These are the dog days of summer – a good time to foist folly upon a public distracted by baseball, crabs & beer, beaching it, mowing grass, and now the melodrama called Charles B. Rangel, the esteemed public servant. It’s not surprising that the lovely Ph.D. to be in the Mayor’s office is trying to resurrect a colossal calamity at the City Council’s next work session on Monday, August 2.
The cost estimates seem to be massaged since the last effort to hoodwink us; now only an estimated $717,665 more money is needed, what with the City kicking in the property for nada and if $915,000 in so-called “grants” are available (a really big IF).
But the estimated cost to rehab, the derelict building into a few small apartments, with the City’s property gift included, is still nearly $2 Million and likely would be somewhat more when all is done.
This is a no-brainer: NO WAY! This would be as much a fiasco as would that plan to acquire and rehab the “Linens of the Week” property, which Lore will probably try to revive also before summer ends.
The “consultant” is demanding that the City pay them almost $25,000 for concocting this absurdity if it does not go forward to folly at “The Bricks.” So, let them sue the City and get laughed out of court.
"Lore Chambers Ph.D (Candidate)"
Is that Bimbo in love with herself or what!!
Does anyone know what and where she is getting her Ph.D from?
And who is paying for it?
PhD Candidate? Wow. Kind of pompous of her to even add that as a title after her name isn't it? You are not a PhD yet and quite frankly most folks could really care less if you are in graduate school. Adding PhD Candidate just demonstrates how arrogant you can be in my opinion.
I bet Brickster Comegys will be there.
I know what I would do with one of those bricks.
Maybe someone should check out her Financial Standing.....She just another friggin Demo-crack....I would also like to know who is paying for her "higher stupidacation".....I love the way she walks around the city office building like she is the Queen of Salisbury.....and cannot pay her own bills......but for that matter not many Demo-cracks like to either
This made me vomit , I'm glad i don't live in that screwed-up city with the likes of smith , comegy and shields. You guys that voted for these idiots are as dumb as a brick.
As a tax paying citizen I like many others want to know if the city of Salisbury taxpayers are paying her tuition for her PhD? Someone in the city please let us know. We have the right to know if our taxes are going to college credits.
I am curious, does any one know in what field she is attempting to get a PhD? or is this a case of Pile Higher & Deeper?
Now let me see, we could make it a Veterans home , or a low housing project , or a crack house , I mean a drug rehab. , or anything shanie can think up. I got a better idea shanie , a chocolate factory , new business in the area.
Soory about that folks , I just lowered myself to their level , that's the only way you can communicate with these idiots.
meanwhile the city police are getting furloughed after 4 years without a cost of living and salisbury is getting the the subsidized housing business
Anonymous said...
meanwhile the city police are getting furloughed after 4 years without a cost of living and salisbury is getting the the subsidized housing business
1:46 PM
Meanwhile the firefighters/EMS providers are being furloughed as well. Does anyone know if there are any city employees not getting furloughed?
2:12, yeah, Ireton and Pick
2:28 PM You forgot to mention that Lore Chambers isn't getting furloughed.
I was told that Ms. Chamberpot was getting her Ph.D on the city's dime. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Even at 717k + 24k, that's borrowing $85,000.00 per unit! They would never sell for that price, and renting them would take forever to pay that money back, if ever!
It's a no brainer NO WAY!
Lore Chambers...The real bricks...
She's a brick----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.
She's a brick----house
She's the one, the only one,
who's built like a amazon
We're together everybody knows,
and here's how the story goes.
1:46 + 2:12 = voice of reason
how completely nuts is it to take out a loan to do waaaaaaay overpriced affordable housing when you cannot pay public safety people?????
if Louise Smith keeps pushing this load o' crap, she is a guaranteed goner in the election, if she isn't already
isn't this one of the contracts not done right too that Smith signed?
this city needs a Senate investigative hearing or something
too many weird things and very costly things liek this bricks deal, the fireboat, etc
help is on the way, my foot!!!!!
The Bricks is Lore Chambers mess. She has been trying for 2 years now to get the city to turn that building into housing for the homeless which she has been encouraging to come to Salisbury from all over. We have so much crime in salisbury because of the rentals, the homeless population and the criminals being released from ECI. Wake up Salisbury/Wicomico County when are you going to take back our city/county?
Maybe city employees will be able to live in this subsidized housing since they can't afford to pay their mortgages now.
We ain't seen nothin yet -- wait until that "Linens of the Week" BS resurfaces.
all of the above..... and
$200,000 per unit.... $500,000 in FEES?
sounds like she's not a canadate anymore, now she's a
Professional Housing Dumbass
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