You know what though Folks, you have to wonder just how many people were aware of the scams that have been going on in Salisbury for so many years. Yesterday it was Alarm Systems, today its Towing Companies.
So let's look at the local Towing Industry. The City of Salisbury has an agreement with each and every Towing Company in Salisbury to which each owner can only own ONE company and each Owner signs a formal agreement to such. In this contract they are required to have a secured storage lot, yet this is clearly not policed by the City because some do not. In fact, some actually share storage lots with other Towing Companies. Some don't have a secured lot at all.
More importantly, the reason the City has each Owner sign an agreement to which they only own ONE company at a time is based on a ROTATION system. If the Salisbury Police need a vehicle towed, they use a rotation list. The same could be said for the City of Salisbury's parking/meter group. This rotation system is in place to make sure everyone is treated equally and fairly. But are they? If you own lets say 4 companies, you're getting 4 times the business the next guy who's doing things by the book is. Now multiply that throughout an entire year!
What does it mean these days when an owner of a company knowingly signs an agreement and then flat out lies in order to gain more business?
Certainly this is a small scale thing but to those smaller Towing Companies struggling to stay alive in this economy, it means everything to them.
It's been reported there are companies that own as many as 4 different companies at one time. A DOT# is given to the individual/owner, not the corporation. One can easily look at the DOT #'s on each company vehicle and see they are owned by one individual.
OK, now that you're aware that this unfair practice is going on, what would you say if I told you our local government is well aware of it and has done absolutely nothing to resolve it. Let me add, could this be considered perjury?
We're told there's a special way to get around this formal agreement but once again, who's policing the Police? Who's policing the City? Could a Mayor suggest only certain companies be considered first? How about the Police Department leadership? Is there room for payoffs?
This is what the Good Old Boys are all about, beating the system. Since Mayor Ireton is well aware of what's going on, yet nothing has been done about it, I'm asking that the States Attorneys Office start looking into this matter.
If YOU are aware of any other similar possible scams like this, let us know and we'll look into it.
Its not the fact that they own 4 companies.. its the fact that they own 4 trucks with 4 different names on each truck so they get 4 times the tows. Its a very poor business practice, or an easy way to cheat. And most times they use the same USDOT numbers which is illegal. I'm amazed someone actually wrote about this. Its been going on a long time and honest local towing companys with 5-10 trucks with ONE name and ONE turn on the rotation lists have been complaining for years with nothing done about it. But I see it this way if those guys can't survive without doing this, they wont be around for long. FLY by Nighters as my grandfather would tell me. If they rely on police rotation tows to survive, their not impacting the towing industry enough to worry about. For once I am glad it wasnt me who stirred this pot of wrote this post!
Sure you all know who I am. But Im not throwing names out there. Its not good business to talk negatively about your competition.
The city and state need to revamp their towing procedures. Possibly bid out the entire job so one company does all tows light medium and heavy duty thats how alot of larger cities are handling it, they could either make it so only companies can bid if they handle all three types of towing and split it up light duty bid and heavy duty bid.
It's ridiculous to think the Salisbury Police or even the City of Salisbury itself can tell anyone how many companies they can own, whether they be towing, landscaping, medical or whatever. If someone is smart enough to get around the city's policy that's the City's problem.
I want to know why 2 summers ago the Book-mobile was frequently being filled with fuel on Northwood Drive at that fleet fueling station at 3 AM in the morning?
Two suggestions:
The City should set the maximum that the tow companies can charge, so that they can't gouge people.
The City should charge for the time it takes to administer the towing. so that it is not the taxpayers who foot that cost.
If each owner only had the 1 company and just added trucks to the fleet, that would be less companies on the police rotation therefore everyone would get more calls, tards.
My i thought you where up on things that take place in salisbury, this has been going on for years .
You had better dig a little deeper .
THe good ole boys have this town sewn up and no one is going to change that .
I think they make more money by keeping your vehicle on their lot for as long as they can.
And now Salisbury will have a dog park, so who cares if there are less fire and police personnel when we need them?
