Look, we all know and understand Gary Comegys has cancer and is experiencing difficult times. However, this is a part time job and enough is enough. As the Post below this one cries out from Louise Smith that the Council is gridlocked, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Does Louise Smith not get the fact that IF she swung her vote the other way once in a blue moon that they wouldn't be gridlocked?
If Gary Comegys was replaced, things would be much different. Gary, step down for goodness sake and let this City move forward. Am I the only one in the Press with the stones enough to simply tell it like it is? Does the President of the City Council have to make a complete fool of herself by writing a Letter to the Editor, simply to protect Gary Comegys and attack "other Council Members."
OK Gary, I'm sorry you have cancer. I hope you make a full recovery and every one's thoughts and prayers are going out to you. NOW, do us ALL a favor in return. STOP being so damn selfish and step down so someone else can fill that position.
Stop collecting a paycheck you didn't earn. Yeah, I know, Webster set the example but it doesn't make it right. Enough Already!
Comegys should step down.
This is like the U.S. Senators who believe for some reason it is OK to get elected a kazillion times and then in the end die in office.
Maybe Gary could step down and name his lovely and insightful wife, Debbie, to take his place. I'm sure she'd be a valuable council member.
If it were one of the two smart council members with cancer the three council idiots would be screaming for them to step down. Why is it always ok for the three to do what they wouldn't allow others to do?
Gary, I hope you recover. At the same tome look at Paige. Wouldn't you prefer to spend every minute with your family without having to think about city business? Or do you want to always be known for collecting checks while others continue to lose jobs on your watch?
Of course your the only one with ballz... No one else has them in our govmt...or in the media... that is why we are in the bad spot we are...
While I am sure Debbie and Terry are able to rise above Louise Smith's constant personal attacks - unlike Louise who couldn't rise above it for one true statement out of Sharon Lloyd - if Louise spent half the time she spends attacking Debbie and Terry on real city business, maybe we wouldn't have the problems we do.
And Louise, I still want my vote back because you lied to get it.
He collected a paycheck from the state for years and did little if anything to earn it. Or so I understand. Why should this be any different to him?
And, as everyone, I'm sorry about him having the big c...but somehow it's seriousness is diminished by the fact that he's using his illness to get his way.
Be a standup guy, for once, Gary and do the right thing...if you're not sure what that is, it's the opposite of what comes natural to you.
Anonymous said...
If it were one of the two smart council members with cancer the three council idiots would be screaming for them to step down. Why is it always ok for the three to do what they wouldn't allow others to do?
Gary, I hope you recover. At the same tome look at Paige. Wouldn't you prefer to spend every minute with your family without having to think about city business? Or do you want to always be known for collecting checks while others continue to lose jobs on your watch?
10:38 AM
He was a state employee wasn't he. That speaks volumes for his lazy ass collecting a pay check for nothing. Please do us all a favor and step down.
Gary should show some class and step down for the sake of the city he claims to care about. The city is deadlocked and the mayor is AWOL most of the time(see :fire chief appointment as example). This is a time to do the right thing for the people who once believed in him .
Really!? Like my good friend Earl Hickey once told me ...
i have cancer and i go to work every day 10 hr days and still go thru radiation ether man up or step down
If it was an employee at the bottom of the totem pole, they would be cut off asap.
12:32 - no you don't
Louweasal is just looking for a way to protect Louweasal. She is a lousy leader of the council. She is disrespectful to anyone who disagrees with her, bad as Mike Dunn but she tries to put an old lady smile on so she looks the poor victim.
Joe had it right. The old bat is definitely running so she's trying to make herself look better by casting blame on Terry and Debbie.
Wish she'd just crawl back into her Louweasal hole.
If Gary Comegys can go to the MML convention in OC he can go to council meetings in Salisbury. He wanted the Presidency of MML well now he got it. If he steps down he'll have to give that up too. He's not going to do anything that does not benefit him.
I guess I just have too much compassion. I know that isn't a good thing in business and politics. I am not very fond of some, or even most, of his postion on topic, or especially the fact that he is a deadbeat dad. But... I don't think I am ready to be negative about him collecting a check. The time that council members spend (even if I disagree with them), I am sure, outweighs the pay. I'm ready to give him just a little more time. Besides, isn't it a good thing for him to not vote on certain issues, and Shanie won't have anyone to think for her. I always thought it was funny to watch shanie as she waited for Gary to vote so she would know how to vote because she doesn't have a clue except for how to eat potato chips.
Joe, you realy, really need to bump this to the top for the weekend and Louise Smith's letter too because people in this town need to know the mess this woman is putting this town in after lying her way into office.
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