As we head into the final months of the campaign, the O'Malley-Brown campaign has clearly seized the momentum. As Governor O'Malley and Lt. Governor Brown travel across Maryland, knocking on doors... attending house parties... touring businesses... meeting with voters, the energy behind our campaign is becoming evident to everyone.

Today, we'll officially report to the Board of Elections that our campaign has $6.7 Million cash on hand and a better than 3-1 cash advantage over the Ehrlich/Kane campaign.
This past weekend, Governor O'Malley attended events in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Montgomery County; and he "skyped" into house parties throughout Maryland. On Sunday, he spent the day in Cambridge on Maryland's Eastern Shore participating in a Habitat for Humanity project and opening a new environmental center at Horn Point that is helping to restore our Bay's native oyster population.
The momentum of our campaign continues this week, as Governor O'Malley will address the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. He'll meet with business owners there to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing our state. And later this week, he'll meet with farmers on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
These have not been easy times for Maryland's farmers, but through drought, rain, and snow, they recognize that Governor O'Malley cares "deeply about Maryland's farm community" and is working to improve the economic conditions of the industry and keep Maryland farms viable for our future.
All across our state, Maryland families and small businesses are responding to Governor O'Malley's vision and his efforts to move Maryland Forward.
While we are in the middle of a strong Summer full of campaign events, Bob Ehrlich is still sluggish and woozy from a couple of very bad weeks.
What happened to all that Money?
With campaign fundraising reports due today, the big question will be how is Bob Ehrlich spending all of his money without airing a single ad? With only $2 million in the bank for the final months of the campaign, the Washington Post is already asking what did Bob Ehrlich do with all that money?
Why can't O'Malley just state the facts of what he has done? Why do they continually have to badmouth Ehrlich?
I guess they're just scared and worried that O'Malley may have to one day actually stand by his accomplishments, or lack thereof.
It's funny they would ask what Ehrlich has done with all that money. Marylanders have been asking similar of OweMalley. What has he done with all of our money?
I would of went to New Zealand.
So much BS here I've got to turn the page.
Marylander s are stupid people !
Great observation 1:59!
Ehrlich doesn't stand a chance I'm afraid.
I am not voting for anyone who raised MD sales tax.
2:12 We need to send Omalley to New Zealand and leave him there that would be best situation for the state
of Maryland
This press release is so sappy it makes me want to barf
Kinda like the signs I started seeing today that say 'Rick Pollitt-- Our County Executive'
Just makes us want to run up and give him a big hug.
O'Ricky's sign must have been designed by the same marketing clown that wrote O'mickey's press release.
It just makes a tingle run up my leg.. ;-)
Oh Mommy, boo...hoo.... Ehrlich raised as much money as me, and I don't know how he's going to use it yet, boo..... hooo.....
What do you do when the people your supposed to put your trust and faith in are not worthy? What do you do then.
In the heat of the moment they would all piss there pants.
What??? he did what ALL politicians (spit the taste out of your mouth now) do ----he stole it, hid it, moved it around and used it for his personal delight...ain't no mystery here...
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