Representativie Frank Kratovil intends to vote YES on Pelosi's 'Jobs Bill' saying it is needed to save jobs.
Conversely, most see this as another pay -off to public sector jobs and their unions. Another slush fund is created with this bill.
If the concern was to save jobs, all salaries would be trimmed, thereby saving everyone's job.
Frank's D.C. office (202) 225-5311
Liberal Liberal Liberal
One term is enough.. throw the Lib out!!!!
Guess Frankie got the call from Mama Pelosi. Wonder if she needs his vote this time.
Probably knows he has nothing to lose if he supports this....on his way out anyway.
Pelosi said welcome to the swamp Frank,you are scum that will rise to the top
Frank Kratovil is history. If he votes for this pig, he is done. This is a handout to unions as was the Stimlus. This administration has a record low number of people who ever had a private sector job. They have no iedea how to solve any of our economic issues. They are just throwing darts and hoping to hit something. There is going to be a blood bath in november. I can't wait to hear Bagdad bob gibbs try and spin the election results. Anybody but a democrat is what I say
But aren't we pleased with the deficit reduction built into the bill?
Can someone tell me exactly what is wrong with the bill, besides the fact that it prevents even more layoffs and reduces gov. spending overall?
3:52 you cant be for real do you have all your facilities?
It might help someone other than the conservative pinheads who complain on this blog.
Notice that the road repair list did not seem to upset any commentors, except if their road was not on it.
What A d-bag, I told you he was full of crap as all politicians are or soon will be when they get into office... these people have no worries becasue they know their job and money and lively hood are not at stake here... NO matter what they will be paid till they die and down to their children... hence why no demigod gives to shakes about what their doing to our country...
3:52- You ask what is wrong with the bill? One: It is not paid for, at least not entirely. It is paid for partially by some welfare benifit reduction in 2014. Meanwhile 400billion dollars of the stimulus remains unspent that is earmark for important projects like studing the effect of cocaine on monkeys and reducing swine crap smell. What damn planet do we live on? It is simple. stop spending money that we don't have. These claim that teachers and police will be laid off if they don't get this money. This is a disgrace. Locally we have a county excutive that spent 1.5million on 3acres of land to expand parking for and under utilized civic center that will never be profitable because it is not big enough and can't sell cold beer. He spent 1 million dollars to buy a park that we can afford to build. Every city and county has simular waste and yet teachers and fire fighter and cops are going to be laid off. The unions are driving this. This is an attempt to satifiy the under funded pensions and perks for government worker unions. It is time for a course corection. If these elected people can't solve these difficult problems then they must replaced. My small business has had to make all kinds of changes in the way we do things to survive. We can't just borrow more or even worse print it.
4:40 good points but I still don't think 3:52 will be able to comprehend all that info he sounds like an Oberman type of guy.
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