I think Adkins and Simpsons should use different names on each truck so there would be like 17-20 more companies on the list lol
Anon 11:12. Your correct and they can do that mainly bc majority of them don't have offices where their lots are. Just a fence. No one works there. I was victim to this once. it should be a requirement to have an office where the lot is. And open at least 8 till 5pm. In cities the offices are open 24 hrs a day
I know for a while one of the companies didn't have different trucks.. they used the same truck and just changed the magnet that had their name on it.
My son was in an accident. His car towed on Friday. He called to pick it up and was told he could pick it up on Monday...paid for three days of storeage. They were there to answer the phone but not for him to pick up his car.???He paid over $300.00 for storeage of his vehicle. Rip Off.
They are not Good Ole Boys.
They are Freemasons.
Stuff like this goes on in other towns too. The towns should seek bids for annual contracts and provide in-town service and have the police departments investigate the businesses to make sure they follow the rules.
It is checting as the first post says and if it is illegal to use the same number and that is happening I hope that the proper agency will take care of it and let your readers know.
Complaints have been filed for as long as its been going on and nothing gets done. The council passes it to the Mayor ,the Mayor passes it to the City Administrator, the Administrator passes it to the Police Dept and then still nothing has been done. Trust me.
How about the Septic system installation scam...:
Requires an ugly mound for new installations.
Special rocks.
Special sand.
Special vendor equipment.
They could eliminate alot of those issues by just doing like someone else suggested-bid it out and whichever ONE company has the low bid provides all towing services to the city for an agreed upon period of time.Larger cities have their own trucks so the scams cant rear their heads.
Along the same subject line,am I the only one whose ever been creeped out by certain tow truck drivers.Not naming the company but theres one in particular in Salisbury (northern part of town)that has a good rep but one of their drivers is very surly and difficult-just nasty to deal with which is why I never used them again
anon 10:19
The people scamming the system aren't smart enough to have many different businesses. It is the same DOT# on the trucks with different names on them.
anon 11:32
it's called an answering service. No one is actually at the place of business to take your money so that you can get your car on a Saturday or Sunday.
One of the problems is that the person who is in charge of the Tow List is a buddy of the biggest offender. When someone complains, the complaint gets passed right to him and he files it in the round file. One company is on the list under a company that doesn't even exist anymore. Has anyone seen a Sonny & Dan's truck in the last 10 years??
i have dealt with a particular towing company on the north end of town which has a very good reputation. I work at an automobile repair shop on the north end of town and this towing company frequently tows vehicle to us. They have two drivers who "appear" surly if you just go by the look on their faces. I think this could just be that life seems to beat on them at times. I have actually "engaged" them in conversation and they are great guys. Don't judge a book by their cover or their "past" life. Grow up and get over it.
I've said all along...it's either who you know or who you blow that lets people get away with crap like this. Kudos to the honest towing companies out there who are doing the right thing. As far as those officials who are letting this happen, it's a new day...we are tired of the good-ole-boy system and we're not going to stand for it anymore. Let this be your notice that you are being watched carefully and appropriate action WILL be taken!
I'd be willing to bet these companies don't have 4 or 5 insurance policies. For each different company
1:28 I guess they have an answering service to take the call from the police department or from a customer. These guys have a cell phone on them as most of us business persons do. This guy wanted to collect money. He was even at the yard when my son went to check out the damage to his car thru the fence. The owner was there. Sorry not open til monday. We wont use them again. There is money to be made and if these businesses treat their customers well they will always have good customers. Treat them badly and you wont stay in business long.
someone is getting rich
i was in an accident it was in front of a store in salisbury i was taken to the hospital my sister tried to get a freinds tow company to tow it but the cop would not let her leave the car in the store lot for the 45 minutes it would take to come get it ( the store even gave her the ok to leave it there 45 min )sounds like the cops get kick backs too
10;19 said:.....It's ridiculous to think the Salisbury Police or even the City of Salisbury itself can tell anyone how many companies they can own, whether they be towing, landscaping, medical or whatever. If someone is smart enough to get around the city's policy that's the City's problem.
No its not riduculous. It is fair. Anyone who tries to "get over" on the system is not a good business person, just a greedy one. The policy is a good one, and should be followed period. There are ways to find out who owns what company. Maybe each company should have to get licensed and go through a certain channel to even get on the list. Its people like you that think "getting over" is ok, is the reason so many "get over" on the taxpayers through welfare and other entitlements.
