Here are some prime candidates for your weekly "slum property" showpiece on the City of Salisbury's website. The larger building is the would-be luxury condo on Fitzwater Street that has looked like this for at least two years now. The other one is the "Grande Pointe" senior housing complex on Route 50, near Atria and the nursing home on Civic Avenue. It has been this way for a year or longer.
Doesn't Salisbury have codes that make this illegal? If so, then why is there no enforcement.
PS: Look closely at these shots and see the weeds, some are now several feet high
They should make it a veterans hospital here on the shore.
Had a friend of mine who is a combat vet from the gulf war go into pgh and they told him dont worry about a thing the va is going to handle all the bills, you can get treated here, well that was bullcrap now he has a 10,000 dollar bill that the va wont pay because they said he should of came to the va in the city. Theres very little honor left.
They seem to be good at telling lies about your bill. My spouse had to go to the ER, we requested an Xray instead of a CAT scan because of the cost. We knew what the problem was they just wanted the extra $$$$.
still carrying sapoa's water, huh?
Anon 12:05
Peninsula Regional Medical Center has no honor. They treated all of their employees, note how I said it in the past tense, who actively served this country like crap. During the build up and during the Iraq war, they did everything in their power to get those people off their payrolls. PRMC should step up and forgove those bills, as a thank you for service to this country.....but then again they hire mostly foreign workers now, so if your friend served in the Indian Army they would've given him a break.
The owners of these properties are Freemasons.
They don't have to abide by rules made for the Goyim
What about the old oil tanks on Lake St. Look how that has been abandoned and left to rust away for decades.
4:10, Why do you constantly get on here and talk about Freemasons? What Freemason owns it? Lets see if you can put your foot where your mouth is. I will bet that they give more to charity than you ever have or will. Don't believe everything you see on tv.
Don't these properties still have valid permits?
1156 am-There is a veterans hospital in Milford.
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