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Monday, July 05, 2010
Oil Spill -Obama's Transparency Once Again Denied
A few weeks ago I sent you a link to an audio made by a freelance news guy who told of reporters being denied access to the beaches in New Orleans and Florida as well as the reports of reporters being arrested. Some of the commenters had a difficult time believing it. Some even ridiculed the reporter. Well here is a video directly from CNN - a left leaning cable news channel. See for yourself. Even CNN sees the media blackout. Even some of the Local leaders have been kept in the dark.
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Not too long ago I posted a comment about this gusher being much bigger than it was being shown to be...the government (who is STILL in the pockets of "big oil", does not want the public to know the true extent of this disaster...prohibiting the press (freedom of the press??? HAH!) from going on PUBLIC LAND to report to the PEOPLE very critical information?! ARRESTING reporters (freedom of the press?? not anymore...)...Who are these police actually working for?? CLUE: It ain't the "people"....This is very indicative of the big issue in the U.S.A. --- many people just can't believe --- refuse to believe -- that our "of the people, for the people, and by the people" government would jail reporters, arrest reporters, perform secret trials and arrests, confiscate property without trial or due process, do warrantless searches, etc...they just cannot believe it and even when confronted with the facts, THEY REFUSE TO SEE. I say again ---this event (the oil gusher) will change this entire region in, as yet, unimaginable and terrible ways...and the worse it gets, the less you will be told about it....
65 ft.=about 20 yards. You mean to tell me that cnn doesn't have enough zoom in their camera to magnify an image from 20 yards?
9:59 is right. The freedom of the press was intended to be the Government watchdog. It seems as though that dog has been caged by the Obama administration. If it goes much further, that watchdog will be put down. The Second Amendment was put in place as a defender of all other rights. The way they are manipulating the media on this issue is reprehensible. Now we know why the militia groups are getting larger and gaining support. Remember, if it wasn't for the militia in 1776, we would still be drinking tea with a British tax stamp on it. Soon we will again reinstate the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land and we will have learned from past mistakes that bring us to this point.
Most of you on this site supported Palin "Drill Baby Drill" so don't get upset.
"most of you" ??? what kind of assumptive, idiotic, and generalized statement is that?? How the hell do YOU know what "most of you" supported, anyway?? Personally, as a registered Republican, I think Palin is a hyped-up, media-promoted screech owl saying things she THINKS will impress her audience and elicit cheers...another politician...she was never ready to be President --- then or now -- and I hope she is not being primed to be the nominee in 2012. Who's she gonna pick as her running mate? Eliabeth Edwards?
The only reason this restriction of "the press" is being reported by our Main Stream Media is because it is the intenet FREE PRESS who is being restricted.
On sites like Infowars.com, Newwithviews.com, and Rense.com are the people of America being told the truth. The truth is the real press (private, internet media) is being harassed and locked up for trying to expose the truth.
The Main Stream Media is PART OF THE PROBLEM. They are the big corporations who run our government. They are owned by the same elites who own BP, Exxon, Shell, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, et al.
So now the Main Stream Liars are reporting that THEY are being with held from the truth. Poppycock!
Let's see some REAL investigative reporting! Forget about the Rothschild/Vanderbuilt love child white haired gay guy on CNN.
Get the real investigative reporting from the sites I mentioned. Then the truth will convince you that you are not free.
I did not know he is a Rothschild or a Vanderbuilt descendent. Explains a lot about why he has his job!
Barack Obama received more contributions from BP and their employees then any other U.S. politician over the past 20 years. FACT. The one in the pocket of the industry is the cat livin in 1600 Penn Ave.
First Obama is a super green liberal because he's against offshore. Now your saying Big oil has him in their pocket. Which is it? The so-called opposition on the right is downright confusing.
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