Wicomico County Republican Central Committee announces a candidate for Wicomico County State’s Attorney
Using a special provision under Maryland election law, the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee nominated Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello as the 2010 Republican candidate for Wicomico County State’s Attorney.
Matthew Maciarello is entering the campaign upon the urging of colleagues, neighbors, law enforcement, family and friends, and because he believes that he has the education, experience, judgment and integrity required to effectuate positive change in the Office of the State’s Attorney. Matthew is concerned about Wicomico County’s crime and desires to use his energy, time, and talent to serve and protect his family and the families and citizens of Wicomico County.
Matthew Maciarello is an attorney and partner with the Salisbury law firm, Hearne & Bailey, P.A. Matt was educated locally and graduated from both Wor-Wic Community College and Salisbury University with high honors. Matt earned his juris doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Law in 2003 and graduated “with Honor,” a distinction reserved for students graduating in the top one-third of their graduating class. After graduating from law school, Matt completed a judicial clerkship with the Honorable Theodore R. Eschenberg and Thomas C. Groton, III in the Worcester County Circuit Court. Upon completion of his judicial clerkship, Matt was hired as an associate attorney by the law firm of Hearne & Bailey, P.A. While an associate with the firm, Matt was engaged in the general practice of law with an emphasis on criminal and civil litigation. Matt also served as a panel attorney for the Office of the Public Defender and was assigned numerous cases involving misdemeanors and felonies in the District, Circuit and Juvenile Courts of Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester County. Matt became a partner in the firm in August of 2009. Matt is a member of both the Maryland and Delaware Bar.
Matt is married and has two sons, Jonathan and Luke, ages 5 and 9 respectively, with his wife, Sarah.
Matthew Maciarello has a long history of service to Wicomico County:
President of the Wicomico County Bar Association 2008-2009
Active member of the Salisbury Rotary Club
Awarded Rotarian of the Year in 2006 and awarded a Paul Harris Fellow for his service and dedication to his club and community.
A youth soccer coach for his son Jonathan’s St. Francis De Sales soccer team.
Cub Scout leader Pack 185, St. Francis De Sales.
Serves on the Wor-Wic Foundation Board
Currently Assistant Legal Counsel for the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.
Matt’s Treasurer is Steven G. Woodward.
Contact for further information or an interview with Matthew Maciarello please call (410) 543-0294.
Matt is a good man. I am glad to see him step forward.
farm boy
Allow me to explain why comments are going up all at once following this message. By accident I rejected the comments and I now have to go through each one and repost them myself. Sorry for the inconvenience. There may be others I rejected on some other Posts but I don't recall what Posts they were from. Considering there were so many I may just have to pass on many of them. Sorry Folks, Joe
Matt is a good man. I am glad to see him step forward.
farm boy
R. Budd Dwyer's .357 has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
He sounds like a great candidate and I'm a registered Democrat. In my primary, I'm writing in Sam Vincent, in a sign of respect and also a sign of disgust.
Michael Scott has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Matt would make a great States' Attorney. Excellent lawyer, dedicated to the community, and a quality of character that is exemplary.
Please consider voting for Matt.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Knew Matt during my time in Rotary. Very honorable and engaged young man.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
The law enforcement community within Wicomico County have had issues with the current states attorney since his dui and gun charges a couple years ago. Most of them want the number one person of law enforcement in the county to be held at a higher standard and thought he should have resigned after pleading guilty - certainly on moral grounds.
Thus it was no surprise when it became known Sam Vincent was going to challenge his boss that the law enforcment people would rally behind and support Vincent. Sadly his death robbed the community of the most viable alternative we've had in years. this guy mitchell that is running is just a liberal opprotunist who really has no clue what the office is and what is does. His previous history of defendant terrible people and groveling to any case that would pay him money, has doomed his so-called campaign before it could begin. The county has been depressed since Vincents death but now, there is going to be a fresh breath of air blowing into the political arena with Matt running.
He has the qualifications, the background, and the right sense of moral decency to represent this county. He would have the unqualified support of the staff and attorneys as he is untainted by images of favortism, ineptitude, and mismanaged functions.
Please, everyone, take the time to get to know this candidate - republican and democrat alike. He is the best choice for us. It is definately time for a change.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
say one thing now but do another after getting in office. shame charges can't be placed against elected officals that lie to get in office.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
this will at least keep the election interesting. Seth mithcell does not even have a remote chance of beating ruark so we can forget about the democrat primary and focus on the general election.
Matt is a nice guy. I can't picture him hacking away at Davis's obvious character flaws and traits and his prior dwi conviction - with a gun. However if those that are behind matt and those that are bankrolling him demand he attack ruark he might not have a choice.