In my opinion bidding out all towing to one company would be quite unfair to those who operate small, one or two truck operations. Most of the companies on the rotation are indeed small companies. Most have been there more than 10-15 years and do things by the book. Why should they be penalized for the actions of others? If the person in charge of the towing list (Danny Parsons and formerly Cliff Shearin) would monitor everyones actions it (scams) would have been stopped long ago.
Anon 11:32
If your sons car was towed it was most likely for a criminal act or a violation on the tags or insurance. If he wasnt screwing up it wouldnt have been towed.
Just because a company answers the phone 24 hours a day doesnt mean the office is open 24 hours per day. Is your insurance agent open 7 days per week? No. Do they charge you for insurance 7 days per week? Yes. Who says towing companies have to be open on the weekends to release vehicles? Monday thru Friday 8-5 is an acceptable practice in my opinion. Storage rates are to help pay for the property that your car is stored on, which is not cheap at all. Tow trucks fully equipped for accidents and other towing cost on average 80 thousand dollars for a light duty truck. We dont set those prices the manufacturers do, so its passed on to the consumer....just like anything else in this world.
The point of this post is about the City of Salisbury and its officials turning the other cheek, not rates or appearances of wrecker operators.
comcast! That is a county deal. They give the county a kick back and the schools free service and they are the only game in town. In my sisters town there are 2 cable providers and her monthly bill for the same service is $30 per month cheaper.
Who is in charge of the tow list? Provide a name please and the company that they favor sothat it can be documetned and stopped.
want to look at a scam, look at the city attorney!
If this was the biggest problem in Salisbarrie, it would be a great place.
very true anon 537pm
Roger said...Anon 11:32
If your sons car was towed it was most likely for a criminal act or a violation on the tags or insurance. If he wasnt screwing up it wouldnt have been towed.
Roger, if you read the post right you would see where it says, Her son was in an accident and his car was towed. Last i knew if your in an accident and your car is not drivable it needs to be towed. the problem is that he probably had to be taken to the hospital and wasn't there to tell them where he wanted it towed, so of course it went right to the lot and charges started racking up. And as far as the rotation list. It is used if you let the police choose for you. when I wrecked my truck a month ago I told them Adkins was towing my truck because he is the only tow company I use.
Are there no more significant issues to discuss. Take a look at the City Council's agenda for next Monday.
You can go to www.fmcsa.dot.gov and check anyones status with the DOT.It is all public information. The DOT number goes with the owners name not the companies name. If you go to the page and request a company snapshot, just either put in their DOT number or you can put in their name and bring up everything about them. It will tell you how many power units they have listed to the gov.So if you are not allowed to have any other companies on the list that you are affiliated with then why do the use the same DOT number? Sounds pretty cut and dry to me. And also I feel that if they have deceived the City of Salisbury then the Sheriffs Dept. and the State Police needs to also check into this. Because in order to be on their lists you have to a current business license from the city, and also provide current zoning forms proving that your business is zoned correctly.
I only had the option of where the car would be towed, not by which company.
So The Public Can See These Prices have NEVER been enforced. Sure hundreds could agree...
Mr. Webster moved and Mrs. Polk seconded to approve Resolution No. 820. Resolution No. 820, as presented by Police Chief Allan Webster, established the following standard fees for the towing and storage of scofflaw vehicles:
$85.00 - towing of scofflow vehicles
$20.00 - storage fee per day
$35.00 - administrative fee
I highly doubt the "rotation" system is being used. There was an accident on Route 13 N by the hospital. I was in traffic behind the accident and witnessed 2 tow trucks (separate companies) "racing" to the scene to capture the tow. Once the first arriving tow truck was in place the second one sped off, defeated. It appeared to me that the tow companies are listening to the scanner and "race" to the scene to claim the tow, creating a dangerous situation for those innocent drivers stuck in traffic. There was very little regard to traffic around them, since they had their eye on the prize. What a wasteful and dangerous way to do business.
