Crude is moving through Gulf like ash from a volcano, official says
Clouds of oil have been found drifting underwater in the Gulf of Mexico as far as 142 miles from the wrecked Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, government officials said Tuesday.
Clouds of oil have been found drifting underwater in the Gulf of Mexico as far as 142 miles from the wrecked Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, government officials said Tuesday.
At a briefing, Jane Lubchenko, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said that tests conducted at three sites by a University of South Florida research vessel confirmed oil as far as 3,300 feet below the surface.
The oil was found 42 miles northeast of the well site and also 142 miles to the southeast.
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USF and Southern Miss. State have been talking about these underwater plumes for weeks. Until this week, both the Fed's and BP denied there existence. The whole reason for the massive use of dispersants were a fleeting attempt at keeping the oil "out of sight, out of mind". Too bad those dispersants are caustic and toxic. Good job.
Will the Sea ever recover ?
Humans are not strong enough to kill "mother earth" it will work the other way.
doug wilkerson,
Are we getting to the point where if you run from the city(DC) and look back you turn to salt or stone. Are we there yet?
I seriously don't believe anything that BP has to say. I feel like they have misled all of us and will continue to do so. I look at the containment cap that is supposedly catching the oil and the flow coming from under the cap looks almost the same as it did when they first placed it. I just feel for the families of the victims who lost their lives that day. This is all people are talking about. Everyone will be touched by this in some way in the following year/years ahead. The affect on the economy is going to be enormous. It's all just sad, really sad.
doug you probably don't believe in evolution either.
Interestingly, people like you make me believe in evolution.
I think I found the missing link.
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