If you talk to the employees there none of them are very happy. I think most are ready for a change - but hopefully not the type obama and sissy ireton brought with them. go get em Matt
Adam Roop has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Make it happen Matt. I commend your decision to run. Way to step it up! Good luck
Ben and Geri has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Sounds like "The Paper Chase" Using a special provision under Maryland election law, to get on the ballot. I am impressed already I like those who think outside the box.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
He's got my vote just by running against Ruark. ABR is my motto. Anyone But Ruark.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Since we can't have Sam, Matt is the next best choice. He, too, is full of integrity, honesty and doesn't have a BS bone in his body. He has always been a pleasure to work with and is very intelligent and a ZEALOUS advocate!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Nice guy, but never tried a real, real serious case in his career, much less a Death Penalty case. He's never run an office the size of the state's attorney's office. If he really wanted the job, he should have filed for it on his own. But he will be well funded by the criminal defense bar! Davis Ruark all the way!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Finally, a great candidate running that I can really get exicited about and support. Wish you well Matt.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Good! Anyone but Davis!
Salisburian1963 has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
Never heard of him, but he definitely looks better than the other two candidates we have running!!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Matthew (“Matt”) Maciarello To Run For Wicomico St...":
the key word in that entire post is "integrity" - nuff said
People I can tell you this, Matt has been my attorney recently in a civil matter. He has been the most professional and honest attorney I have ever dealt with. Even though he may lack the experience in criminal law, he is still an attorney, and a DECENT ONE at that. He is a man of principal, and truly cares about his clients. It is time for a change in Wicomico County, and trust me, Matt is the man!!!
Steve Woodward is my accountant and a good one at that. I am glad Steve has stepped up to the plate to work for a good candidate. Matt has my vote. Buh Bye Ruark!
excellent choice
The election law allows the Republican Central Committee to nominate Matt for the office of State's Attorney. However, Matt still had to apply for the nomination with the election board; register a treasurer (who by the way is a respected CPA in Salisbury - Steve Woodward); and complete and file his ethics financial form. Matt is committed to this race, and, it appears, out of respect for Sam Vincent, waited an appropriate amount of time before he was nominated by the committee and filed to run for State's Attorney. Matt is a very good, prepared, trial attorney in Court -in both criminal and civil cases. He is respected by both the civil and criminal attorneys (prosecutors and defense attorneys) in Salisbury. Matt is a breath of fresh air in this race.
Seems to me this guy is running because he was nudged by the Republican Party so Ruark couldn't just waltz through the election. It would have said a lot more about his passion for running for the office if he had filed earlier and had decided to get into the race under different circumstances.
Matt-No doubt about it. You are in.
Did you shoot this pic of Matt, Joe?
He should put it on EVERYTHING.
His character shows in his eyes.
This guy will get it done.
Lest we forget:
That law firm -- Hearne & Bailey -- spawned another State's Attorney, Fulton P. Jeffers, Esq.
Hearne & Bailey also had Jim Antheneli, M.J. Caldwell, Dirk Widdowson, Fred Wierman, Hamm Fox, Chris Davis, and on and on and on. Its a good firm that has cultivated good legal talent. Matt is NO EXCEPTION.
Your eyes are the window to your soul. You will be the next state's attorney.
What a courageous group.
Hiding behind your anonymous keyboards, while you impugn Davis Ruark and Seth Mitchell.
If you have something negative to say about a person, have the integrity to sign your name.
Many reputable attorneys refused the Republican Party's blank check, to run against Davis Ruark, because they would not lower themselves to consorting with anonymous hate mongers.
The group of attorneys that has been begging virtually anyone to run against Ruark is comprised of lawyers who Davis Ruark, and Sam Vincent, routinely beat like they own them in Court.
Those lawyers don't want a stronger, or better, State's Attorney.
They want a weaker one, who will be beholden to them and the local fat cats.
Moreover, don't impair Sam Vincent's heritage by invoking his name as part of your gutless character assassinations.
Sam had the moral fiber to put his name, and reputation, behind everything he said and did.
The poster above does not speak for the vast majority of the law enforcement personnel. Virtually all of us support Davis Ruark who has proven himself time and time again to be a first rate trial lawyer and the one we want to try our cases. He's that good.Anyone who thinks you can be ready to try a death penalty case in a week is so out of touch the he must live on Jupiter. Davis' supporters have been told to refrain from any negative comments whatsoever. Matt must not have given the same advice.
@ Wm. A. Lee Clarke III said...
Ho Hum...YAWN!!
Steve Woodward is also on the CrimeSolvers board, so if his passion to fight crime is shown by his faith in this guy, that's good enough for me. Davis has gotten sloppy and if it's not a "hot dog" case for him, he doesn't do squat.
I know that Matt does not condone disparraging remarks against his opponents, especially Davis Ruark. I know if he had his way he would have the trahing of Ruark blocked by Joe. Please, stop trashing Ruark. He has been the State's Attorney for over two decades. Matt would be completely disgusted with the negative comments. Joe you should just block mean spirited comments. They are unfair, cruel and have no place in this race.
Wm. A. Lee Clarke III
What a liberal A$$
Anonymous said...