758. Is very true I drive for one of the local companies and seems like every call I get on rotation I see the same guys racing there that weren't called trying to get to the customer who is already shaken from the accident
To the person who said bidding it out wouldn't be fair to the smaller companies is dead wrong. That's how smaller companies become bigger companies everyday by taking risk and sticking your neck out there on a city bid etc. Free enterprise not obama spread the wealth
Tindalls Towing, Quality Towing, Collision Towing, HT Towing.....they all run the scanners and then haul ass to the scene before the police show up then they tell the cop that they just "drove up on the wreck" and start loading. He does it all the time.
9:23--> Towing of Scofflaw vehicles is a totally seperate deal. They are vehicles that have excessive parking tickets, or owe money to the city. The owner of the vehicle pays the fee directly to the city and then the city pays the tow company. The tow company releases the vehicle when the owner brings a release slip from the city.
You'd better watch out for Delmarva Towing too. They hold your vehicle hostage for days, racking up storage fees by not answering their phone unless it is a police tow. I was one of their victims. They also run the scanners! I've seen it with my own eyes. Those Tindall boys are the biggest rip-offs in town. Hopefully, their day will come soon. Karma is a bitch when it finally catches up with you!
See people, open your eyes! Some of the same people that are fradulently on the tow list are also the same ones who have been implicated in the scanner-hopping. They are greedy and have no reguard for others around them. The 4 business names that "One Hook Wonder" mentioned are all from one parent company (for those who don't know). Don't misunderstand me, they aren't the only ones, but never the less, they are by far the worst of the bunch. Ride to their lot and look around at their neighboring lots. Look at all the names on all the nice new trucks there. Bet you don't see the same name twice(unless its on a wrecker and rollback)
from tommy if you tow guys would not worry abount me and worry about your owm companys you would be better off all of you do the same so don tmake up lies on me because you all do the the same on prices . remember i have all of you towing companys towing receipts where i pick up cars that i paid you for from ins co. so,watch what you say about me because they are higher than mind and you need to take care of your own thing instead of worrying about me and dont be two face. i am by the book ,so if they need proof i have tindalls towing ,also you can put different companys on list to if you have the money to do so instead of lieing on me . my companys are all by the book and if you have something to say put your name on here instead of hiding be a man not a kid because you just make me buy more trucks tommy tindall tindalls, hts, collision ,quality from tommy tindall
Ithink you tow guys are jealous of the Tindalls boys becaue they have new trucks and you dont , i know for a true fact they dont even need to tow ,they already had lots of money from years ago. so you need to take a look at your own self , you can do same as them just work too
HI, just want to say all of you towing companys are ripping off people. i would rather a towing company pick up my car with a new truck instead of a pice of junk like some have ,but thats me
I think the tindall boy s work hard and if they have new trucks so what. cant you all buy new trucks too.
firt of all i want to say that the tindall boys dont even need to tow ,so why would you say bad things about them , ive heard and known them for a long time amd they had all news things before they ever got into the towing,i really dont thing they need money that bad . thats what i know thanks
dont just say there are 3 or 4 towing companys are owned by the same ,so what you can do the same,just takes money,put up r shut up babys
auto medic, parson,56th, towing are crooks toooooooooooo
i looked today just to see and TINDALLS, QUALITY,HTS.COLLISION,TOWING , has has 4 different lots , 4 signs,4 phone numbers and all his trucks are letterd and very clean trucks,thank you
call the police to see what companys get the most tow and it wont be the companys you are talking about.the police dept would know ,if they are scanner running. 410-548-3165 scp, 410-749-3101,
i think if you all are not careful they might put you out. it takes money you know and they got lots of that, so i dont think they care what you say about them.and i know that Tommy's not. talks cheep
Tommy...the post had nothing to do with prices and rates. If you feel the need to buy more trucks, go ahead and get some more. Start new companies. Have at it.
If it wasnt for police calls you would have nothing at all and you know it because if you were able to survive on both private and police agency calls with one company....you would. But opening more companies gets you more rotation calls and thats why you do it....period.
Anon 9:01
Youre a complete idiot....having new trucks is not the meaning of success. Many successful companies have older trucks that do the same job as a brand new one. If its a "true fact" that they dont need to tow...then why do they?? Youre a clown.
