Airport Road N/O Brickyard Road Seaford
Monday July 19, 2010, 7:36 p.m.
Christine L. Callaway-39, 26000 block Garn Lane Seaford, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
5th Offense Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Criminal Solicitation
Resisting Arrest
Driving While Suspended or Revoked
Failure to Have Insurance Identification in Possession
Failure to Have Registration Card
Inattentive Driving
Remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute $6,801 secured bond
Delaware State Police Monday July 19, 2010 responded to a complaint of a vehicle lodged in a ditch. The vehicle was reported to be on Airport road north of Brickyard road Seaford, Delaware.
State Troopers upon arrival learned the operator of the 1985 cream colored Chevrolet truck Christine L. Callaway had fled into a nearby cornfield. State Troopers called for Callaway to exit the cornfield however eventually entered and were able to apprehended Callaway.
State Troopers contacted witnesses at the crash scene, learned that Callaway was the driver and that she attempted to offer the witnesses money if they helped free her car and not call the police.
A subsequent search of Callaway’s history resulted in the discovery of four prior offenses for Driving under the Influence convictions.
State Police arrested Callaway for the above listed offenses. Callaway was remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of $6,801 secured bond.
Airport Road N/O Brickyard Road Seaford
Monday July 19, 2010, 7:36 p.m.
Christine L. Callaway-39, 26000 block Garn Lane Seaford, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
5th Offense Driving under the Influence of Alcohol
Criminal Solicitation
Resisting Arrest
Driving While Suspended or Revoked
Failure to Have Insurance Identification in Possession
Failure to Have Registration Card
Inattentive Driving
Remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute $6,801 secured bond
Delaware State Police Monday July 19, 2010 responded to a complaint of a vehicle lodged in a ditch. The vehicle was reported to be on Airport road north of Brickyard road Seaford, Delaware.
State Troopers upon arrival learned the operator of the 1985 cream colored Chevrolet truck Christine L. Callaway had fled into a nearby cornfield. State Troopers called for Callaway to exit the cornfield however eventually entered and were able to apprehended Callaway.
State Troopers contacted witnesses at the crash scene, learned that Callaway was the driver and that she attempted to offer the witnesses money if they helped free her car and not call the police.
A subsequent search of Callaway’s history resulted in the discovery of four prior offenses for Driving under the Influence convictions.
State Police arrested Callaway for the above listed offenses. Callaway was remanded to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of $6,801 secured bond.
probation time comming her way. judges appear not to mind her other dui's.
When is all this crap going to stop! When is law enforcement and the courts going to start doing their jobs?
Get these people OFF our roads!
It isn't the cops who release these repeat offenders. Place the blame where it is due--lenient judges and weak criminal laws!
She needs to get the guys to drink to make her look better. Ewwwwww Nasty
For the record I have never been that damn drunk.
Get a stick fast!
Cass - read my comment again. I didn't say it was the cops that released them.
The cops should do patrols, especially around the bars.
Do that periodically on a random basis and they'll catch a lot of these DUI drivers before they actually have a chance to kill one of us.
Word will get around that people better have DD's and it will cut down on the number of people attempting to drive while intoxicated.
It isn't so easy for people drinking at home or at a friend's house but if you see them stumbling out of the bar and then get behind the wheel - case closed.
Anymore - To serve and PROTECT means NOTHING!
They serve and REACT. I don't know of one police agency here on the shore besides maybe the Wicomico Sheriff's Dept. who takes a PROACTIVE stance. They all seem to prefer the REACTIVE stance and that's why crime is what it is now.
This case proves beyond a doubt (as if further proof was ever needed) that the State doesn't really give a damn about citizen safety. Four prior DUI's AND SHE STILL HAS A LICENSE?? Its a money machine and the State keeps coming up with a jackpot --- the lawyers who "specialize" in DUI cases get RICH and the State rakes in HUGE amounts of money with fines and fees and court costs...and they keep retired cops on the payroll giving "classes" to DUI offenders (like THAT really works), which are paid for by the offenders. Judges keep the fines rolling and have NO PROBLEM placing our lives in jeopardy (and make no mistake---thats what they are doing) by letting people continue to drive after 4 DUI'S!!! How the hell can someone's license be REVOKED for accumulating "points", but retain it after 4 DUI's???
She didnt have a license it was revoked.
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