(Salisbury, MD) Wicomico Recreation, Parks and Tourism will host a community meeting regarding parking at the Cove Road Recreation Area, located in Bivalve, Maryland on Monday, August 9 at 6:00pm.
Wicomico Recreation, Parks and Tourism Director Gary Mackes will field comments and recommendations on how to accommodate the demand.
The meeting will take place at the Cove Road Recreation Area, which is located on Cove Road (off of Nanticoke Road). In the case of inclement weather, the meeting will be moved indoors to the Westside Community Center 21109 Bivalve Lodge Road in Bivalve, MD.
Why dont you see how many of those cars have up to date insurance stickers.
Something needs to be done I feel bad for the people who live on that road .
Used to be able to skip school, borrow a bottle of seagrams 7 from my old man's cabinet, take a car load of us & spend the day at the cove ... never even bump into another person ... and that was only back in 1996
What a waste of time and resources...this entire mess was created by the county when they "took over" the parks on the
Westside. There were few if any problems before the county began to advertise these parks on their recreation lists. The people of the westside never wanted the free advertising and it has let to nothing but problems...trash, parking, gang fights, and more meetings with county.
1:11..the county parks belong to everyone in the county..not just those of you on the west side.
1:51 - sure they belong to everyone in the county, but, if everyone in the county doesn't know how to go to an area and be responsible (i.e. pick up your trash, behave yourself while there, etc.) then the people down there have a very legitimate gripe. How would you like the mess in your backyard, huh?
"recommendations on how to accommodate the demand"? Cut off the demand! I would rather see it closed than deal with the problems the Wico Rec Parks and Tourism have created here.
I had a huge bonfire for my 21st birthday at the Cove. What a shame Wicomico County Parks and Rec. remembered it was there and posted it on their website. What a shame.
For the record: I own and live on a very nice stretch of waterfront property with a lovely house overlooking the Nanticoke River. I'm not near the Cove, but have witnessed the types of people that you describe as everyone and the problems associated with them. My taxes pay for plenty of parks in other parts of the county. I don't even want them driving on the westside roads....Stay in Salisbury!
As a West Side parent of two small boys, we have come to enjoy and appreciate the quiet and beautiful Cove park. Up until a short while ago, this was a small, quiet community area where parents could take their families as an alternative to the local beach scene. Recently, the idillic surroundings have been, in a word, trashed. Dirty diapers and beer cans litter the beach along with broken glass from alcoholic beverages, undisposed food, wrappers of every sort and on one of our visits, condoms! We will no longer frequent this area due to these concerns for obvious reasons, but I wish to bring attention to this. It seems that just about every time we find a quiet, out of the way place to play with our children, and enjoy the natural beauty of Delmarva, it is ruined by a human element that does not care a lick for anyone. Certainly, this type of behavior is commonplace in Wicomico county anymore. I hope that the powers that be can correct these problems soon - as for my family, I have finally had enough and my wife and I have put our house up on the market - to those of you staying, we wish you luck with the trash that is allowed to carry on in this manner - the area is simply being over run with human garbage.
The rec department is so worried about this subject but what about the price increase in contract fees for the recreation softball league out at the complex it went from $41 to $61 and its going to jump to $81 dollars in the springs this is just wrong i just hope no one plays than they will think about the move they just made. They have lost alot of buisness cause who can afford this?
If there can't be parking, just close the park. That means closed to ALL people, not just everyone but people who live in westside. There are far greater problems in westside other than this park. How about the vandalism that occurs by the locals. Parents down there need to start teaching some hometraining. Most people that live on Cove Rd bought knowing a park existed. Don't b!tch about it now.
Close it to vehicle traffic. Locals will go by boat and enjoy it as it was once. That is solution we can live with. It's not only the people living on Cove Rd., it is the community that is fed up with the problems that have developed since the county advertised the park to people from out of the area. While there are so problems on the westside that are the result of local children, in the past thiose issues were dealt with from within the community and resolved. That is something that cannot be done with the "visitors from other areas".
Tourism doesn't advertise the parks to visitors from other areas...just Wicomico County in general....you need to look at the "from here" people and how little they care for their area!
9:22 Wait a minute. Who are these "visitors from other areas" you speak of? I say anyone that is a Wicomico County resident and pays taxes to this county isn't someone "from another area".
I'm glad people are laying the blame where it belongs- to the county employee(s) that had the idea of advertising the Cove. They did this without ever visiting or contacting anyone that lives on Cover Rd to get their input. Now they have created a terrible situation.
If the county can't provide enough parking by purchasing some land or allow parking on one side of the street then I predict this mess with continue. Even with signs, increased towing, etc... people are going to still illegally park. They know that the county cannot afford to police this relatively remote, rural area with much vigor. And as I think Joe pointed out earlier, where will the tow trucks come from Salisbury?
The best thing I can offer is they take down the advertisement and ramp up advertisement on the cedar hill park.
Perhaps if locals in the county could still swim at places like Leonard's Mill and Schumaker Pond it would help.
I understand the frustration of Westside residents, having lived in the area myself.You move out to areas like that to be free of problems you would have in Salisbury or any other urban/suburban city.Maybe some local residents can put together a community watch.I hate to see such a beautiful area with so any natural resources be trashed like it is.
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