The last 8 comments came in within a few minutes of each other....thats one person doing that....TOMMY !! If youre so filthy rich....why not retire to China? Land of the mail order bride.
You know all this talk and complaining about towing companies has been going on for quite awhile. The first time it was brought up it was about scanner chasing.I believe the truth be told it's all about jelousy... Just because one owner has lets say four companies doing everything by the book people want to bring his name up. people need to understand that the more talk about this certain person is only going to make things worse for other companies. I say this because I know him, and he will read all that is being said laugh and go out and buy yet another truck.... I know a few of these towing companies and the owners and a few drivers. I also know for a fact that Tindsll's Towing has never ran the scanner.... Now the biggest scanner chaser would be Auto-medic and then there is Delmarva Towing which hasn't done that in awhile. I also know who has gotten all of this started again due to him being so dishonest and a past criminal he's just crying because nobody wanted him down Valture Alley AKA Upshur St. you know like my mom always said... the more you stir a turd the worse it stinks
talking about rip offs auto medic had my car for two days bill was 825.00 towing fees,labor fees.waitime fees,yard fees ,paper fees, adim fees,also gate fees, clean up fees and you tell me hes the biggest crook so all are doing not just one all
auto medic towing
i can say you might not think danny parson not doing his job ,but he does it right by the book, i can of sure you of that and if you dont think sowhy not call him unless you are afraid to do so than keep your mouth shut
all you tow companys bitching have you been turned down by the city police about putting your trucks on list like tindalls and, if not why dont you do the same are shut up and stop crying
i like to see TINDALL boys as you say get it all because i think they do a great job and are fast with their work always on time and do a great job ,no one is perfect take a look at your self before you talk about them, keep the good work up TINDALL
Talking about companys with 4 r 2 companys ,what about
lmao this is all to comical now.. i bet Tommy Tindall or a crony wrote all the last 10 comments. Good luck putting Adkins, Simpsons, Grants out of business they've only been here a combined 100 plus years. Simpsons and Adkins are in totally different market with the heavy duty wreckers. And I know that Simpsons newest heavy cost around $300,000 so I doubt they are worried about Tindalls HTS QUALITY COLLISION or whoever they claim to be buying another rollback and also the last two trucks Tommy Tindall put on the list are far from new, but its not even about shiney new trucks. This has gotten so far off topic. But this all started back in the mid 90's with bowers towing but he did everything legal, 2 offices 2 phone numbers 2 dot numbers 2 different lots etc. and same for Gary Puseys and ASAP they are tow totally different companies with 2 owners, 2 dot numbers 2 phone numbers and 2 offices, yes OFFICES with businesses that answer the phone 24 7 not just when its convenient. One day it wont matter though b/c all these companies with 4 or 5 names on their trucks will be gone their not family names that will be past from generation to generation. So who really cares, oh and Delmarva Towing is only on the list once so i don't think people are bashing or talking about Eddie Tindall.. mainly the older brother that no respect for anybody.
have a great day, and im sure this will get thrown under the rug for another 10 years or so. but in the end who cares. Good luck guys with 3 - 5 trucks with 3 - 5 different names, You don't have a successful business. You have a truck that does police calls because your on a list and they have to call you. Thats really something to brag about!
from tommy u all can kiss my a.. i can buy and sell you be a man not a punk and come tell me are shut up and no i didnt put nothing on here ,if i did ill put my mane on here because im a man not a boy like you and no i dont need police cslls to live but you. you must are you wouldnt be talking about me and my trucks. tommy
GARY PUSEY'S, worst offender. . had a car towed on a Saturday evening and was charged $250 for the tow, which was at the Fruitland Walmart and then $50/day after that!!!! This should be illegal!!!!!
anon 1236 you dont know how lucky you are, and GP's rates are the norm and low compared to the "other guys" the companies you dont even know they exist or have a name in the town. so Gary Pusey's by far not the worst offender for one this news post isnt even about prices its about the citys rotation list
like i said kiss my a.. and grow up ,stop being a baby be a man let me know who u are dont hide. but u must need some tows are you wouldnt be on here running you mouth because its big . have a nice day and really dont care what you all say about me ,wait to i put your receipts from all towing companys on here are send them to the mayor tommy how u like me now
one hook wonder and anon must need some money to pay to get their mouth fix because you are the only on here crying
Anon 12:36......Whhy was your car towed?? Breaking the law Im sure.
