BP gas station owners across the country are divided over whether the oil giant stained by its handling of the Gulf spill should rebrand U.S. outlets as Amoco or another name as part of its effort to repair the company's badly damaged reputation.
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The former BP station in Ocean City near Montego Bay has already become a Sunoco.
I don't think BP did anything wrong.
How about Standard oil?
I'm more concerned about the government regulations that are the real cause of this disaster !
The government is hoping the disaster is huge and that BP fails as a company so they can take it over. Then the government will own a stake of the oil/energy industry. They also hope to use it as a way to pass environmental regulations that will force energy businesses to shut down, so the govt. can take them over. Then govt run green industries will take over.
The government doesn't take over corporations. The corporations take over the government. Facism is the merger of corporations with the government.
We live in a Facist Dictatorship. The international corporations who control our media and military industrial complex also control the "candidates" for the elections. Americans have been duped by the 2 party system in which there is no choice.
We end up with 7th cousins, fellow Skull & Bones Members "running against each other" as in the case of the 2004 Presidential Election.
Is BP legally allowed to use those trade names? I thought AMOCO was a different entity.
should we change the name of our country because we made a mistake and put the wrong man in the white house? just a mistake
12:38 watch out I see the black helicopters !
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