A vehicle heading East bound on Rt. 50, crossing over near the Shorebirds Stadium to pick up the Bypass was struck by another vehicle and the passenger in the vehicle that was struck has been pronounced dead.
There's been a serious backup for the past hour. Sorry Folks, I've been away from the computer for a little while today. There may be more to come......
Another life lost thanks to SHA. How many have to die before they put the cloverleafs back I mean come on crossing a major highway.
I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands every time I try and merge over to the left lane (to go to Perdue Zion Church) after coming off the bypass.
It's the same situation if you are trying to get to the Bypass going south, and crossing over by Denny's.
Thank God you have the choice to go around the stadium, instead. Whoever designed this wasn't thinking about just how dangerous it is.
As usual Joe there was NO mention or coverage of this accident on Fox 21 news at 5pm on friday. I guess because it did not happen in in their beloved state of Delaware.
This is the second person I have seen killed at that location. Just moments after the incident I came around the round-a-bout and saw both vehicles.
The other death that I saw was a motorcyclist and I remember seeing his helmet lay next to Rt.50 for several hours after the incident.
I believe the problem is the bottleneck whereby the traffic is trying to get onto Rt. 50 after they leave the Autumn Terrace intersection.
I agree Anon 5:14. The way to get on Rt 13N from Rt 50E is crazy.
thank you SHA. you're cost cutting is causing lives to be lost. hope you can sleep at night Mr. DD.
Totally agree, I hope whoever approved this burns in h*ll for the stupidity that has cost these people's lives!!!
I want to say there have been 12 or more deaths at this intersection now.
Judging from the layout of the exit ramps the State Highway Administration focused on one thing, getting Ocean City traffic to the beach. I’m sorry but the previous design worked just fine in my opinion. Chalk another death up to SHA poor judgment.
Everyday I slow down going through that intersection because it is so damgerous. How many must die to get something done about this intersection.
I agree with Stoker,if it didn't happen in Delaware,WBOC/FOX-21 doesn't report on it.
Anonymous said...
Totally agree, I hope whoever approved this burns in h*ll for the stupidity that has cost these people's lives!!!
6:05 PM
Can you say Bubba Comegees and Donnie Druwer!!
Why didn't they just leave it alone. It worked fine before, I thought
I totally agree why would anyone think this was safer than the cloverleaf. Look at all the money that was wasted by taking the cloverleafs out.
it is a little crazy to blame ShA for an accident. these people were probably being careless (well someone was) or in a hurry.
i use this route a lot, and it only takes patience. its not that bad.
6:01...would that be the same Donnie Drewer that was Gary Comegys' boss?
I believe the accident was on the west side of the bypass, someone crossing from westbound 50 to head southbound on the bypass was struck. I saw the car on the rollback. It looked to be a four-door sedan of some sort, the passenger side was pushed in almost to the center console.
Oh it isnt all the states fault. Lack of driving skills and impatience play a bigger role.
Oh please, People are in a hurry to go nowhere!!! Let's be responsible for ourselves and quit blaming others, if you don't like the bypass and etc. Don't drive on it, use side roads! Or better yet, just stay home!!!adizar
Um, it's as simple as take the Hobbs Road exit, turn left at the stop sign and then cross 50 at the light. I never EVER attempt to merge off the ramp AND cross summer traffic. It should be noted on the roadsigns.
Joe you should take your camera over to the bypass and take pictures of the remnants of the old cloverleaf. We should also demand that the State of Maryland and the SHA explain why the cloverleafs were taken out. We should also demand how many accidents have been recorded at that intersection/crossover. We should also demand the total number of fatalities recorded at that intersection/crossover.
I agree with some of the comenters that it isn't entirely the fault of the SHA, but I clearly believe the cloverleafs were safer.
This intersection is bad. You can't see far enough down the road and its hard to judge just how fast some are going. All the cross over on 50 seem to be the same. Someone must have been drunk when they built them all. Not one of them goes straight across. They are all at an angle. If people are from out of town they are not aware they will have to go across west bound 50 to get on the bypass until its to late. They should have kept the cloverleaf.
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