Alex X. Arroyo-Flores, 21, left his family's home around 5:00 PM on Friday 8/27/2010 to go to work at the Fruitland McDonald's. He seemed perfectly fine, nothing out of ordinary as he left. This was to be his first day back at work after the family's return from their vacation in Puerto Rico.
When Alex had not returned home by 3:00 AM the next morning, his parents and sister became very worried and tried to contact him, but his cell phone was apparently off, as it went straight to voicemail when called. His parents left right away to look for him wherever they thought that he might be: McDonald's, WalMart, friends' homes, etc. Meanwhile his sister stayed home, calling friends for news of his whereabouts and watching over their younger siblings.
Through contacts at the McDonald's, the family found out that Alex never made it to work that night.
Nobody they contacted has seen him or heard from him. Additional family joined the search and scoured the area, looking for signs of him or his car, a silver Toyota Corolla, license plate 2ER E21. It is about 2007, with a Puerto Rican flag hanging from the rearview mirror and dark seat and steering wheel covers.
When the search yielded nothing, his parents filed a missing persons report for Alex with the Wicomico County Sheriff Department. The Deputy that handle the report contacted local hospital(s) and detention centers but Alex was not found in these.
All day Saturday, the family called friends, people he had contacted within the last couple of days, and rechecked with local hospitals. Alex is a Type 1 Diabetic, using an insulin pump. Within the last two-three months, he has had problems controlling his blood sugar; he was admitted to the hospital twice for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The family is terrified that his blood sugar is or could become too high or too low, which could be fatal if he does not receive treatment immediately.
The Sheriff Department contacted the cell phone provider with hopes of tracking Alex's cell phone, but Verizon was not able to locate Alex’s phone's signal. A family member in Puerto Rico somehow managed to find a website which claimed to have received a signal from Alex's phone at about 11:00 AM Saturday from an apartment address. His family rushed to the neighborhood, but could not find Alex's car anywhere nearby, and the police apparently would not send someone to enter the apartments without the car being present.
It has now been over 24 hours since Alex's family last saw him, and they are desperate for any news of his health and/or whereabouts.
Alex is a student at UMES and a Manager at the Fruitland McDonald's. He is an insulin-dependent Type 1 Diabetic. He is 21 years old, about 5' 7'', 140 lbs, Puerto Rican, dark brown hair and eyes. He probably has stubble in his beard and mustache area. He speaks both English and Spanish. He was last seen wearing the red polo McDonald's uniform. Normally wears a hand-made anklet around his left ankle, rubber bands around his right wrist, a black watch, and various necklaces that say Puerto Rico, one that has his name and 'Diabetic' engraved on the back, we believe.
Contact information:
(Alex's cell) (410) 202-9094
(Father) Felipe Arroyo (410) 430-3480 farrwflo@verizon.net
(Mother) Wilma Flores (410) 430-3090
(Sister) Krystal Arroyo (443) 523-2625 kdarroyo@mit.edu
(Home) (410) 543-9485
309 Danford Cir.
Salisbury, MD 21804
Please him us get this guy home safe. He is a nice guy, and he nor his family deserve this. Get him home safe!
Alex is a wonderful young man. I taught him years ago...a top notch student...wonderful family. Please help this family in any way to help locate their beloved son. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Alex, and your family. God bless you all.
Sure hope the young man is found safe and sound.
Isn't is a normal policy if someone doesnt show to work on time someone calls to see if they are coming to work. This is the manager not showing up. I would think that someone show have called some higher level of managment being the establishment was going to run without a manager on duty (managers has the keys to void/fix transaction) and get change for the employees) or was there another manager on duty? If there was another manager on duty why didnt that manager call and check up on Alex ....lots of time had been lost if someone had just made a phone call. Please get home safely Alex....
I'm glad you posted this, Joe. Of course none of the other "media" (and I use that term loosely) decided to post any info on their websites. Needless to say, This family is a great family. let's all pray for Alex. Joe, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep us updated on this one.
To Alex and his family you are in our prayers.
