The Salisbury Police Department maintains on its website a list of cases that have remained unsolved for years. http://www.salisburypd.com/Cold_Cases/cold_cases.html
Here are the unsolved homicides.
If you have any information about these crimes, please contact the SPD at 410-548-3165 or
CrimeSolvers at 410-548-1776. Those providing information, if they desire, may remain
anonymous. CrimeSolvers may offer cash rewards.
Desirei Demeris Joyner
On September 19, 2001 at approximately 10:16 P.M. the Salisbury Police responded to the area of Priscilla St. and the railroad tracks in reference to a homicide. The investigation revealed that the victim a black male (Desirei Joyner) was found lying in the roadway and had been shot with a handgun. The victim had been shot inside a residence on Jefferson St. during a struggle and fled from the house where he collapsed in the roadway. During the investigation the subjects who lived in the house did not call the police and were deceptive during interviews.
Anyone with any information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.
Angel Morales
On August 29, 1998 at approximately 12:50 A.M. the Salisbury Police responded to the area of the VFW on W. Main St. in reference to a homicide. The investigation revealed that the victim a Hispanic male (Angel Morales) had been robbed and shot with a small caliber handgun. A witness told police that they observed two suspects at the time of the shooting. The first suspect is described as a black male, approximately 36 years of age, 6 feet tall, 150 pounds, with 2 inch knots or dreads in his hair with a light mustache. This suspect is known as “Bobby Jones” and “Dreads”. The second suspect is described as a black male, approximately 27 - 30 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, 175 pounds, short hair, with an earring in his left ear and right side of the nose.
Anyone with any information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.
Steven Lamont Whitney
On October 25, 1997 at approximately 1:30 A.M. the Salisbury Police responded to the area of 1007 Fairground Dr. in reference to a homicide. The investigation revealed that the victim a black male, (Steven Whitney) had been shot with a large caliber handgun. A witness observed the suspect in possession of a handgun just prior to the shooting. The suspect is described as a light skinned black male, possibly half Italian, first name of Alvino, also known as “Al”, 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet tall, 175 pounds, slim to medium build, approximately 25 - 30 years old, last seen wearing a tan toboggan with red stripes. (See Composite Sketch) The suspect was last seen leaving the area just after the shooting in vehicle. The vehicle is described a dark color possibly brown or grey in color, older model Oldsmobile Delta 88, tinted windows and displaying Washington D.C. tags. The investigation revealed that the suspect had visited the Salisbury, MD area frequently but lives or has contacts in the Washington D.C. area.
Anyone with any information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.
George “Sonny” Stevenson Jr.
On March 27, 1997 at approximately 1:10 A.M. the Salisbury Police responded to the rear of 618 Baker St. in reference to a homicide. The investigation revealed that the victim a white male, (George “Sonny” Stevenson Jr.) had been robbed and shot with a small caliber handgun. A witness advised that the victim went to the rear of the house and several minutes later observed the victim fun from the rear of the house and heard gunshots. The witness advised that they observed the suspect running behind the victim with his arm extend and appeared to be chasing after the victim. The witnesses described the suspect as a black male, approximately 18 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, 220 pounds.
Anyone with any information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.
Irma Jane Smith
On May 12, 1994 at approximately 1:54 A.M. the Salisbury Police responded to the Shore Stop convenience store located on Rt. 13 and Cherry St. in reference to a homicide. The investigation revealed that the store clerk a white female,(Irma Jane Smith) had been stabbed numerous times. It appears that Smith had been robbed prior to the homicide. A witness told police they saw a man inside the store at approximately 1:30 A.M. When the witness attempted to entered the business a black male told the witness that the store was closed. A second witness advised police that he observed a black male putting items into a bag. This witness was also told by the subject that the store was closed. The man inside the store was described as a black male, approximately 30 years old, 6 feet tall, weighing approximately 230 pounds with a light mustache, wearing a baseball type hat, brown work pants and a work jacket. The police are also looking for a man that was seen outside the store on the pay phone who may either be a witness or possible lookout for the suspect. This man is described as a black male, approximately 28 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing about 165 pounds, very clean appearance with a mustache.
Anyone with any information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.
I remember the death of Irma Jane Smith- I was newly in college, and my parents, I know, had that in the back of their minds when cautioning me to be safe. It's really sad that her murder hasn't been solved.(It's sad that none of these have been solved- I just remember hers.
what about the baby that was killed on memorial day weekend in 2006? The one they refused to work on after being asked to reopen it by the S/A office? Walston, 6 weeks old and brutally murdered??
Sonny Stevenson is the son of one of my closest friends. I fear his parents will never have closure. Kathy Parsons, the one person whom we're certain knows who killed Sonny has long since moved away from here as I am sure the cab driver has as well. Somethings we'll never know. Maybe it is just as well. R.I.P Sonny
does anyone see a pattern in all these crimes ? hmmm ...
11:01, there is a pattern, except the last death. All of these deaths were drug related, and i guess a store clerk getting killed could be too. That is why I don't see the need in wasting money to solve these murders (except the last one) if druggies want to kill eachother, good. At some point, we will end up supporting them.
EXCEPT THE LAST ONE HUH!!! Well Im Sonny Stevensons daughter an I do see a need in useing their money so that my family and I can have closure.. SO that a killer isnt roaming the streets. If it was your Dad brutally murdered while you were sleeping you wouldnt say the same. Here it is years after this happened an I still cant sleep cause of it.. My dad didnt see me graduate or get married, his grandkids were never given the priviledge of knowing him. I think people shouldnt be so DAMN selfish in life.. especially when they dont know the entire story. I will pray for your ignorance as I do others that are so rude and blind.
The cold case of Lonnie Melvin hasn't been solved why ha it been taking down
Do you know what cab company and or the driver? I would like to help if possible. I know it's been a long time that's just more reason to help.
Bless the bury
Good question ... who has the answer?
Good question ... who has the answer? RIP! The Lord knows, rectified & reveals all things. FAITH IS FACTS!!!
Lonnie Melvin's case is still unsolved yet not on this list. I'd like to know why
People know about Sonny's killer. There were witnesses but somebody got to them and they never came forward. Too bad people can't do the right thing.
I miss my dad so much
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