About 7% of the school age children in Maryland and other states have at least one parent who is an illegal immigrant, according to a new study by the Pew Hispanic Center, but four out of five of these children were born in the United States and are U.S. citizens.
That could mean that as many as 60,000 children in Maryland public schools have at least one parent who is an “unauthorized immigrant,” as the Pew Hispanic Center prefers to call them, but only about 10,000 of the kids are foreign born. State and local taxpayers put out $10,600 to $14,500 a year per pupil for each student.
The Pew Center noted that immigrants tend to be younger and have higher birth rates than native-born Americans, and illegal immigrants are more likely than others to live in households as a couple with children.
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Do you think the illegal immigrants pay taxes to support their children in the public school system? Nope
Throw them out of the school system, want to win face the harsh reality of what needs done. We dont owe them anything.
A friend and I were just discussing this last week.As much as people around here demonize Hispanics,lets give them some credit for having family values that we obviously do not anymore in this country.Young unwed girls both black and white are having multiple kids with multiple fathers but whenever you see a Hispanic family,you see a family unit-Mom,Dad and kids.They may or may not be illegal but at least they are trying to do the right thing by their families.And not suprisingly,their kids will do better than them and be successful because of the strong family foundation they have.
Just think I cannot send my Children to College but I can pay for their, illegal immigrants, education and College when they are of age. Why does the Government not pay for my last Childs education / College. This is blantant discrimination against my family. Send them back to their Country of origin and when the child reaches 18 they may re-enter the US without their Parents. This will be less cost to the Tax Payer, education, medical, public asst. and even their collection of SSI. MD is taxed to much already we don't need any more help in raising our taxes.
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