Here is an excerpt:
"Right-wing Americans who appear in mainstream media are not out there calling black people {edit: n-bomb}, or saying, The Klan has good ideas. Instead, they're questioning the legitimacy of Obama's presidency by accusing him of being born in Africa or of being a Muslim. Or they're having tea parties and calling Obama a 'communist' and a 'Nazi.'"
Wow. Just wow. I didn't agree with Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a slur used for gay men that starts with f (trying to keep this post civil) and I certainly cannot agree with what Ms. Silverman wrote in her book. My problem isn't that there aren't racist in the right wing, because there are. Just like there are racists amongst the left. What I loathe about glib pieces like this are their ability to chastise innocent bystanders. The majority of people in America, both right wing and left wing are just folks. They wake up in the morning and go to work, worry about keeping their jobs, their weight, the mortgage or rent, keeping their kids safe, etc... When people use overarching stereotypes to try to erect some sort of monolithic straw man they do us all a disservice.
While I made waves a bit ago by commenting that I do believe President Obama was born in Hawaii and is an American, I certainly would never call those that disagree racists. The people I have met who question his birth place just do not believe in the validity of the paperwork. There is nothing coded or racist about it.
As for immigration, not many people are calling for closing the borders to legitimate immigration. The concern is illegal immigration. I've seen reports on television of 10-15 million people in America are not here legally. I've been to foreign countries where I do not speak the native tongue very well. It is a very vulnerable feeling, but I always prepare for the trips by learning words and phrases like "restroom", "how much?", "taxi", etc... to help ease the language gap. Since I do not wish to meet and have to deal with a foreign police force, whose laws I am probably only vaguely aware of, I obey the law even better than I do at home. I've avoided dirty cops in foreign lands, but have met my share of Americans that have paid bribes to corrupt policemen in Mexico. I have no need for such an adventure in my life and I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Given this, why do people break our immigration laws? What kind of person goes to a foreign country and lives there illegally for years-on-end? What kind of person does that and then participates in public protests waving the flag of their country of origin while a few burn the American flag? I just don't get it. I certainly would not want to make the same mistake Ms. Silverman does and generalize a whole population of people, but I honestly do not understand the attitude or the thought process behind being a criminal and demanding that you be forgiven of your crimes and rewarded. In the comments someone explain it to me.
When I see statements such as Sarah Silverman's and listen to the media lately this is what I see in my mind's eye:

I agree that that majority of the folks on the right and left are decent hard-working people.
Unfortunately, these people allow a relatively few extrimists to portray the image of their party. Of course most people on the right know that Obama is a US citizen. Of course most people on the right know that Bush did not have a prior knowledge of 9/11.
But extremism is popular. It sells. It appears to masses. Without Rush Limbaugh, Keith Olbermann, Glen Beck, and Al Sharpton our lives would be boring.
Just look at the comments on a few recent posts. "Obama is a Hitler", "He is a muslim" (as if all of the sudden the word muslim is a deragatory term.)
To the poster, get a clue anyone in the government doesn't just act like US regular everyday citizens... They wake up knowing what they will be doing and what they won't be doing... They don't worry about mortgage or losing their jobs becasue their paid till they basically die for even 1 year of service... they don't have the level of concerns as we do, they way they act and talk proves this... The way they vote proves this...
Alex Obama brings all these accusations on himself he chooses to keep his life in secrecy birth certificate , college records . Even you must wonder why he just doesn't come clean .
8:35 you just proved my point
Thank you
Alex were you making a point ? Your an Obama apologist .
There are now millions of us who do believe the Bush Adminstration was corrupt, had prior knowledge of 911, and then used the event to terrorize Americans into going along with the utter destruction of our Bill of Rights.
There are also millions of us who believe Barry Soreto is an imposter, not eligible to be the U.S. President, works for Israel and the Federal Reserve, and is part of a conspiracy to destroy our economy. The previous administration aided in the destruction of our economy.
We believe both parties are totally corrupt and that large multi-national corporations control most governments.
We believe there is a secret (becoming public) plan to create a one world government (New World Order) and probably a single fiat currency. Furthermore, we believe the government does not care about regular people and are engaged in various eugenics programs including (but not limited to) chemtrail spraying, poisonous vaccines, GM foods, flouride poisoning, and radiation poison.
Many of us are fully aware of previous secret government programs like MK Ultra, Tuskegee, and Northwoods Document.
I hope you and others can at least understand that while the conspiracies sound "crazy" - it does not mean they have no merit.
I encourage you and other intelligent people to investigate the facts of 911 and other on-going conspiracy theories.
Thank you - respectfully
Anonymous for obvious reasons :)
You make some great points. There are many of us out here who believe both political parties are corrupt.
We no longer trust our government.
But that does not mean we want to leave. We simply want our country back!
that's why the TEA party is so big ! join up ALEX !
12:16 I believe that there is a secret port on you computer and you're being watched right now! I would help you put an end to all these evil acts, but unfortunately I am not a doctor.
12:38 I would consider joining if someone could explain their platform in logical terms.
"I want my country back" is not a platform.
Hey Alex,
Do you believe our government ever lies to the American People?
Do you believe the media ever lies?
Just wandering how far you go in terms of believing there are no conspiracies?
Do you believe all conspiracy theories are totally wrong and based on faulty mental capacities?
Are people simply crazy to believe our government might intentionally lie to us?
Sarah Silverman is one of the most un-funny,vulgar wanna be comedians out there.Without Jimmy Kimmel,we may have never heard of her.She says crap like that to get attention.
Alex but you can get on board with hope and change ?
Alex the platform is Taxed Enough Already, you see if you take the T and E and the A it spells TEA don't you think the tax payers are being raped and our money is being wasted ?
Why is this so hard to get on board with ?
2:18 thank you, but I think political party platform should be defined by a little more than an achronym.
2:19 I can get on board with the lesser evil. Somehow, in my twisted democratic mind I realized that did not want to have a moron from Alaska as my commander in chief in case McCain dies.
"Unfortunately, these people allow a relatively few extrimists to portray the image of their party."
No one allows this- the media has a hand in it. If normal folks on both sides were given a platform to denounce the extremist, they would. They aren't given a chance. Instead, we have corporations that own "left" tv and radio stations and "right" ones as well. Rarely, does an actual citizen get a platform. And when they do, if they make sense they are knocked down as "extremists".
Alex so you would rather a moron from parts unknown with no work record . If McCain did die at least Palin had experience and was known for bipartisanship . She ran out corrupt Republican politicians and reached across the aisle to work with democrats .
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