Board of Ed employees were buzzing yesterday trying to understand how three of its own are under criminal investigation for allegedly stealing copper wire from the old James M. Bennett high school. Sources say three long time employees (one with 30 years) are accused of removing thousands of dollars in copper wiring from the old school and selling it in Delaware.
Mike Lewis and staff are investigating. Could this be another county landfill case? More to come as this unfolds.
That is what you get when you refuse to put individuals in charge that will stop this corruption. The main reason is because you will have to penalize their buddies. I have told Rick I would put a dent and eventually stop this type of theft if he would hire me. But that will never happen because I am not in his circle. So let the corruption continue with the blessings of the "Good Ole Boys" in Wicomico County.
really who cares if they are taking from the old school ... whats the harm now if it was the new school nailen to the wall
Give me a break; Mike Lewis and staff should be on the "Westside" rounding up all the drug dealing pimps. They wont say it, but the drug dealing pimps scare the heck out the the big bad police.
Well, sounds like one of the three just chimed in here.
The material stolen belongs to the taxpayers, not the criminals who stole it. That's why there's an investigation going on.
It's minds like yours that proves this country has gone to sh!t.
It doesn't justifying theft but I wonder if the county even had the foresight to consider recycling it themselves.
Actually, doesn't the material stolen belonged to the contractor who was hired to tear it down? Not saying it was right....but I guess the guys figured they were going to get their raise and step this year one way or another and they are tax payers too.
Al thought it is an issue, stealing copper wire from the old high school, it should be on the backburner compared to other crimes being committed by others in Salisbury. You know like the double homicide that happened at the Parkside apartments. Or maybe trying to round up some of that gang violence that has allowed the streets of Salisbury to be taken over by y our common criminal. Joe I do understand what you are saying because this is a problem, but compared to the rest of the problems this society has it should be the least of their worries. If this did not invlove 3 Board of Ed. members it would be just another story like the others who have stolen copper from farmers tools and such. I am all for holding someone to the law, but really this is a waste of valuable resources that could be used to solve other crimes that will affect everyone's daily life.
Joe, if you have not learned by now... There are a lot of thiefs on the Eastern Shore who are the good old boys.
Keep digging, this includes County Employees right down to Real Estate Moguls ....
Too funny,
Heck yeah go after them. The copper could have been sold and put back in to the new school. I'm sure there are some programs that could have used thousands of dollars. They just stole thousands of dollars from the kids in Wicomico County and the first to butt heads you posted can't see that.
If they had used a metal scrapper instead of letting the contractor handle it, this would not have happened.
In industry, this is considered scrap material and is sold and recorded as miscellaneous income. I have worked at two place in which the employees were fired for pocketing the profits of scrap materials. These employees should be no different.
So how much was stolen, how much money are we talking about here?
anonymous 11:35, why does it matter? A thief is a thief, no matter what the value.
I don't care how long someone has been with a company, organization, school board, etc. If you steal from the company you work for, you should be prosecuted and terminated. With all of the budget shortfalls within this county alone, the extra funds could have purchased extra supplies for our children.
The contractor doing the Demo is an metal recycler and probably figured the value of the copper in his bid. He should be the one pissed off. it wasn't stolen from the taxpayers. Our local government would think outside the box enough to recycle the material theirselves or reuse things from the old school in the new school they just buy new stuff at our expense thats where the taxpayers are getting stolen from.
So 10:51am If someone is murdered, and other really bad crimes it will be alright if all the police dept. focus on just that and not worry about the other crimes like stealing. Did you hit your head?
Any names?
1104 You mean in broadcasting?
Corruption is not only stealing. Political corruption is the use of legislated powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain.
I thought only sceezy addicts stole copper......guess county employees get the itch every now and then too.
When are we going to know names - who are these thieves?
I guess these fools didn't see all the camera that are around the jobsite huh? Morons. Glad they got caught.
Oh a metal scrapper would have stopped a theif? Glad to know that.
Obama says the cop acted "stupidly". Obama has the lady fired week before last from hearing a snippet of her words. All without knowing the facts and he was an idiot for these actions I believe we can agree. Without knowing the facts are we going to do the same as Obama and convict these people as "thieves"? Or are we going to be hypocrites like all the libs? We have to be better than them, because we are.
BOE employees have "gotten away with" stealing before, why should we expect it to be any different this time? If it was a BOE administrative assistant-type employee who makes near poverty level wages, it might be somewhat understandable, but this sounds like upper level folks...folks who should (like all of us) be grateful for their jobs and do nothing to jeopardize them. Fire them, and give their jobs to people who will appreciate the salary and not feel the need to steal from the hand that feeds them! Ugh! This town is just disgusting any more.
just another example of creative financing - we'll see more of this sort of thing as the local and national economy continues to crumble - THANKS OBOMIE!
What has happened to the BOE employees who stole the copper?Have they been fired or did they get a slap on the wrist.I think as tax payers we have a right to know.I guess the BOE will just sweep this under the rug like a lot of other things that go on.
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