Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists
Normally I would open this article by explaining this is the story the mainstream media won’t dare report. Except in this case, they are reporting it. It’s right on CNN, on the Anderson Cooper “360″ report.
Normally I would open this article by explaining this is the story the mainstream media won’t dare report. Except in this case, they are reporting it. It’s right on CNN, on the Anderson Cooper “360″ report.
What happened is that Lance Rosenfield, a photographer working for ProPublica (http://www.propublica.org/), was standing on a public road, taking photos of a BP refinery in full public view. After taking his photos, he was tailed by local law enforcement officials to a gas station, where they demanded to look at the photos he had just taken. A private BP security goon then showed up at the scene, and an official from the Department of Homeland Security soon arrived and began to intimidate Lance.
With his wits about him (and some basic knowledge of the Bill of Rights), Lance at first refused to show his photographs to local law enforcement. They threatened to detain him (probably under the Patriot Act) if he didn’t, so he gave in and let them see the photos. Later, when private BP security personnel asked for Lance’s personal information, he refused to give it to them. So — get this — the police turned over his private information to the BP security goon!
GO HERE to read more.
For students of modern presidential history, this kind of stuff started with Ronald Reagan, who authorized the U.S. military to stop ships in international waters (by force if necessary) to be BOARDED AND SEARCHED....in international waters!! Which is why the WAR of 1812 started. Its been downhill ever since....Clinton signed (up that that point) the biggest intrusion into the rights of the American citizen...until the Patriot Act (what a misnomer!! just as Orwell predicted in "1984")...now, this should make it VERY clear who the police actually "serve" and "protect", and who our government actually "serves"--- and it AIN'T the "people"....the police threaten to ARREST a REPORTER on PUBLIC LAND for taking pictures of something that can be SEEN BY ANYONE??!! And they also give a private security guard power over a private citizen with special protections under the Bill of Rights (a reporter...Freedom of the Press??)...This is NOT an isolated incident. People should be more than alarmed or outraged! Jefferson is asking God to PLEASE let him come back and start fixing this problem. Buy guns and ammo!!!!
This is of course another example of the criminal nature of our Federal Government.
The funny thing is that the reporter stopped for a security guard on a public road. Why? Being a retired police officer I would have kept on going since he would have no authority to stop me. Hopefully, the reporter got some names as those idiots should be fired and/or sued. Another question is, who are these supposed law enforcement officers? I would have never risked my job or getting sued to illegally stop this guy for no reason. I guess these are the types of cops we are going to have to fight during the revolution.
It is, and has been for quite a long time prior to 9-11-01, illegal to take photos of oil refineries in most states. On top of giving away potential trade secrets, it violates security issues. Get caught taking photos of the Sun Refinery complex in Philadelphia and you will be detained and your photos confiscated/destroyed.
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