The people that live in the house did not earn the house, but were loaned the property from the true owners, the taxpayers. Because of this, the residents do not have the "pride of ownership" that comes with the hard work necessary. In fact, the opposite happens and the residents resent their benefactors because the very house is a constant reminder that they themselves did not earn the right to live in the house. They do not appreciate the value of the property and see no need to maintain or respect it in any way.
The result is the same whether you are talking about a studio apartment or a magnificent mansion full of priceless antiques. If the people who live there do not feel they earned the privilege, they will make this known through their actions. The picture below illustrates the point.

The Resolute Desk was built from the timbers of the HMS Resolute and was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes.
It is considered a national treasure and icon of the presidency.
Mr. Obama, with all due respect, get your feet off our desk!
How disrectful is that.
Typical. He continues to disrespect this country at every turn. It's very unprofessional to have his feet on the desk. God I can't wait until he no longer our president.
12:30 AMEN!!!!!!!
You people amaze me with your small talk about nothing. Don't you realize there are many more important issues than where the pres puts his feet. Who knows if his feet were really on the desk, maybe the picture was digitally rendered. I'm not an Obama supporter but I also don't support mean, angry people who have nothing better to do than to find fault in everything they see or hear. Please put your anger into something positive!
How about, "Mr. O'Bama, would you please leave OUR house?" The White House also belongs to the taxpayers!
This snapshot is relevant. It shows his mentality and lack of repect for the office. Who in their right mind would put their feet on the Resolute Desk, unless they simply have no reguard at all for what it stands for! It gives insight into his character and true self. How arrogant he must be!
he should at least respect his staff. shows lack of character.
1:00, Mr. O'Bama, as you call him, was put in that White House by a clear majority of those voting in this country.
Democracy and the Constitution too inconvenient for you?
Guess what? I'm an AMERICAN and even if I didn't pay a dime in taxes (but I pay plenty), the Constitution would STILL protect MY rights and MY votes.
You people are unbelievable.
That said, I would appreciate the President not putting his feet on historic furniture.
And I guess this is the only Pres. who has ever done this? Why is so much of the "opposition" composed of nonsense like this? At best you are deliberately uninformed, and at worst, just everyday hypocrites.
AMEN 5:27
VERY disrespectful it is.
The louder they say it's not because he's a black man, the more you know they say because he's a black man.
Besides, I'm pretty sure he earned the house...he did win the election.
You can not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
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