Original Occurrence:
Sunday July 11, 2010, 3:40 a.m.
20000 block of Dove Road Seaford, De
Brandon I. Smith-19, 32000 block Shops at Longneck Blvd., Millsboro, De
David D. Foreman-26, 18000 block Johnson Road Lincoln, De
Deronta V. Moore-19, 23000 East Middle Cord Circle, Seaford, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
Smith: $61,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
Robbery First Degree
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Foreman: $111,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
Robbery First Degree
Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Moore: $186,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
2 counts Rape First Degree
Robbery First Degree
Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Delaware State Police on Tuesday July 13, 2010 obtained a break in the Seaford Home Invasion case. State Police received investigative information about a cellular phone stolen in this robbery investigation. Apparently the suspects had been using the victim’s stolen cellular phone. State Police also received information from a confidential source which assisted with the investigation. Delaware State Police conducted a search warrant on July 14, 2010 on the 23000 block of East Middle Cord Circle and located all three defendants. A search of the residence resulted in the seizure of a silver handgun alleged to have been used in the robbery. State Police also recovered jewelry belonging to the victims in this complaint.
The suspects were taken into custody and charged with the above listed offenses and remanded to the Sussex Correctional Institute.
See our original Post HERE.
Animals they should take their ugly AZZ"S out and shoot them in the head .
Good job Delaware State Police, none of these fools should of been givin a bond. Great police work but crappy bonds.
You break into someones home and beat and rob them, rape the wife at gun point and if you can come up with enough money your ass can walk the streets again, something seems very, very wrong with that to me.
(*^*$&%_@ not even good enough to be animals!
God bless that poor couple for the horror and trauma they went through. God bless the Delaware State Police for catching these ba$tards.
And may God damn these sub-species souls and lives for the hell they have brought to decent people.
We have only ourselve to blame. We allowed the goverment to create this shit hole society we live in. I can assure you between the three of them they have fathered at least nine children by different baby's mommas on our dime. They will be the AA of thugmania. They just keep on coming.
I am willing to bet the home invasion was over drugs. Animals preying on animals. Hence the bond.
I never cared for thugs much of any color. This new entiltled breed of thug knows no bounds when it comes to preying on the good people of society.
Yet the goverment cutting funding to police. Taking away benefits. Furlough days. Yep the Govermwnt is the usual suspect here. When the cops hands are tied, the goveremnt has depleted the forces till they can no longer be proactive.
Arm yourself people. When these crap bags walk up your driveway kill them. Sure you will get "NO BOND" but your family is safe for the moment.
Adolph Obama needs to go.
Two societies.
I just thank God that these guys,like most other street thugs,were dumber than dirt and used the victims cellphone.They always get caught because they are stupid.March them off the pier at the Lewes Ferry with weights on their ankles.
Thankfully,like most stupid criminals they did something dumb enough to get them caught(using the victims phone).Now encase their ankles in concrete and walk them off the pier at the Cape May/Lewes Ferry.Problem solved.We dont support them in jail and they never get a chance to do this again.
And I'm sure none of them know who their own fathers are either.
1:16 you attempt to connect these dumbasses with Obama when there has been a certain portion of the population that behaves like this since the dawning of mankind.
Oh I forgot, the world was at peace until Obama showed up. Everyone got along fine until someone created a democratic party. You guys are loons. No wonder your party also lacks a cohesive plan to advance the nation's prosperity either.
Looks like Sideshow Bob, Clinton Portis, and Kool Moe Dee.
The problem is none of these thugs are afraid of any jail time. Why should they be. Three hots and a cot, hot showers, tv, gym membership and most likely all the drugs they want. They need to make jail "JAIL". Hard labor, and I mean hard. Busting rocks not picking daiseys on the side of the roads. And quit giving somebody 20 years and suspending 90% of it. If you get 20 you spend 20.
2:56 Tell me one thing your president has done to calm race relations in this country. Nothing
Tel me one thing he has done to combat domestic terrorist. Nothing. These men are just that domestic terrorist. Yes mankind has not been nice to one anothet to say the least. This stuff is going on all over the country. Seaford and Salisbury are not alone in this rampant rise in crime.
I do not care what party or color your are as the President of The United of America you look out for all Americans. You salute the Flag. Stand brave and tall in the face of adversity. I do not see this with him. I am sorry. I would lay down my life this second for the man because he is my President. Would he do the same for you or I. I do not think so.
So yes people are angry. The word illegal means just that. So why does he fight so hard to keep illegals in this country. You and i know the anawer to that. I do not agree with some of the views they are extreme and harsh. The point is hard working Americans can only swallow so much.
Tell me of this great plan the Democrats have i would love to hear it. Acorn maybe. lol It is great you are party loyal but you better look hard and fast at the state of this once great nation.
We are teetering on disaster. If you are not part of the solution, then you are surely part of the problem. No one directly blames him i think they are just fed up with a broken system. We the people look to the president to fix things. What has he fixed.
The boarders should be secure. The streets should be secure. Then we can worry about abroad.
Cute hair!!!
3:31, slow your irate tirade down and you'll see that the "...also lacks" implies my disapproval in the plans being developed by Dems. There is plenty of room to criticize Obama, Congress, Dems. etc. but you dummies would rather shout and scream to connect Obama with BS that has nothing to do with his decisions. You have dummies screaming about a birth certificate when they should have been scrutinizing health care plans. You have idiots who believe in Palin-style Death panels, would they should have been scrutinizing the plans to pay for the whole thing.
People like you complain about government, but fall for every smear campaign, bogus story, and swift boat ad out there, then wonder why the same guys get elected with the same result everytime.
A reoccurring theme in who the suspects are in all the violent crime being experienced in the area.
Really 7:50? I don't think the guy who kidnapped the young ladies at gun point from parking lots and raped them looked like these guys. I don't think most of the suspects from the rash of bank robberies we saw looked like these guys. But dummies like you will only comment when a crime is committed by someone that looks like these guys.
To 3:10:
You are dead on! I thought the exact same thing when I saw this! Sideshow Bob lives! LOL!!!
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