Internet journalist Andrew Breitbart unleashed a tirade on talk radio yesterday, blasting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for its condemnation of tea partiers as "racist," instead charging the NAACP itself with racism and telling its president where he can "go."
"Let me say something a tad newsworthy to the president of the NAACP: You can go to hell," Breitbart said.
"I have tapes, a tape, of racism, and it's an NAACP dinner. You want to play with fire? I have evidence of racism, and it's coming from the NAACP."
Breitbart made the explosive comments on the air with Scott Hennen, who hosts a morning talk show on WZFG 1100 AM in Fargo, N.D.
His comments came in response to a resolution adopted by the 101st annual convention of the NAACP earlier this week, condemning the "racism" of the tea-party movement and claiming it could return the nation to the pre-civil-rights era.
According to a report from KMBC television in Kansas City, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous told his organization's members tea parties must "expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions."
"We will no longer allow you to hide like cowards and hide behind signs that say 'lynch our president' or anyone else," Jealous said.
"According to a report from KMBC television in Kansas City, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous told his organization's members tea parties must "expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take the responsibility for them and their actions." "
Well, isn't THAT just calling the kettle black.
If the NAACP were to "expel the bigots and racists" from its ranks, membership would be WAY down.
nothing like a good rational argument to support your point. every time a tea partier opens his or her mouth they advance the stereotype....absolutely hilarious
Is his point wrong, 2:52? No. Of course not.
The NAACP has no evidence of racism from the TEA party but once again in the fine tradition of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson the NAACP has made an accusation they can't back up . The difference this time is NAACP has exposed themselves and are no longer relevant they are equal to the Klan .
3:02 Did exactly what they complained about ha what an idiot !
How politically incorrect can you get? Imagine the nerve of this man to tell the truth. Andrew Breitbart is my new all-American hero! He has the balls to say what everyone else is thinking but is afraid to say it at the risk of offending someone. Get ready folks, the communists are driving us ever closer to the race war they want. Divide and conquer is the tactic and the naacp is just a large pool of useful idiots being used to stoke the fire.
The NAACP has cried wolf to many times they are finished as a serious organization .
I can't decide who is hustling race here...the NAACP or this guy that can't turn the other cheek?
the NAACP is racist by definition...who cares?
The tea party has no control over who may come out to an event and hold signs, etc. The NAACP has actual membership, it would have better control over the cracker calling racists within their ranks.
And I bet Andrew Breitbart has the names of more than 200 Communists in the State Department, too.
What a racist group, all you have accomplished is to allow your race to sit on their ass for the last 100 years and act like the world owes you.
Their are serious ones in your race you insult with your actions, main reason you get ahead is because of the lazy ones.
The million man march was even a joke, no one had to take off work.
Father day is a joke, no one knows who their father is with your race or can find them.
Fix problems within your race with out blaming society for once you bunch of cry baby lazy bastards.
Whoa, I think 7:51 is one of the tea party types that the NAACP was referring to.
My question to the NAACP though would be how did that vote decrease unemployment in the minority community or increase the quality of education in innercity schools?
9:52 you made a decent point but don't try to link racism to the TEA party their are plenty of minorities attending .
9:52 said "Whoa, I think 7:51 is one of the tea party types that the NAACP was referring to."
Well, I think you are one of the ones that hears somebody say something you don't agree with, call him racist, and automatically say he/she must be a member of the tea party. LOL thanks for helping to make the poing.
You white people are going to find out what slavery is all about ...pay back time !
12:46, if alluding to an entire race as being lazy bastards isn't racism, I think you might want to spend a day or two with our good friend Webster.
Not to mention the story is about the Tea Party, therefore the connection. If I have to restate my point, the Tea Party is NOT racist, but there are definetly racist yahoos in the tea party just like other organizations.
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