Joe--Is there any way you can please pin this to the top? Its urgent and really needs as many people to see it as possible right now.
Alex is a great guy. Let's bring him home safe...
Our family has known Alex and his family since kindergarten. Alex has always been a kind, gentle person, and his is a lovely and loving family. Please pray for Alex's safe return. And Joe--please post information if you hear that the family wants community help of any kind. I know many of us will be more than happy to help this family in any way possible.
Actually, I'm a manger and if my employee's don't come to work, I don't call them. They are adults and it's their responsibility to show up. Back to Alex... my husband has worked with his father for years. We are all praying for Alex's safe return home soon.
Hey Joe does anyone know if there is an update on this yet? Has he been located?
Agreed. I went to school with him, great guy and needs more attention on here! Thanks joe!
Where I work, we do call...even though they're adults, you just never know and want to make sure they're okay. Of course, I work in a very small office and even if you're late coming back from an appointment, we still call and check.
well needless to say i am a CEO and well if you do a no show then who ever mite be in charge should be callin to see why arnt you showing up.. to him i use to go there alot at nite to get a sweet tea and some nuggets and he always was working and is a very nice guy and provides excellent service. if there is any thing that we as a brotherhood could help and do please post it. plenty of us police and firefighters that could do so much more.
My heart breaks for this family. My oldest daughter went to school w/Krystal and was in her graduating class. I have seen this loving family together at PTAs and school events since my daughter was in elementary school. I have seen Krystal dance and perform many times at events. The family always speaks to me and smiles although we don't know each other well. I was on the after prom committee w/the Dad and always thought they seemed like such a nice family who is very involved w/their children. I don't understand why bad things always happen to good people. I will get word out on my Face Book page. Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers. Please let the community know what we can do. God bless you all in this terrifying situation. I am crying for you right because that could be one of my daughters missing and my teenager works near that McDonald's. I can't imagine the pain you must feel.
Well 2:57 you sound like a crappy manager because if you have a good reliable employee who has worked for you for years and one day they don't show up without so much as a phone call, I'd say something is definitely wrong.
We have not found Alex yet. Please help us spread the word and utilize whatever resources available so that we can find Alex.We need the support and assistance of all those who can empathize with the emotional turmoil that having a missing loved one can bring about. Sometimes people want to help, yet they don't realize how much posting a message on their network pages can help!!! Alert your friends and family!
Tai Pelli
I said a prayer, posted a link to my Face Book page and will be happy to distribute missing person flyers or help search. Please keep us posted Joe! Everyone, Salisbury and Fruitland are getting dangerous! Please check in on your teens regularly who are out on the roads or at work just to make sure they are safe. Next time, it could be one of my daughters or one of your family members! We have to be vigilant and report suspicious activity too! It is always a good idea for people no matter what age to check in w/someone when they go out at night. And managers, please make that phone call when someone does not show up to work, particularly if they are a reliable employee who would never miss work or show up late! Time is so crucial in missing person cases! We must all do our part!!
Dear God our Almighty Father in Heaven keep Alex safe and alive protect him with your Guardian Angels and give wisdom and knowledge to all who is searching for him to find him now so he can get back to his family, also be with his parents, brothers and sisters and all his relatives always in the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!
Queridos Felipe, Wilma y familia, los tengo presente en mi corazon, mis pensamientos y en mis oraciones. Dios es grande y lo ultimo que hay que perder es la fe, El tiene a Alex bajo su cuidado y cautela. Anoche, en la iglesia St. Francis de Sales, rezamos por Uds. y pedimos a Dios por el regreso sano y salvo de Alex. Sus amigos latinos los queremos mucho y queremos hacer algo por Uds. por favor dennos a saber que podemos hacer.
Dear Family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for Alex's safe return. Our Latin family is praying for you and wants to know what we can do for you, please contact us and let us know. We are here for you.
I also have shared this info with my Facebook friend list.
I am wondering if he might have gotten hypoglycemic and gotten disoriented.To the uneducated eye,a hypoglycemic patient can appear intoxicated.I hope and pray someone saw him,noticed him and will come forth.
