Incident: Theft
Date of Incident: 21 June 2010
Location: Cove Rd at Nanticoke Road, Nanticoke, MD
Suspect: Pending
Narrative: On 14 June 2010 the Wicomico County Road Department installed a new sign at the intersection of Nanticoke Road and Cover Road advertising the location of both the Cove Road Beach and the Roaring Point Beach. On 21 June 2010 it was discovered that an unknown suspect stole both the sign and the pole that it was on. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating this crime. Attached to this Press Release is a photo of what the sign looked like. The sign on the left is the sign in question.
Anyone with information about this crime or the location of the stolen sign is asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.
Charges: Theft
Incident: Theft / Credit Card Misuse
Date of Incident: 25 June 2010
Location: 1000 block of Taney Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Craig L. Peed, 42, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 25 June 2010 at 5:22 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation into the theft of a credit card and its subsequent use in Salisbury. The deputy learned that during the day on 25 June, Craig Peed entered a residence he used to share with his estranged wife and stole her Discover Credit Card. Peed then used the card to book a room at a local hotel and also buy cigarettes and beer. Craig Peed is not an authorized user of the card and at no time had permission to take it or use it.
The deputy placed Peed under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Peed in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Theft
Credit Card Misuse
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 27 June 2010
Location: 1100 block of Kenosha Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Melinda A. Wise, 43, Delmar, MD
Narrative: On 27 June 2010 at 10:44 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to investigate a reported altercation that had occurred at a residence in the 1100 block of Kenosha Avenue in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a resident who advised a female, Melinda Wise, was refusing to leave the property. Both the resident and deputy made requests for Wise to leave but Wise refused to leave.
The deputy placed Wise under arrest for trespassing and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Wise on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Trespassing
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 28 June 2010
Location: 800 block of Cornish Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Melissa S. Mitchell, 21, Salisbury, MD
2. Darrick D. Mitchell, 32, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 28 June 2010 at 12:51 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to investigate an altercation occurring inside a residence in the 800 block of Cornish Street in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputy learned that both Melissa and Darrick Mitchell had been embroiled in a verbal altercation for several hours when it turned physical. Both parties claimed they were the victim of an assault by the other and both had corresponding signs of injury that corroborated those accounts.
Based on the conflicting complaints, the deputy placed both subjects under arrest and transported them to the Central Booking Unit where they were both processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After initial appearances, the Commissioner detained both subjects in the Detention Center in lieu of $3,000.00 bond each.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Incident: Burglary
Date of Incident: 27 June 2010
Location: 1300 block of Jersey Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Deandre O. Peters, 20, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 27 June 2010 at 10:30 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation into an incident that happened just after midnight that morning at a residence in the 1300 block of Kenosha Avenue. A victim reported to the deputy that while standing outside her residence talking to a guy, her former boyfriend, Deandre Peters, pulled up.
The victim became alarmed and immediately went inside to avoid a confrontation but was followed inside by Peters. The victim stated that Peters then became verbally abusive to her and forced her into a defensive position due to believing an assault was imminent. Peters left the residence but continually called the victim on her phone, threatening to shoot both her and the man she was talking to.
The investigating deputy obtained a warrant for the arrest of Peters and located him the following day. Upon arrest, the deputy transported Peters to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Peters on $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Burglary 4th Degree
Telephone Misuse
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 28 June 2010
Location: 700 block of Main Street, Sharptown, MD
Suspect: Henry Hugh Driver, 45, Sharptown, MD
Narrative: On 28 June 2010 at 5:30 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to investigate an altercation occurring inside a residence in the 700 block of Main Street in Sharptown, MD. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a female victim who stated that her husband, Henry Driver, had come home and began yelling at her over issues at home. The victim stated the tirade continued and escalated when Driver began punching her in the arms.
Driver left the residence when he learned that the Sheriff’s Office was on the way. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy observed fresh signs of injury on the victim that corroborated her account.
The deputy obtained a warrant for the arrest of Henry Driver and he was apprehended later that evening when he returned to the residence. The deputy transported Driver to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Driver was detained in lieu of $3,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Incident: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Date of Incident: 29 June 2010
Location: Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Joseph F. Capone, Jr., 37, Laurel DE
Narrative: On 29 June 2010 at 2:55 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office observed a GMC pickup truck travelling on Homer Street while following another vehicle too closely. The deputy watched as the GMC pickup truck passed the vehicle in front of it and almost struck a parked vehicle before cutting off the overtaken vehicle. The deputy attempted to stop the GMC truck but the truck continued down the street in excess of the posted speed limit before turning onto Priscilla Street and stopping.
Upon approaching the operator, Joseph Capone, the deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from within the vehicle. Upon exiting the vehicle, Capone immediately fell over and had to use the truck’s door for support. During the ensuing DUI investigation, Capone became belligerent and began swearing before he was then placed under arrest for DUI.
Capone was transported to the Sheriff’s Office where he was processed and given the option to take a breath test which he declined. The deputy then transported Capone to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner.
After an initial appearance, Capone was detained by the Commissioner in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Incident: Warrant Arrest
Date of Incident: 28 June 2010
Location: 100 block of Highland Avenue Delmar, MD
Suspect: Michael Lee Jackson, 42, Delmar, MD
Narrative: On 19 June 2010 at 1:10 AM, a deputy from the WCSO responded to a reported altercation occurring in the 100 block of Highland Avenue in Delmar, MD. Upon arrival the deputy met with a female who stated that her ex-boyfriend, Michael Jackson, was in her driveway using a rock to scratch both of her vehicles. The victim told the deputy that she went outside to confront Jackson who in turn grabbed her by the arm and stated he wanted to speak to her. The victim managed to get out of Jackson’s grasp and summons help. The investigating deputy also discovered that a Final Protective order was in place that barred Jackson from coming to the victim’s residence or otherwise having contact with her.
