There's been a very serious accident on Rt. 13 South and Flower Hill Church Road. A Wicomico Sheriff's Deputy in an unmarked Charger crashed into a vehicle, cutting it in half! The Deputy seems to be OK but we haven't received word of the condition of anyone else. More to come....
I was at the scene. The person in that vehicle was pronounced dead almost as soon as they got to the trauma center from what the police are being told. The State's CRASH team (reconstruction team) is on the way.
OMG! How fast was the deputy going?
I feel sorry for the driver regardless of how it happened or whether or not they survived the crash and my heart goes out to both parties involved. But I have to hand it to Dodge! I think that cruiser might be repairable!! It cut another vehicle in half and that's all the damage that was done to the cruiser!? If it wasn't for the macabre factor here this would make for a wonderful testimonial for Dodge.
Dear Lord, provide comfort and healing for all involved, and please be with the family and friends of any who they might have lost. In Jesus name.
Response time from Station 3 was slow....I know it happens some times, but what a terrible time for it to happen. More volunteers are needed to staff, or we'll all be paying higher taxes to staff more paid personel.
what kind of car was the white car? does any one know how the officer is?
I spoke to someone who's in contact with the fire department and they said nobody died. Just personal injuries.
I pray for all.
Hey Sumtner don't print things for the world to see until you know the facts. Both parties are fine.
to jason sumtner !! for your information my roommate is sure alive..see that how people startrumor just making up shit!!! but for anyone who want to kno he is really hurt but he is ok
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