"Yesterday, all current employees of the Wicomico State's Attorney's Office received an email from Davis Ruark (dated 6/21/10 at 10 pm). It stated if any current employee plans to run against him in the upcoming election, they better resign now. It also said if any current employee has been promised anything by an incumbent (such as a promise of future employment), that they also better resign now.
All employees of that office are in complete shock. That means Sam Vincent (and any employee that has been promised anything) has to resign and will likely be unemployeed for the next months until the election. Any Asst or Deputy State's Attorney's cases will have to be reassigned.
Because Davis Ruark is elected, he has no supervisor. The current employees are unable to take any action against him. This is unreal!!"
This morning I received the above message and I couldn't disagree with their message more.
Sam Vincent works at the pleasure of Davis Ruark. Davis Ruark's job, (especially right now) is to prosecute. It is NOT to manage an office in which you are forced to pick and choose who you will support.
Sam Vincent has been given numerous opportunities to take a leave of absence and has chosen not to do so. This is within Davis Ruark's power to KEEP THE PEACE and Sam is very aware of the position he is in.
IMHO, the disrespect Sam is placing not only on Ruark, but the entire Staff within the States Attorneys Office is just unbelievable to me. However, the general public is not aware of what is going on there. Sam should have respectably taken a leave of absence and run his campaign. Instead, he has stalled filing, (even though he has announced his intent to run).
Davis Ruark has given Sam every opportunity to work things out in the hopes Sam would not file against him, yet Sam fully intends to continue his run against Davis.
Right now we have the most serious criminal case Wicomico County has ever experienced, the murder of Sarah Foxwell. What's more important to you Sam? Kindly step down, take a leave of absence and do the honorable thing.
Sam Vincent has left Davis Ruark with no choice. Every attorney in that Office has a job to do. The cases are so loaded, there's no time for internal politics. I have spoken to other States Attorneys and they firmly agree with Ruark's position. Sam knew what he was getting into.
When you have a Owner/President/CEO of a company and someone below you attempts to take over the company, do you keep them on Staff? Look what recently happened to a General vs. Obama! The General certainly has the right to resign and RUN for President of the United States but it is completely unethical to disrespect his leader on the job. Vincent is no different.
I applaud Davis Ruark for standing his ground, making the proper offers up front and then the final message to all employees. Mind you, the message at the top of this Post is a paraphrased messages. It is NOT the actual message Ruark sent out. It is their second hand, if not third hand opinion of what was sent.
i agree with ruark on this one. running againist one another and yet still work together would be cause for some bad shhhtuff.
The Public would be shocked if they knew what was going on in that office. If Sam is going to run, he needs to tell ALL.
I will comment that Sam Vincent should have been let go years ago.I was personally involved in a case and he was given all the evidence ( a theft over $20,000 ) and advised he was going to persue and did not. It was open and shut and he was to lazy to persue . My attorney advised it was open and shut. I have heard this lazy comment from other attorney's.
Maybe Sam should have resigned, but what effect should that have had on other employees of that office. Ruark's email also said if other employees were promised anything, they had to resign. It really sounds like Ruark is testing his employees loyalty.
And I do not agree that Ruark has the same rights as an Owner/President/CEO. While Ruark's position is elected, all employees in that office are county employees. This is not the private sector.
Common sense: You don't want to have an employee in your organization with the motivation & opportunity to undermine, sabotage & embarrass you. Especially with this big case coming up. I'm not saying Vincent would actually do something to undermine the S.A. but...that's a risk Davis Ruark has to mitigate.
How about the motivation of the leak, itself? Who sent it? What should happen to them? If i was a CEO i would not want disloyal workers under me, especially if they are leaking stuff to the public or press
anonymous 11:05, now that's funny! Could you just imagine if Barrie Tilghman fired every employee that sent us inside information. The GOB would be CLOSED!
Salisburian1963 said...
While Ruark's position is elected, all employees in that office are county employees. This is not the private sector.
10:47 AM
WRONG!!! They are state employee!! Hence the terminology "state's attorney." People that post innaccurate information like this pretending to be very knowlegeble ruin their credibility!
I see a company owned business and States Attorneys office as 2 entirely separate circumstances you are talking about.------A Company is private owned----The States Attorney Position is-----Elected By The People .
If Mr Ruark said these things AND can do what is stated------Then He has to much power!!!
I see no reason why Anyone should have to take a leave of absence from the office.
anonymous 11:57, then go tell Obama he has no right to remove the General and or ask for his resignation. Of course you DIDN'T touch on that example because it hits home. That's why I gave TWO.
11:11 Sorry,you are wrong. Employees of the State's Attorney's Office receive their benefits and salary from Wicomico County. Not the State of MD!!
10:16 then PLEASE tell all of us "what is going on" in the SA office
Salisburian1963 said...
11:11 Sorry,you are wrong. Employees of the State's Attorney's Office receive their benefits and salary from Wicomico County. Not the State of MD!!
12:02 PM
Look my friend, it doesn't matter where they receive there benifits, they are not county employees. It is just like the "Wicomico County Health Department" where some of the funding comes from Wicomico County they are not county employees, they actually fall under the state of Maryland.
Ruark is correct.
The employees of the state's attorney's office ARE Wicomico County Employees. There are a few of them that are supported with state grants but the majority are County funds.
Those voodoo panties are certainly stirring things up.
Anon 12:49 is exactly right except for the voodoo panties!
Check out the county budget and you will find that the prosecutors office is funded by Wicomico taxpayers, that is a fact. A few grants means nothing because they are county employees and frankly I don't see how Ruark could force anyone out as long as they are doing their job.
We need more choices for this position. Both of these lawyers have baggage and we need real change. I encourage some new blood to jume into this race.
There is way to much hanky panky going on in the office. To many cases or stet docketed. Only the most high profile cases are prosecuted. Ruark is in charge and ultimately responsible. Vincent has supported him for years. Vincent now wants change for the better but might not be the right man for the job. Bottom line is we need more choice. Please other lawyers of Wicomico, jump into this race.
What's a conservative to do? We have no one running in this race. Dan Powell is running in Somerset, why can't Wicomico have a real choice?
2:16, You will be pleased to see what Republican will be running for Wicomico States Attorney. Watch the news!
You think Dan Powell is a choice? Politicians change their party to suit the climate of the race.
2:28 --
Hey Genius: Dan Powell lives in Somerset County, where he is running for State's Attorney there.
One thing to keep in mind - you do not have to be an attorney to be the State's Attorney. It would obviously be a benefit but someone like Mike Lewis could run and be elected with no law degree. So don't just limit the search for suitable replacements to the legal field, let's open it up to the real leaders in Wicomico County.
Hmm, during the last election 3 Employees at Sheriff's Office ran for Sheriff and none was forced to give up thier jobs. All but 1 still work there.
What about people who work for the Governor? Do they have to quit if they want to work for the next administration as well? Sounds like petty politics to me
anonymous 3:06, are you really that stupid?
Hunter Nelms was stepping down and retiring, Ruark is not.
If they work for the Governor and they attempt to run, yes, they should be terminated.
Not sure this is a good political move for Davis, although it may be good general policy.
Read Newell v. Runnels at http://mdcourts.gov/opinions/coa/2009/48a08.pdf
Newell not applicable for multiple reasons.
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