On 28 June 2010 an arrest warrant was served on Jackson and he was taken into custody. Upon transport to the Central Booking Unit he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, he was held by the Commissioner without bond in the Detention Center.
Charges: Violation of a Protective Order
Assault 2nd degree
Malicious Destruction of Property
It is common knowledge that the residents of the westside (Rt. 349) would rather not have the county advertise the locations of the local parks. These parks were once great places for families to enjoy until the state and county began to advertise them on their recreation lists. Nowadays the parks are filled with the very people that everyone moved to the westside to avoid. While I don't advocate stealing signs, I doubt that they would stay up if replaced.
4:47, They are county parks. Why not point out where they are. Don't most parks have signs that tell you how to get there? Besides, people that take the time to drive down there are obviously aware that there is a park. It just helps them find it.
516-Anyone who's been to either the cove or roaring point, knows where they are and don't need signs to find it. I'm not for or against signs, I think they're a waste of money, but I'm still going to visit both parks whenever I'm back home visiting.
5:23, what if you are aware there is a park in nanticoke, and you would like to take your family to visit them, but have never been to either. So, are you saying that only people that have been to the parks before should go, and if you haven't, then you will just have to find your own way? Great idea. The next time you take your family on a trip, don't look at any road signs. Just "find" your way.
What a moron.
Maybe they are sick of all the illegals there.
All I've got to say is during the week the parks are used by locals and are kept clean and are safe for the children to play. On the weekend it is a different story: fast food trash left on the ground, boom boom music, cursing, etc. Not the place for me and my family. I say if you want to live like that stay in salisbury on the weekend or go to OC.
After the incident with the mexican gang and the blacks
I'm not surprised they took the sign. Go westside!
They come to the cove and to nanticoke to drink beer , nothing is done about it , so screw them.
The cops are never around to enforce anything.
Its ashame that people ruin it for other people. I remember a time when it was easier to get permission to hunt and fish, now people litter and ruin it for everybody.
I think the purpose of the sign was to make people going to Cove Rd park aware that there is another place just down the road to hopefully reduce the number of people at Cove Rd, where there isn't much parking, to Roaring Point, where a nice parking lot exists. But oh well, someone stole the sign, so I guess they will just keep piling into Cove Rd. (good job)
Nanticoke is a great fishing spot but it gets sketchy on weekends.The beaches and public areas on the West Side are hidden gems-I used to love living down there and being able to drive to the water in 5 minutes.Increased weekend patrols might eliminate the problems.
The weekends are filled with illegals. They leave a nasty mess everytime. Thanks Obama for wanting them to be here. WE DON'T
559-Cove Road....hey there's the Cove. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or a road sign to figure it out. There is ZERO reason to waste money on a sign.
10:45, its pointless to discuss with stupid. I guess they should know roaring point park because its on red hill la. dee dee dee
7:27, yeah way to go westside! Way better to be a theiving thug than a drunk mexican or a black. Again....way to go westside. Besides, what do most of the people do that live in westside? Drink beer. lol
Anytime you put two ignorant groups together there's going to be trouble . No more gang fights at the COVE !
the trooper that lives on cove road has been issuing tickets to those who park along cove road while enjoying the beach. maybe he ought to get off his ass and chase off the illegals who come down there and leave their beer cans all over the place!
7;17 how bout you get off your ass and give him a raise to do that job instead of giving him furlough days? Then maybe he'll chase the illegal aways
The over-crowding and pollution at The Cove makes me both sad and angry. It was such a good local spot. The tourists get Ocean City and many of our beaches all summer long, and for that I am grateful. But it was nice to have a local spot where I could take my kids to get away from the madness. I guess it was only a matter of time...
7:17 Isn't it a conflict of interest for the cop to ticket on his own road because it affects him personally ! If anyone has gotten a ticket fight it and win !
1:19, no "conflict of interest" you are not a lawyer. Don't quit your day job. (if you have one)
It's been awhile since I was there but I don't think there are any curbs/sidewalks or no parking signs on Cove Road. I've never seen any parking tickets issued for parking on the side of the road for yard sales, vegetable stands or Westside Fire Dept. bake sale/fishing tourny events or fried chicken sales. Can't blame the LEO tho, I would not want those people on or near my property either.
3:35 I'm a lawyer and a case could be made !
7:26, you are a liar. Cops write tickets all the time in their neighborhoods, the towns that they live in, the cities that they live in etc. If he/she is issuing a citation for a ticketable offense, they are doing their job. That is why they have take home vehicles. To be able to do their job at any time. Conflict of interest? That makes no sense. You must be pi$$ed that you got a ticket.
9:26 No stupid I haven't gotten a ticket but if I did I would fight it in court and make the officer look silly . But I find it amusing that he will write tickets but when the fight broke out he was nowhere to be found , typical !
8:46, are you at your house 24/7? Didn't think so. Why do you think he is? Also, I hope you do take it to court so the judge will laugh at you. If you viiolate a law, and get a ticket, it doesn't matter who writes the ticket as long as they have jurisdiction to do so. Like I said earlier, you just can't argue with stupid.
News Flash. There are 2 no parking signs at the Cove. Both are in front of one house at the end of the road. The remainder of Cove road is unsigned. I wonder if this is the LEO's house. These are the only no parking signs (county signs)on private property on the westside I've seen. Kinda self serving IMO.
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