Fili, Wilma y family,
We are praying for you and a safe return of Alex, we miss him and we know God is great and will bring him home safe and sound. I have distribute the news paper to all our carriers in the MD, VA and DE area to be on alert. Thru prayer and the community/family pulling together to get Alex home we will prevail.
Senor amado, protege a Alex en donde se encuentre, sobre todo brindale tu amor so el sepa que no importa lo que este viviendo Dios esta con el y lo sacara adelante. Brindale Senor paz y consuelo a Fili, Wilma, Tio, Maria, Don Chilo y demas familia para poder lidear con esta situacion y que la llama de la esperanza, el amor y la fe en ti Dios nuestro sigue ardiendo tan fuerte como el dia en que Alex llego a alegrar nuestras vidas.
Los quiere mucho Melvin, Luly y familia
I am praying for his safe return home. I have known Alex every since elementry school. He is a great guy. Everytime I go to Mcdonald's he is always there greeting people with a big smile.
This is Alex's mom and we are asking anyone interested in helping us search all fields , corn fiels woods etc, to please contact us by phone or come by the house or just organize groups of two or more to help us search. We are searching all avenues to find our son and would greatly appreciate any and all help available.
This is Alex's sister, Krystal. following up on my mom's comment, if anyone can help provide water for the searchers, we would greatly appreciate it.
Right now, family and friends are searching the field behind the Fruitland Walmart. If you want to help, just go there.
I wish I could be there to help with the search but unfortunatelly I am in NY; please help my friends with the search...please keep posting the missing person information in Facebook, myspace or any other website available to you...keep the prayers coming as I pray to God for Alex safe return home...May God bless him and may God give strenght to his family during this painfull momements...love always Omayra Camacho
Hello, this is Alex's family in PA. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help our family find ALEX, If anyone has seen anything please send an anonymous tip, distribute flyers, search,or spread the word... Our heart breaks a little more very minute that passes that we do not locate him. In God's name we pray...
well since my dad works for sherriff dept and since i know him cause i always go to mcdonalds alot I wanna do whatever I can to help find out where he is cause he seems like sucha nice person who doesn't deserve this
I've known him since I was 8. We played on the same soccer team then we went to the same high school. I've always known him to be an extremely pleasant and upbeat guy who has nothing but the best to say about people. I wish there was something I could do to help and to remedy this situation. Alex, if your out there, I love you man and I want everything to be okay. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.
Lee S. Ralston
I am praying for the safe return of Alex and will post this on my Facebook. I also but him on the Silent Unity Prayer List and they will be praying 24/7 for Alex and the entire family for 30 days. If I could physically search I would but if there is anything else I might do please let me know. Felipe, my husband, Jim LaGarde works with you and came home with a flyer yesterday. I thought I would see if I could post a few in stores here in Pocomoke.
We are praying for your entire family.
Maryellen LaGarde
I am very sorry to hear that Alex is missing, My name is Lynn I am family of The Miranda family in Maryland (I live in Ohio) I will post a link on my facebook page, I hope Alex comes home safe and very soon. My thoughts and prayers are with Alex and family and friends.
Dedicated to Family Arroyo-Flores and the ones praying and searching for Alex
9 Y yo os digo: Pedid, y se os dará; buscad, y hallaréis; llamad, y se os abrirá. 10 Porque todo el que pide, recibe; y el que busca, halla; y al que llama, se le abrirá.
Lucas 11:9-10 (La Biblia de las Américas)
9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Psalm 91 (King James Version) dedicated to Alex and his family 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psa%2091&version=KJV
en espagnol
I saw him in the halls of my high school and was in a computer class with his sister. From everything I saw, they were the best kind of people. I hope he is found.
To the "manager" that said you don't call your employees, it is a good thing you posted anonymously because I for one would make every effort to have you fired. Calling employees if they are late is a standard practice. Not just a few minutes late, but if someone is an hour or more late. At that point there are really only four things that could have happened, two of them very bad. If this had happened on your watch, a lot of people would be angry at you.
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