One Governor gets to a point in which an overwhelming majority of Maryland voters said enough is enough and vote in a new Governor.
While one raised "Fees" on a regular basis, the other "Taxed" residents and business and now Maryand is $4 billion dollars in the red. OK, as if this isn't bad enough, one wants to return to office and the front runners seem to be O'Malley and Ehrlich.
Just when we all thought every resident in Washington, D.C. were complete Idiots for voting for Marion Barry, they voted him BACK into office even after his federal arrest for drugs. Have the Maryland residents looked into this deep enough, or are they simply ignoring Brian Murphy? Will this generation look back a few years from now and realize they were just as stupid as those Washington, D.C. residents?
I know this article isn't flowing as well as I'd like it to but you get the point! I just wonder if everyone realizes just how stupid Americans have become. If you want my opinion, I'd say a vote for Brian Murphy is a vote in the right direction. A vote for the other two will prove the AFP and Tea Baggers were nothing but hot air and a total waste of time.
If Maryland residents divorced ONE Governor, the second spouse, (O'Malley) buried you into such debt you can't get out, would you stick with that spouse, re-marry your first spouse or would you play the field for much greener pastures and a better chance? You only live once Folks, think about it.
For those of us who reside in Delaware, have no sales tax, extremely low property tax, we're looking in from the outside and laughing all the way to the bank. You know, kind of like when DC residents voted Marion Barry back into office. Don't get mad at me. YOU'RE the ones with the VOTE.
The AFP and Tea Baggers were a waste of time. You will be right about this Joe.
Yes please vote for Murphy. It will only take votes away from Ehrlich and guarantee an O'Malley win.
BTW Tea Baggers were not a waste of time. They served ... the democrats by segmenting the Republican party.
Thanks teabaggers.
Don't call me a teabagger. I am Taxed Enough Already member and proud of it.
Mr Murphy has no signs out that I have seen; they cost a lot of money... something career crooks, I mean politicians know how to get a lot of. It's going to be hard to change the yearly tides, but we need to stick together knowing that the wave for Murphy is the one to ride. Listen to his platform.
My vote's going to Murphy....I know what we'll get with the other 2 and I dont want any more of it!!!!
The votes in the DC and Balt suburbs always determine the election results. That's why some of us believe the E.S. of MD should be a separate state. We have no say in State government.
11:48 let me guess, you're white, overweight, in your 60s. And you want it to be 1952 again.
Brian Murphy has my vote!
Ummm, Alex, Murphy and Ehrlich are both Republicans. O'Malley is a democrat. Voting for Murphy in the primary will not affect O'Malley at all.
I'm voting for Murphy too.
I see no future for Marylanders in either O'Malley or Ehrlich.
Murphy is really the only viable solution. Otherwise we are going to either one of the Governors -(O'Malley or Ehrlich) - to continue to raid our treasury.
This link here is a good example of why everyone in MD should vote for Brian Murphy.
I am a TEA party conservative in Western Maryland commenting on the Eastern shore's blog and I can say without a doubt that Murphy is the best and only hope for Maryland. The MD GOP anointed Ehrlich like the Dems anointed Obama and have completely shut him out of this primary because Ehrlich didn't want a contested race. Now that he has one he simply ignores Brian. But what he doesn't understand is that the conservatives will not cast a ballot for him even if he does win the primary because he is just as liberal as OweMalley. We don't want either of them and it's Brian Murphy or no one at all.
I'm voting for Murphy and Otto! Since Phoebus can't complete a sentence without mentioning Ehrlich or flashing a photo of him posing with Ehrlich.
ya wanna call me teabagger...then put ur $$$ where the tea bag is...I am sick n tired of pompous azz, condescending comments re: PATRIOTS...I do support Murphy 100% (wish he'd hopped on the train sooner) I do not have any faith in E or O (man makes me ill) God bless ya Brian and keep up the good fight!
If you've had eough of the politicians and really want a change, vote for Brian Murphy in the republican primary!
Brian Murphy 2010!!! Finally, a Bob McDonnell for Maryland!!!
That is great that people are getting what the feel that they need in Maryland. I hope that a lot more states will follow suit and really push for things that they feel need to be a part of the laws of their state and who should run it. It really is a shame that there are a lot of people who still don't go out and vote like they should. Lets see what we can do to make that change
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