Where was the local Media when Debbie & Terry were fighting for the interest of their constituents, animals dying at the Zoo, $84 million being blown on a failed WWTP, the old Mall TIF, shall I go on?
The old Fire Station is simply an asset to the city taxpayers. If Gary, Shanie & Louise were so worried about buildings being vacant, why not crack down on other buildings Downtown first.
We are in a very trying economy right now and now is not the best time to be making long term decisions on that Fire Station. All too often we hear of Ambulances and Fire Trucks getting stuck at the Draw Bridge, not being able to make it into the Downtown area. Oh, that's right, Tilghman, Comegys, Gordy and See told you that 99.9% of the time that would not happen. Just like the WWTP being 99% compliant, on time and below budget.
I personally believe Campbell and Cohen are right. In the very least they should consider moving ALL of the Ambulance Service to the old Fire Station. Give them ONE of the old Fire Trucks and I can assure you they could arrive to more structure fires in the Camden area than the new Fire Station, even if it were all Volunteers. No disrespect towards the new Station 16, they can't help it when the Bridge is up.
In closing I'd like everyone to think about what I'm about to say for a moment. Do you actually believe Debbie & Terry would truly divide their votes on ANY issue simply because it opposes Louise & Shanie? The Daily Times need to get their heads out of their butts and stop trying to use such sensationalism to sell more papers. Try doing some real reporting for once and perhaps your sales would actually go up.
The city is alot like our country in it's present state. Just remember this and I incourage you to remember"united we will stand,but , divided we will fall".
It's almost over ladies and gents.
In my opinion, the difference here is the fact we have two interested groups that want to invest in the Firehouse and in doing so help to generate traffice back to downtown. I will be the first to admit, I don't know the regulatory issues involved only that I would welcome either of these proposals.
personal interests will not prevail in 2010.everyones watchin.idiots.just do you job,the greater goood.omg,its SCPD all over again.if you want your name in the paper,this will do it.
1:21 So True. Are we not there now?
Yes I do believe Campbell and Cohen would divide their vote and I also believe Louise and Shanie would also. The two groups have different opinions and it is very hard to convbince people to change their minds. I would venture to say most cities, towns and counties have this problem.
anonymous 1:56, with your kind of mind set, if you actually believe Debbie & Terry would do something out of spite, you're in the old Tilghman kind of came then. You clearly do not know Debbie & Terry very well but quite honestly, because you have made such a statement I really don't care, nor would I ever want to be around someone like you.
Joe I have been to meetings concerning the Old fire Station. One group wants to build a chirdrens theater there. This would bring people down town. The other idea is to let UMES set up their to "train" personel to work in our restaurants. To train people you need to prepare food and serve it. If this is allowed to operate in this facility they can and will undercut every restaurant downtown and other areas. We the tax payer will have purchased the equipment, food and everything necessary to run that business. Just like at SU they undercut their meals everyday. I have heard a lobster dinner can be purchased at $12.00. The remainder of us cant do that. We dont have the backing of the taxpayers. An idea to give it to the library, why, they dont use the space they have. Most people say to have childrens theater or put a fire engine/ambulance on this side of the river for safety sake. WE DONT need another restaurant operated by the state! We also don't need a catering service operating out of their either. Leave the food to our restaurants.
joe, many of the calls that the firemen answer from #16 are answered down isabella str. so the bridge being up or down may not be as big a problem as it sounds. thanks sjd
I agree with Joe about Debbie and Terry. I watch those two closely. They far more often vote with the other side than the other side ever votes with them. They always have a logical reason for their votes. The other side would not know logic if it poked them in the eyes.
I also agree with 2:35. No matter how they wrap it, that food business sounds like subsidized competition.
After hearing the latest horror stories about the fire department, maybe that should go back to being a fire station.
Why can't these food and theater ideas go into one of the many vacant buildings downtown instead of in the old fire house? If my heart stops beating, I want a paramedic at my house, not an actor or a chef!
Take back your lives people and quit listening to the politicians. Every political word spoken is a diversion. Go back to your normal lives and don't worry about were your money goes. If you yell real loud at a politician will it change how much we are taxed. NO. Go next door and invite your neighbor over for dinner if you want to make a difference in this world. Talk to your kids about there education. Stop sewing, hating, pointing fingers and being rude to your fellow man. Stop joining political conversations. If your not by the people ,for the people. Then how can you call yourself an American. It doesn't take a big mouth to help, it takes strong hands and strong minds. See congress was never by or for the people. Why do you think the strong hands wrote to constitution.
Those strong hands and strong minds knew one day they would try to bend the rules and they have done it. See, when people feed off of people like this it give them a feeling of power. Then you have self made politicians.
Just something to think about.
Joe I have been saying this about the EMS and 1 F/T in this location since this discussion started. It makes good common sense on serving the community in a more effiecent way. Is this not supposed to be SFD's goal and responsibility? This will also save on vehicle expense since they will not have to ride around all the time claiming training when its really so they will not be trapped and have a quicker response. Am I the only one that sees this BS excuse for riding around all the time? Did anyone realize that Fruitland, serving the lower part of the County, got back in the EMS business when SFD built the new station? Wonder why.