By the way Tommy....if you put reciepts up on here it would really open you up for a lawsuit. I hope you do post them.
12:36, $50 a day is the low average for storage. An average standard police tow is $175. Average cost for overturned vehicles or winching is another $100 on top of that. If you feel that you were overcharged, call the agency that had the vehicle towed(City, State, County, or Town Police). Every tow company is required to provide the agency with a price list. If what they charged was different than what their pirce list allowed, they can be suspended from the list.
The bottom line is not who is charging too much or what their trucks look like or even what their drivers look like. It is about having more than one company on the police list. The regulations state that you cannot be affiliated with any other company on the list. So if you want to go see who is right and who is wrong go look at the DOT numbers on all of the trucks. If the same number is being used than that answers the question. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me.
I'm not associated with any tow company but I can say that by reading these comments by you and others- I wouldn't want to use ANY of the companies. In my opinion, you can own 500 companies if you so choose but only ONE company per owner should be allowed on the rotation list. If the companies are in fact seperate then they should have different DOT numbers, different offices, different phone numbers, different storage lots. It's about honest business practices. If you have to rely on police calls and creating numerous 'companies' just to get work, then there is something wrong with the work/prices you provide. From reading the comments it seems Simpsons, Grant, Adkins (the companies that have been around the longest) are the honest companies that should be appalleded for not stooping down to the level of the 'crooks' and not jumping on the band wagon. Yea- MAYBE those companies are charge 20 bucks more or whatever per call but the other guys are scamming the system to get more calls. Sounds like no brainer to me.
I want to hear joe's opinion
anonymous 3:13, the Post is my opinion.
Gotcha thanks joe
Don't forget about Williams Towing. They have been around since 1947.
I don't know why whoever wants to to talk bad about Auto Medic, but my freinds car broke down in the snowstorm and it couldn't be fixed right away,and he did not have any funds and he was from out of town, Steve payed for his hotel room for two nights and than fixed the car for cheaper than the dealer could. I would use them anytime. Great company.
Yup Williams 1947 and Simpsons 1954 started as gas service stations you don't last that long by taking advantage of people
I think that the city is supposed to have set feels that are allowable. They should post the regs for all to see.
Anon 4:10am FYI
Gary Pusey's Towing is owned solely by Gary Pusey. USDOT #807533
ASAP Towing is owned solely by Dean and Dale Pusey. USDOT #807539
The DOT numbers are seperate and the storage facilities are in different locations. The phone numbers are different, and most importantly, we have an office located at 101 N. Fruitland Blvd. if anyone would like to come and verify what I say.
Look it up if you like.
Might I also add that no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to please ALL of the people ALL of the time. Someone will surely find a fault in what you do, especially in the towing world.
When I was in Salisbury I always used Grants for my towing needs-they were recommended by my road service plan and they have a sterling reputation.
all you half to do is lease out your towing trucks and that will fix all of this matter. with the DOT and charter .just letting you know how to fix . ???
If the towing list was rotation only and no owners request on msp,scp,wico, it would be much better because listen to you scanner and see who's gets the most around here always adkins,grants,asap,pusey ,but thats fair.sounds like something going on there that needs to stop.
I'd rather own just one successful well known company, successful in the private towing world(not police rotations), then have to lease out my trucks and put different names on all the trucks that no one would recognize or be able to say hey that's the Williams family or Simpson's family for instance. to me success is giving good service at a fair price and making a good living, not needing to be filthy rich just happy and love doing what you do. Alot of these guys probably have a hard time looking in the mirrors and respecting themselves let alone others.
I think the tow fees should be set at $ 85.00 labor $85.00 storage$20,00 a day ,this is what we need to change ,not worry about 4,companys and DOT numbers , stop high prices, lets get the mayor to fix the prices. ok mayor get you get this done now,
May be adversely affected by long hours, in-climate weather, UNFAIR ROTATION LIST and irate customers
Please do not approach while hook is in operation!
