Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is endorsing a largely unknown candidate in the race for the GOP nomination for Maryland governor.
The former governor of Alaska threw her support behind Brian Murphy in an endorsement announced Wednesday on her Facebook page, bucking a chance to support former congressman and ex-Gov. Robert Ehrlich.
Palin praises Murphy for being a common sense conservative and a firm believer in the free market.
Smart woman who listens and has done her homework on all 3 candidates.
You have to respect a person who puts principle over popularity .
I knew this guy would emerge from the shadows being cast by the present two leaders.
You could tell by his demeanor that he was the 'Real Deal' for Marylanders.
Don't ease up Brian Murphy. Keep-up the good fight because you are definately catching on!!!!!
You people are so mistaken. While Brian Murphy would be great, a real conservative Republican, there's NO WAY he can beat O'Malley at the state level. You have to consider that. Ehrlich, while not the most conservative Republican in the world, is a whole lot more conservative than O'Malley and stands a chance of beating him. Think of the big picture folks.
Although Murphy was relatively unknown, Palin is absolutely right in description. She does call them as she sees them and as previously mentioned, does not play the popularity game.
I first learned of his candidacy upon visiting Smith Island a couple of months ago. Ehrlich is in no way as conservative and bold as Murphy, as he is tied to some special interests, whereas Murphy is not.
With Palin's endorsement, given proper exposure, his star will surely rise. He has my families' vote.
sure count on the 'quit when the going gets tough' governor to be qualified to endorse other candidates for a job she couldn't handle. What qualifies the owner of a 'small bakery on Smith Island' to understand the complex problems of our diverse state? Absolutely nothing.
8:02 am Owning a business in this state MORE than qualifies you!! No business wants to come to Maryland because of all the red tape and tax burdens we pile on them. This man believes in the American Dream and that big government at the State level as well as the National level will be this country's downfall. It's the private sector that provides jobs and a chance at a decent living for a family. Vote your conscience, not who you THINK will beat O'Malley. By the way, Sarah Palin RULES!!!!!
12:16 - now I have an idea of your intellect - or lack thereof. A SMALL bakery on Smith Island is not a preparation for running an entire state.
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