Anon 1:39 this is the same logic used on selling the old theater. What significant traffic did it ever generate? As of this date it is none.
Anon 3:43 How is SFD using Isabella when there is a very strict weight restriction on the dam which does accommodate SFD equipment. Who will paying for the collapse? Why are they allowed to utilize this route when an empty dump truck cannot legal use this route?
6:46, you are on to something but not entirely. People can make a difference outside politics but not worrying where the money goes? Come on. Get real.
People need to invite each other over for dinner, then go to a city council meeting and make themselves known. Pols do listen when there are enough people to make them nervous.
I agree with Joe Albero. Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell are the real deal. You may not always agree with them but they always tell you why they vote as they do right there on PAC14. Louise Smith just repeats herself with sound bites. It's nauseating.
The reason the council is a mess is regular people aren't involved. Smith and the Shanie person have been running roughshod over the people just like when the Dream Team was in.
Maybe if people turned out to support Cohen and Campbell once in a while, we'd see some change. They must feel like they got thrown to the wolves.
Anonymous said...
Joe I have been to meetings concerning the Old fire Station. One group wants to build a chirdrens theater there. This would bring people down town. The other idea is to let UMES set up their to "train" personel to work in our restaurants. To train people you need to prepare food and serve it. If this is allowed to operate in this facility they can and will undercut every restaurant downtown and other areas. We the tax payer will have purchased the equipment, food and everything necessary to run that business. Just like at SU they undercut their meals everyday. I have heard a lobster dinner can be purchased at $12.00. The remainder of us cant do that. We dont have the backing of the taxpayers. An idea to give it to the library, why, they dont use the space they have. Most people say to have childrens theater or put a fire engine/ambulance on this side of the river for safety sake. WE DONT need another restaurant operated by the state! We also don't need a catering service operating out of their either. Leave the food to our restaurants.
2:35 PM
I get sick and tired of know it alls claiming they have the perfect solution to bring something down town. Guess what moron, a children's theater is not going to bring anyone downtown. How do I know it? Because I have kids and a lot of family and a "childrens theater" is the least of my concerns, especially in this economy. I also travel all over the country and keep my eye opened for what is happening and what is not happening and a childrens theater is not happening.
How ironic for the author of this post to claim that a childrens theater would bring people downtown and in the same breath he admits that anything related to the restaurant business would be to much competition for him. Get a life moron.
For God's sake people it is a friggin fire house so lets keep it what it is a fire house. Put the Salisbury Fire Department museum downtown with maybe an ambulance in service with an office and I guarantee you the old firehouse will bring more people downtown then any children's theater or anything Palmer Gillis will put in there.
The bottom line is these bottom suckers are trying their best to get good city property for nothing. They try to pass it off as something good and then the old bait and switch and it's sold to the highest bidder. Remember what the owners of the old hotel across from Brew River did a while back with the property they stole from the taxpayers? That's right they tried to sell it for 10 times what they paid for it. Any elected official that tries to give away the old fire house should be recalled and ran out of town.
anonymous 10:50 & Others, do notice that BOTH parties want to keep the third floor as APARTMENTS!!!!!!!
They WANT to keep that zoning for the future. Open your eyes Salisbury!
Wanna talk of dividing, what idiots split isabella street into a bumper car ride through which the fire trucks could drive ...in case the bridge is up?
That old firehouse could really be a city asset, if those council idiots would but allow it.
There is so much dysfunction in SBY I don't know where to start.
Louise is a grouchy old lady who finds no joy in anything, and wants everybody else miserable,too.
Gary, well, he's got bigger issues to fight right now than Campbell and Cohen. Shanie....uneducated and too lazy to do her homework, so she just follows blindly and hopes for the best. Campbell and Cohen, like someone said, think for themselves and explain where they stand on issues and why.
Everything that's gone on in this town have rolled downhill from there.
Until we elect people who are open minded and willing to do the research necessary to make the right decisions we're just going to repeat our mistakes...they may look different but the bottom line is we'll still be dysfunctional. Sadly, the council has made some really bone-headed moves in the last few years, probably led on by a mean-spirited and underqualified mayor. She left quite a mess for the city to deal with, and they aren't doing very well so far. I'm anxious to see how the whole WWTP fiasco works out. Can we all say "taxpayers are screwed" in unison?
Annon 9:03...Thats the same mentality locals had about Station 7 in Pittsville. Many
said they would never make it and give them less than a year. The last time I was there the place was packed. You put the right product out and people will come.
As for as the old Boulevard Theater nothing was ever established there so in my opinion pale in comparison.
This was the same rationale that was used when they closed main street downtown and made it a walk thru only. The traffic and no parking discouraged people from going downtown shopping. Closing it would bring more foot traffic and people would feel better about shopping downtown and this would save these businesses. Quess what it didn't, how many original businesses are still there, so don't try and tell people this absurd plan will work because the City wants the GOOD OLE BOYS to make money at the Tax Payers expense. This BS rationale was started by the GOOD OLE BOYS years ago before some of these posters every thought of the Eastern Shore and it no longer works. We are tired of being Taxed to death equal to an area of greater population and higher salaries.
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