force disclosure of that information - Just some facts FYI - But then, you have your own troubles with the "immigration" problem and the new AZ law -
November can't come soon enough.
This is in New York City on Madison Avenue, not in France or the Middle East or Yemen or Kenya.
I thought This country would have learned on 9/11/01, but i guess i was wrong,I guess we have to get hit Twice in order for us to WAKE up,Look up online what is going on in England, France,Ect Ect, these radicals are hiding behind these So Called MOSQUES and Speewing the hate speach against ALL religion but there own, The next thing we will have is SHARIA LAW and public Stoning of woman on5thAve/Madison, Dont say you where not WARNED.
I is very sad that the country has come to this.. and what is even worse, is there are a lot of Americans who defend this behavior. Im not just talking about praying Muslims, im talking about Holidays like Christmas, people being offended by decorations and songs. Kids in public schools cant even celebrate Thanksgiving anymore its now "Fall Harvest"..Gimmi a break...
This stuff is being designed by the Zionists who orchestrate it. They control the international banking cartel and our government's political officials.
They also OWN the media.
The Muslims (stupid) are being played just like the Mexicans (stupid) are being played. The Americans (really stupid) are buying it.
Send in the same person who got the Rev. Wright videos. That will solve the problem.
Not sure why you have such a problem with this. So, a few of the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim...does that make all Muslims terrorists? Maybe if some of you left the shore once in awhile, you'd realize that not all of America is white and Christian. These people deserve the right to practice their religion just as much as we do in churches every Sunday. By the way, the mosque location is not right at Ground Zero...it's a few blocks away, as are dozens of other community centers in the area.
Be aware! The Trojan Mosque are arriving. They will attack when the giant is sleeping. "The Giant will fall from within"
Ok 3:48 let me get this strait.. You think its ok for any religion to take up a religeous practice in the middle of the street?? Let's think about the fact that the Chritian School teacher and her kids got in trouble with the law for praying SILENTLY on the steps of the Supreme Court. HELLO can we say double standard...
The day that they stand up and denounce the terror within there religion is the day they can have religious freedom. Until them fkem.
4:09 - Your mention of the prayer group at the Supreme Court is a moot point. The police officer who approached the group did so in error and was not acting upon anything handed down by the Supreme Court. Follow up on the sensational headlines thrown across this blog once in awhile and you'd know that. As far as the people in the streets: Streets of NYC are closed down everyday for a wide variety of reasons (Letterman, Today Show, Times Square) and the NYPD is given notice and permits are obtained. Does that make those groups terrorists as well? Perhaps if you researched their religion, and as to why they have to pray in a certain direction at a certain place, you'd have a more clear picture. Open your eyes before you open your mouth.
Hey 4:09, if you dont see whats going on in AMERICA then YOUR eyes must be CLOSED.......FOOL.
Hello? It's called the First Amendment, which allows for freedom of religion. Sorry tough guys but its true.
November can't come soon enough? Really, how is your vote in Salisbury going to affect NYC? Love the Christian response you always get on this board - WWJD? He would hang his head in shame at what passes for Christianity here.
Are you freaken serious???? I had NO idea this crap was going on in NYC! You don't see any of this in the news. I guess NO ONE has the balls to stop this crap!!!! This stuff boils my blood.
I think you need to wake up. Please tell me why children and their teachers can not stand near the capital and pray yet muslims can close down streets to pray. Why is it parks can have muslim days yet no days are designated for Christians. Why can we not celebrate Christmas in school anymore. Why can we not offend them but they can do what ever they want to offend us. Try disagreeing with a muslim JUST once and you will see them change their colors real quick.
Yes the 9/11 hijackers were muslims. Look at the terrorists around the world and tell me who is behind most of it. You will not find ANYWHERE in the New Testament where God says to kill. Open a quran and read it. It never talks about love only to kill other religions. Open it and read it. I dare you.
5:56 Jesus would never hang his head in shame regarding this issue...muslims do not honor/believe in His Father...care to try to tell me different?
Keep em there a little bit longer..Drop a freaking Bomb on em...I am sooo sick of America being so darn weak!!!!...Think I will move to the Caribbean and just chill..Cuz that is what we are doing anyway....America U make me sick..Time to stand up to the Gov...We are being controlled way too much..
This is a slap in the face to our country!
I couldn't agree more w/9:47, 8:15,5:56, 7:44, 5:08, and 7:11. What a freakin' disgrace! This makes me so sick to my stomach and angry! They are breaking the law by being in the streets...why can't the police arrest them?? The damn Muslims are taking over our country. Pretty soon we'll have domes on the skyline of NYC. I wish I could move out of the country too sometimes. I think what the Muslims are doing is a disgrace to our military men and women oversees. Maybe they need to be brought home to rid the streets of NYC of the muslims and patrol the border.
I also agree w/2;14 and 2:17.
What is this country coming to?? I am ashamed at our government to allow such an outrageous event to take place! Now it will be press 1 for Arabic, press 2 for Spanish, press 3 for English. Sickening.
Indeed,what would Jesus do? He would condemn those who brought down our towers and he would weep at the anti-semitism that pervades those people who speak of "Zionist conspiracies"I kinda also think he would tell the Muslims to get up out of the road and join the Christians
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