Count us among those who are very surprised that Mr. Pollitt has signed on as O’Malley’s campaign chairperson in Wicomico County. Some folks say that they have anticipated he would, but I’ve got to wonder why he would support O’Malley, much less work for his reelection as governor.
O’Malley was never popular here on the Shore, and he is much less so than in 2006, when Bob Ehrlich got 63% of the vote in Wicomico County. This year Ehrlich should get more than 70%, and Pollitt will face a much more formidable opponent than he did four years ago, when nobody knew much about his political predilections and he defeated a weak opponent.
Since then, both Pollitt and O’Malley have less than stellar records, both of which Rick will have to defend in his campaign. He has simply added to an already heavy burden.
It is very possible if not likely that Ehrlich will be the next governor of Maryland. So, if Pollitt also wins, he would then have to deal with the person that he worked to defeat in regard to getting special state funding and benefits. Not a good scenario to say the least.
Then there’s the obvious point that, if Pollitt has so much spare time, why does he need such a large staff, including a “public information officer.” It appears that he can handle that role himself and save the County about $75,000 per year.
This move does not bode well for Pollitt’s chances in November, unless he can successfully defend both his record and O’Malley’s during the past four years. Joe Ollinger must be smiling.
And another consequence could be to attract a Democrat wannabe to run against Mr. Pollitt in the primary on an anti-establishment or pro tax revenue cap (or both) platform. There’s still about a month left to file.
Did Slick Rick work for Obama or endorse him in 2008?
Could that "Democrat wannabe" be someone named Wayne?
10:22 --
Try "Bill" as in McCain!
Can't wait to see his back for the last time.
Hi Joe, Perhaps I am being naive but under what scenario do you see Pollitt re-elected?
Pollitt has another albatross on his head -- his "PIO" mouthpiece paid for by the taxpayers. His refusal to terminate that position is astounding, and now the Council Republican majority is doing so, to their credit.
He still has a core group, including the ultra-liberals like Michael Pretl, who is doing a big fund raiser for Pollitt. Plus the teachers and government employees, and dyed-in-the-wool Dems.
Mr. or Ms. 10:32--
Besides Pretl, Phil Tilghman will back Pollitt on PAC-14 (operated at the taxpayer's expense). That trio is downright dangerous.
Dems stick togeather thru thick and thin. They defend each other until the end. It's obvious by watching the news. They don't care about right or wrong, just protect each other. It's sad but true, and we really don't need any more of this type of behavior here or anywhere in this country.
How about a good state job for Politt if he loses the election and O'Malley wins. They learn quick from Obama and his band of crooks.
How could Pollitt possible replace Fineran? And doesn't he have a habit of suing his former employers?
Pollitt's biggest ally is the lack of credible opposition. Ollinger will not pull it off.
Because of that, Pollitt has "no worries" supporting his party's #1 man in the state. Should Ehrlich win, no big deal because unlike many of you, he knows how politics work and doesn't take it personally. When Wicomico can must a Republican candidate (or a Democrat, for that matter) that is the local version of Ehrlich, then we shall all bid a fond farewell to Mr. Pollitt.
Pollitt did have an Obamma sign in his yard
10:55 -- Do you by chance have a photo of the Obama sign in Pollitt's yard?
I agree 10:55. Without anyone really running against him, Pollitt can't loose. Ollinger is too much of the old breed of establishment republican party with some wacked out ideas in his platform to ever pull it off. Even the establishment doesn't like him.
The only local Rep. that could beat Slick Rick is Lewis Riley, and he's not interested.
Pollitt is a typical liberal Dem who believes in redistributing wealth through taxation while at the same time supporting and benefiting self. After Wicomico, he will look to move on to bigger and better positions. Befriending O'Malley will secure a State position somewhere. Political buddies look out for one another - at taxpayer expense!
I always thought losers banded together. Even more of a reason to move him out at election time. Fruitland doesn't want him back.
Ricky's been sucking up to O'Gov for quite a while now. I think a few earlier comments were right-- he's looking at getting a political appointment.
Big Ole Rick is second in command, Phil Tilghman is the man with the power. The most recent proposed down zoning plan that Rick and Jack presented to the Farm Bureau, was obviously written by Mike and Jack.
Rick ran a small town with great back up, now he is over his head and his department heads are weak.
He can not handle the job.
But He will beat Joe, who is on the Double AA list, with a capital Hole. There is no strong other candidate. Who would want the job for the money. Anybody who is capable, makes much more doing something else.
I was getting ready to comment to 10:37 AM that don't think too quick that Govt employees want him. And then I read 1:00 pm. WAY TO SAY. There is so much incompetence running the county right now it is pathetic. People have no clue what they are doing, and the employees actually doing the work are getting fed up with the crap. It makes more work for them to deal with people that have no clue. The layoffs were a joke. Look who got the axe. The friggin worker bees. There was no outside firm hired to figure out who to lay off. In the private sector, the first ones to go is middle management. Not the ones doing the work, and making the product. These guys are a joke. Its all about you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Just look at slick Ricks deal with Ed Baker. (million dollar retirement for 25k, where do I sign up) Broken promises. Thank you VOICE. You are all a bunch of azzes for getting the executive thing going. Can you admit failure? Instead of having a leader concerned with running a county, all you have is a politician concerned with winning the next election. That's the way it will always be.
If Rick doesn't get rid of the PIO he will defenitly be history. He should see the writing on the wall. Thank you county council for doing the right thing. Or at least the majority of the council. We have to drop Sample-Hughes and McCloud. McCain is a lame duck since he is not running again. Wonder what he will try to get thru these next couple of months to harm the people? WHat a disappointment.
He's the county chair. They don't do anything for a Gubernatorial campaign except say they're the chair. He won't run any campaign for the Governor. Don't you guys know how elections work?
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