One reason that tax exempt organizations are not permitted to engage in partisan political activity is because taxpayers give an indirect subsidy to these organizations. Yet, in Maryland’s House District 37-A, Del. Rudy Cane is receiving both in-kind and direct contributions from tax exempt entities.
Is this wrong? You betcha! Is it illegal? No question! Regardless, Mr. Cane seems to believe that the rules he helps to pass in Annapolis, and the rules passed by our representatives in Washington are for people like you and me. Rudy can do what he pleases!
To get the big picture:

A “Re-Elect Rudy Cane” billboard has been placed on top of VFW Post 10159 on West Main Street. Prime signage facing US 50 East just east of Nanticoke Road! Even if Cane comes back and says “OOPS!” and offers to pay for the space, the VFW is a tax exempt organization and not allowed to engage in this type of activity. I wonder if the post is willing to give up its slot machines and liquor license, and pay taxes, in order to support their man Rudy?
To add insult to injury, Cane also has a record of taking direct contributions from churches and other non-profits. Why don’t the rules apply to Rudy? You should ask him.
Rules only apply to white people .
Really GA? You are upset about churches getting involved in politics? Your party is the biggest beneficiary of church involvement, by far. Until you get on here and blast all the churches who actively endorse Republican candidates, this is hollow.
WOW! Powerful Post GA! Great Work!!!!!
I'm sure Von Siggers and Dustin Mills would like to give to a big fat wet one, on the cheek, of course.
Well Folks, you can't get this kind of stuff anywhere else, that's for sure. In fact, I doubt you'll even see it in the DT's.
Uh Oh, now you've done it GA. You've pissed off the wet pants liberal. Of course they make CLAIMS the Republicans do this all the time, yet GA Harrison has provided proof.
Go back to your Website and publish all the republican wrong doings. In the mean time, I'd say, stick a fork in Rudy Cane, he's well done.
How do you guys know he didn't pay a fair marker price for the space?
Mmmmm , makes you wonder , most people who will vote for him don't care. I wonder if Mr. Taylor is up to the same. Good ole boys.
G.A. , good work !
That VFW has the worse record on the books. SPD responds all the time. Want some dope , drive up
and talk to any of the members.
since when have the wet pants liberals let the facts hinder their accusations .
Rudy says " if Obama can lie and get away with it , the so can I"
Rudy has never represented the working white man. For that he doesn't get my vote! Another tax and spend liberal!
A word to the wise: stay out of west Salisbury at night!
I'm absolutely sure he's not the only one doing this. He's just the only one stupid enough to get caught at it.
Anyone reporting this to the VFW Central Office?
Rudy~ Tear down this sign!
how many stabbing , dope deals and robberies have took place right under rudys sign? maybe he can use some of his contributions to pay the taxes on the legion on jersey road. oh but i forgot! in a AT RISK NEIGHBORHOOD the working taxpayers always pay for the hood on the dole!
Anon 1530 -
Read before you write. Then, have the guts to sign your name. As the accompanying post states:
"There is a long history of church’s engaging in certain types of political activity. Candidates are invited to certain churches to meet congregants or even speak at services. “Scorecards” are distributed outlining candidates’ stances on various issues. Flyers are put on cars in church parking lots. Some pastors even get up in the pulpit and state that the congregation should vote for specific candidates or vote a certain way on referenda. While I find some of these activities distasteful, I don’t believe that they are illegal. One activity that is definitely against the law is for churches to make direct contributions to political campaigns. It is also a violation for candidates to take such contributions."
It would also help if you had even the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. While there is no question that many evangelicals have been politically active (particularly since 1988 when Pat Robertson ran for President), this activity pales in comparison to the activity of churches in the African-American community.
YET, that's not what this post is about. This post is about a political candidate taking money directly from churches and other tax exempt institutions.
As I stated at the beginning, THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE. See Spot Run!
Or hang onto Tags collar real tight now.
This should be re-posted everyday till we get a response from his campaign, and/or we find out if he's gone about this legally.
Rudy Cane is without a doubt one of the most racist people around. He calls out the race card more than Jesse Jackson. I hope he is thrown out of office by the election board/Attny General for taking contributions from nonprofits. Then we won't even have to count his votes.
Dustin Mills would be a good choice because Von Siggers would be scary too. We would be back to hitting & screaming if Von gets in! Imagine the hair pulling she would do on some one like Jeanne Haddaway.
Good reporting GA.
In response to an earlier post about if Cane paid for the billboard.It doesnt matter if he DID-none of these clubs can post signage like that-only private organizations who are strictly for-profit can shill for candidates.
doesn't Rudy Cane and Sheree Sample-Hughes both work( I use the word loosely) at Shore-Up? That is one of the most racist organizations around with no accountability of how funds are spent.
Well this is yet another unethical violation.
Yeap . . .he has already been reprimanded once by the Maryland House Ethics Commission for misrepresenting the entire eastern shore delegation when he helped to co-sponsor the legislation for repealing the revenue cap.
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