I have been on the phone all night last night and all morning this morning trying to make sure there's a balance in this race for States Attorney.
Let me say this, Matt is a very honorable man. He's a hell of a Husband and Father. On top of such normal pressures of being a Partner in a Law Firm, he's proven to be one hell of an attorney, holding a license in both Maryland and Delaware, something less than a hand full of attorneys in Salisbury own.
Matt's biggest concern is that people completely understand he is his own man, not driven by ANY special interests. Because some people immediately started pushing buttons and expressing personal attacks, Matt will not be a hit man and participate in any personal attacks against his opponent.
Matt will take time away from this quest this weekend and make a final decision as to whether he is in or out of this race.
Until Matt signs a piece of paper at the Election Headquarters, Matt is not out of this race.
The unfortunate passing of Sam Vincent has made this particular race a very difficult one to proceed with. Just remember one thing, Sam Vincent was the republican choice to run in this race. IF Matt chooses to stay in he will do so honorably and respectfully.
Sir, please stay in this race. It is very important, not just for our local community, but for our country as well. We need good people like you to step up and take control of our nation. I know that running for the local state's attorney may not seem much compared with national positions, but let me assure you it is.
please stay in the race. the negative attacks have been against Ruark for a long time and have nothing to do with you entering the race. Don't let Ruark intimidate you with that kind of BS. EVERYONE wants Ruark gone - we need a good candidate. The race is yours for the taking. We need you!!!!!!
12:24p Ditto!! We need you Matt. The negative stuff regarding Davis started LONG ago.
I agree, the negativity will continue against Ruark no matter who tries to run against him. This had nothing to do with Matt entering the race. I also encourage Matt to stay in the race. Common sense would say that Ruark would be able to keep his position forever if no one wants to run against him because it brings out the truth about his past.
stay in Matty! please. dont let naysayers do you any wrong... take those hits, shrug'em off to the side and show your true colors the colors we all know and love man. your boy.
Please stay in the race. We need a choice no matter who is the eventual winner.
Please stay in the race this county needs a change. We will support you to the best of our ability,,,,
I can't imagine a more suitable candidate to run. Your credentials speak for themselves. Please Matt - stay in this race.
Yes, Please give us a choice---- This County breathed a sigh of relief when Sam Vincent said he was going to run-----all hope went "down the drain" with his death. It is time we take this County back by putting the right & honest people we know will make the differenct.
Please run and give the citizens a choice.
I agree with 3:03. The key here is you do not have a negative bone in your body and the attacks are not coming from you, but from idiots who are way to over zealous that they have a good candidate to vote for. The rest of us citizens are looking forward to good clean race of which you will be the victor.
Does the central committee get the opportunity to appoint another candidate if Matt officially withdraws from the race?
3:32 PM,
Nope, they have 10 days and Matt was their choice at the last minute so that time has elapsed.
Matt, we need an honorable attorney who always does the right thing. You are a go getter. You have worked hard to get your Maryland and Delaware Bar. We are behind you 100%. Hang in there, you will soon find out how many people will be behind you. Ignore the arrogant comments of the negative jealous individuals who think they go it made. You have 5 votes in this house!!!!!!!
Matt, as long as you know in your heart that you and those you care/love are running a clean and honest race, don't pay attention to anything else.
For all you know, now that the other side knows how much you are against having negative things being said about Ruark, they could be doing it just to get you to withdrawl.
Please reconsider and stay. Sam was willing to run for election knowing it was going to cost him his job. Sam and Davis were friends and family via work. He knew negative comments would be made but he wanted to do what was best for the citizens. We need you Matt. You have votes from my home.
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