The poster above does not speak for the vast majority of the law enforcement personnel. Virtually all of us support Davis Ruark who has proven himself time and time again to be a first rate trial lawyer and the one we want to try our cases. He's that good.Anyone who thinks you can be ready to try a death penalty case in a week is so out of touch the he must live on Jupiter. Davis' supporters have been told to refrain from any negative comments whatsoever. Matt must not have given the same advice.
10:20 PM
What make you think that you speak for the "vast majority of law enforcement personnel?"
If the vast majority of you all did support him then you wouldn't have stalked him, tracked him down and had him arrested for DUI. Some brotherhood there my friend.
I just posted at 10:20. Given the lows to which a couple of lawyers went to convince any lawyer to run against Davis which has been told to me directly, I think that it's time to put it all out there so people will know how sleezy those people really are.
Salisbury needs help
Here is the deal. If a group of attorney's got together to get Matthew to run against Ruark, then so be it. Apparently, they do not like the integrity of their profession being peed on. When one person goes against the profession, it makes a reflection on all.
Salisbury does need help, but it comes from putting more police officers on the street, not trashing the State's Attorney who has given two and 1/2 decades of his life to the people and who has the most impressive record in the state. Matt must condone it or the comments wouldn't appear here. Joe's not the problem. Maciarello and his supporters are. How low are they willing to stoop? Looks like into the lowest of the gutter. What a shame . . .
The "group" of attorneys is three of over one hundred practicing law in Wicomico County. I won't stoop to the same level as the above poster about what they're doing to the profession.
6:57 then why did Seth Mitchell file to run against ruark? Huh? He filed on July 2nd - almost 3 weeks ago. Clearly this is not just the GOP coming up with a candidate. A challenge from within one's own party shows problems. Wake up.
great news. matt is a very honorable fella, and will do the citizens right!
After having a wonderful evening at Perdue Stadium with over 80 girls softball teams from all over the country and spending time with my daughter and her teammates (the Salisbury Sharz - a team that I help to coach), my wife, Susan, and I reviewed all of the comments then posted. I have reviewed the new ones this morning. I am taking the step of again encouraging all of my supporters to refrain from any negative attacks on any opponent. My record and the record of my office will rise or fall on its own. I know the "handlers" involved, and I know what to expect. I do not want to follow down that path. Thank you.
Davis, thank you for that comment. I want to go on the record here as owner of this Blog to publicly state from this point forward I/We will reject any and all henagtive comments from this point forward. in this race.
I spoke with Matt this morning and that is his true wishes as well, referencing negative comments about Davis Ruark.
Again, I thank you for your comment and as I am speaking for Matt, (he's on the road) I'm confident he'll concur. Joe
If Matt should choose to meet with me face to face about these issues, I will do so. I have not heard directly from him either before or after he chose to be nominated by the Republican Central Committee.
Joe, just because one does not support your candidate of choice, doesn't mean that our comments will be construed as "negative" will they?
Bear in mind here that this is an election, and that there are points to be made in relation to the job being done by the incumbent.
It isn't good to just trash Davis Ruark, but at the same time, many are dissatisfied with the job he has done as State's Attorney and are saying so.
Additionally, Davis has had some personal issues that DO have a bearing on his performance.
Nol Pros and stet don't take criminals off the street.
It's time to get this county cleaned up, and that is largely a function of the State's Attorney's office.
Let's see what Matt can do--
Wicomico County needs an experienced prosecutor, as State's Attorney, to fight the ballooning crime rate.
Sam Vincent was and Davis Ruark is.
Matt Macerillo sounds like a nice young lawyer. However, defending a few minor criminal cases doesn't qualify anyone to be the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Wicomico County.
We need an experienced crime fighter.
812 It is wayyyyy more than three.
While I am certain that Mr Ruark is
competent in the execution of his duties as states attorney, can any
reasonable person say that he should not have to lead by example?
Matt = Integrity, Honesty & an Outstanding Work Ethic. Good Luck Sir
It was easy for Ruark to encourge his supporters not to make negative comments about his opponent because his opponent is squeeky clean. If Matt had a questionable past I doubt Ruark would have made that statement. More than likely, all of Matt's history would have been regurgitated all over this site.
As a law enforcement officer, I have worked closely with Davis Ruark and Sam Vincent for many years.
I have seen how they dedicated themselves to protecting our homes and families.
If I had to choose, which of them for whom to vote, it would be difficult. However, I'm sure Sam would not have wanted to see the SAO, to which he dedicated his professional life, turned over to a young lawyer with hardly any criminal law experience.
Also, I'm afraid of who this unproven young lawyer is supported by; particularly, when I see the posts on his behalf.
My decision is clear.
Davis Ruark never claimed to be a perfect human being. However, he has proven himself to be the only lawyer, in this election, with the experience to protect us from the forces that grow more violent everyday.
The young ones are the best. Fresh minds and non-tainted.
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