I think the mayor should take a look of all towing companys charges and what they are charging the people,and stop those fees, all are crooks not just two or three ,its all tow companys, lets worry about this not how many companys you have set the rates now.
TOWING $85.00
LABOR $50.00
stop the high fees set the rates
stop the high fees set the rates
mayor needs to check the tow rates
Salisbury City Police
Danny Parson keep up the good work your a doing a great job and fair to all. thanks
To all those who think that capping the rates is going to help anything.....
Where do you work? How would you feel if big brother came in and said "You can only charge this amount for your service because we said so!" Thats bullspit !!!! Some companies have a bigger bottom line than others and need to charge accordingly. Gimme a break....would you want to get called out in the middle of the night for a car that has been rolled over with oil and coolant all over, glass strewn accross the ground, blood and sometimes brain matter, tons of other debris to clean up for 85 dollars?? HELL NO you wouldnt. Or lets just say all those drunk drivers out there, and theres a sh@tload of them, they should be towed for 85 dollars? Thats it?? They could have killed someone but 85 is just perfect in your eyes until its your family member hurt or killed.
You people with your ideas of capping rates have no idea how to run a business, let alone a towing business. Lets start capping prices on everything....rent, mortgages, restaurants and hell how about even the police officers salaries?? Think that would go over very well?? NOT.
You people have no idea how many people just plain dump their cars on us because they had liability only insurance policies and theyre twisted heap is worth nothing to anyone. So instead of getting paid for our service....we get the shaft. But you can bet the ambulance company or the utility company that responded to the scene will be paid for anything they do. Quite handsomly I might add. When a phone pole goes down due to a wreck DP&L will send out 3 trucks with full staff, a supervisor, and anything else they need to get the job done. How much you think those guys make per hour?? You know its a lot more than you and me.
Setting rates??? Why dont we have set ambulance rates or utility company rates or doctor rates or any other rate?? When a car takes out that phone pole do you think that the police tell the utility company they can only charge the insurance company 85 dollars to put in a new one? HA this is so comical now!!
Drive by any tow lot and you will see the junk that they have been saddled with because the dead-beat owner decided he wasnt gonna pay for our service and just walks away scott free while we are left holding the bag. We cant get titles to these vehicles, we cant sell them to the public, we get beat !!! Our drivers went out and worked for nothing, for free, for nada. How would you feel? So quit whining about rates, start carrying full coverage on your vehicles or stop getting arressted and having your car impounded and you wouldnt be crying about some tow company trying to make a living. Last I checked there was nobody getting rich from towing in this town.
By the way...my cable and electric bills are much too high so can Salisbury Police please cap those rates at 45 dollars per month? Good luck with that.
Drivers are paid on average 20-30 % of the tow bill as their wage. Do the math ---20% of 85 dollars??? Thats about 17 bucks.
After 10+ years of doing this I consider myself a professional and should be compensated as such. The companies that have been in business for decades pay their drivers what they are worth, and it sure isnt 17 dollars for their effort and labor. Most times there is traffic zipping by at 50-80 mph inches from my work zone and 17 bucks just aint gonna cut it.
It would not matter if you leased out your trucks or not, The regulations state that no licensed tower would be affiliated with any other company directly or indirectly. If someone leased their trucks they are still getting financial gain from the leased companies.
Just thinking,all you towing companys talking about the one that has 3 or 4 on list ,for him to take off and only have 1 and see if you can make it ,because you all said they wouldnt last long , so it sounds like to me you all depend on police tows are you wouldnt be on here bitching.
yes i do think the mayor should cap these prices to what was on here that someone put. THANKS
$85.00 TOW
cry cry cry GROW UO BOYS
Anon 5:24
Its funny how you name the companies that are "bitching" but nobody has signed a name to their comments except SIX people out of 106. So how can you be sure who is who? Almost all of the replies are obviously from towing companies and hardly any from the public. Post your name, tell us who YOU are. Dont be scared, its only a blog.
By the way--- Everything that I have posted is my own personal opinion and not that of my employer, thats why I sign MY name and not theirs. I did not start this post only replied to it with THE TRUTH.
Now someone please hand me a kleenex ! LOL
still crying roger grow up
$85.00 TOWING
$75.00 LABOR
$25.00 A DAY
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