I have 4 Kittens I need to find homes for immediately. You have a way with connecting people with pets, and was hoping you could assist me.
3 males and 1 female. The female is the striped calico one. I hate to separate the orange ones, as they have a strong bond with one another. I just hope there are a few people out there that will fall in love with these faces. They are 100% litter box trained. Never stepped outside. They all sleep with our lab/shepard mix, and love small children.
You can reach me at either 410-873-2347 or my cell 443-235-4637.
Thanks so very much!
UPDATE: The two orange kittens will be picked up Tuesday afternoon!
The black male is the only one left!
Thanks again so much Joe.
Thanks for taking the time to post
Please fix your pets people....with all the grown cats that are homeless in this county...PLEASE!!!
These kittens came from a next door neighbor who has an over abundance of cats. My other pets ARE fixed. Thank you for your concern.
There are actually 4 Kittens Joe. :)
2 Orange, 1 black...males
1 calico...female
Here's another comment. If you take in a female kitten as a pet, have her spayed when she is old enought. Please, Please don't let her get pregnant then dump her out to the country near a farm thinking the farmer can always use another "mouser". A farm can only support so many animals. When one is dropped on my farm, I have the mom spayed and then her babies spayed/neutered when they are old enough. And if you think one is expensive, try 4 or more. That's right, at this moment, I have a momma cat who hase 4 kittens to be done. And my vet doesn't give discounts.
If you can't afford to have your pet spayed (female) or neutered (male) at the vet's office, you can contact the Humane Society and make an appointment to have it done for a much reasonable price there. There are a couple of other programs that are out there that offer low-cost spay/neutering.
Be a responsible adult and have your pet spayed or neutered. Thank you.
My neighbor has several cats inside all fixed. Now she's feeding the cats that are strays which means the neighborhood has more cats than ever. The females are now prego. She's excited about the upcoming births and hopes that the mothers will take the kittens to her. Is there a law saying how many strays you can feed before eough is enough?
Lovely kittens! I wish I had room for a few more... :)
Can someone please quickly outline the typical costs of cat ownership? ie Vet, food, etc? Thank you!
Keep the cat inside and you won't have to get the shots except for the rabies shot. My VET told me that a few years back. Litter is about $5.50 a 20lb or 30lb bag and food is about $8 a 7 or 8lb bag. I have 2 cats and they really don't cost much and I love having them around!
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