SALISBURY, MD, JULY 2, 2010 - Brent Miller, CCIM, CPM, Managing Director and Senior Advisor for Sperry Van Ness - Miller Commercial Real Estate in Salisbury, MD is pleased to announce the sale of 636-652 South Salisbury Boulevard to Peninsula Regional Medical Center. The sale included several parcels totaling 1.15 acres located next to PRMC on the main thoroughfare of US Route 13. One of the parcels comprised the men’s clothing store, Mr. Curleys. Mr. Curleys will continue to operate at this location for the foreseeable future. Brent Miller, CCIM, CPM represented the sellers and Randy Bendler of Bendler Real Estate represented PRMC in this transaction. For more information, please contact Brent.Miller@svn.com.
Founded in 1987, Sperry Van Ness International, headquartered in Irvine, California, is the 12th largest commercial real estate brokerage firm in the world with more than 950 advisors in 3 countries, 38 states, and 153 markets. Sperry Van Ness has completed more than 39 billion dollars in sales volume on 12,000 commercial real estate transactions in the last 4 years alone.
Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate, with offices in Salisbury, MD, Laurel, DE, and Lewes, DE provides advisory, brokerage, consultation, and leasing services to clients in Maryland & Delaware, and asset and property management in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. SVN-Miller is currently ranked #2 for Sperry Van Ness and has the largest market share of any one SVN office. To provide the highest value to its clients, Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate promotes a philosophy of professionalism, backed by quality and ethical responsibility in all dealings. Guided by this principal Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate advised clients on over $55 million in commercial real estate transactions in 2009. They currently manage 2 million square feet of commercial property. For more information, please visit http://www.svnmiller.com/ or contact the office at 410.543.2440.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Mark Glushakow, (Mr. Curley) owner of the parcels sold to PRMC stated "this was a great deal for both parties." He went on to say that he has always wanted these properties to go to PRMC for future growth for future generations.
All tenants will be given long term leases with the Hospital, so nothing is planned for the immediate future for PRMC. They simply wanted to secure the properties for the future. Mr. Curley's has been in business now for 55 years.
Between the hospital and the college they will own everything in Salisbury. Who will pay the taxes then?
Great job Brent and Randy! Great corner lot and great to see the hospital buy it...good move for the community at large..can't wait to see the future plans for that corner...tons of potential.
6 p.m. -- you were reading my mind.
so that's why the employees at PRMC lost their vacation days!
6:00 pm
We will pay the taxes , in your hospital bill. Got it!
I thought the hospital was hurting for money???
Shouldn't the city have bought it and straightened out the S curve?
hmmmm how long till prmc turns this lot into another stone parking lot ?
First they cut our raise potential, then our 403B match, now PRMC is taking our vacation hours away from us. IT FEELS LIKE WE ARE BEING RAPED.
PRMC needs to go they have ruined my neighborhood for parking lots .... way to go mr curley hope all that money was worth it
10:05pm, if you feel you are being treated so badly....LEAVE. There are plenty of people out there looking for jobs. Compare your benefits with other organizations locally and see how it stacks up. Healthcare is in for a bumpy ride the next few years. If you can stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.
6:08, I am so tired of people like you saying "if you don't like it leave". That is not good way to feel when being employed. Like you should appreciate your employer walking all over you and cutting and cutting. Especially when they don't go about it the right way. Where do you work 6:08? BTW, I know someone who works at PRMC, and was shocked at how mediocre to poor their healthcare is. So....why don't you go fly a kite in a rainstorm. (I know Joe won't allow what I wold like to say)
It wont be me paying anything. I got to Atlantic general. If I can't be seen there take me to Balitmore. As far as I know the hospital and college dont even pay the same taxes that others do. Each time they buy some more property that is less money the city gets in tax money.
It will be great to someday have the level of care that is taken for granted on the other side of the bay. No more 2 hour drives or helicopter flights.
Enough bashing of PRMC already!! I work there as an RN and see day in and day out the care the nurses and the doctors have for their patients. Just because you hear about someone dying doesn't make it PRMC's fault!! It is LIFE people! hahhahaha! I get such a kick out of some people's stupidity sometimes. 11:05 - stupidest comment on here. "PRMC needs to go"??? It is the local hospital where lives are saved and babies are born every single day!! Good grief. Hope you are never in an emergency situation then.
so glad my 2 days of vacation could go to such a worthy cause. Hope is in site. Peggy Nalepa is auctioning off her convertible and the proceeds will save the whole mess. Great fiscal planning and investment!
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