Since we can't seem to get the partnership we'd like to enjoy with the Wicomico Humane Society, we thought we'd simply offer a place all of you can go to see what's available in the hopes these animals do NOT end up at the Humane Society where there's a very good chance they will euthanize them. This is not a knock against the Humane Society, it is a reality.
So, from here on out we will provide information for those people who are looking to GIVE AWAY animals for FREE. Hopefully this takes the burden off the Humane Society.
Now, here's what's most important. I have provided a permanent link on the right hand side of Salisbury News where you can come here and find your way very easily to these animals. We have two Posts already up for 5 kittens that are now available. Please spread the word to everyone you know that this service is now available.
I will not publish ANY animals that are up for sale. They must be FREE to good homes. Hopefully we're able to give back to those animals in need. You can always send me a picture of the animals, (alberobutzo@wmconnect.com) you wish to give away and we will Post that as quickly as we can. It will be up to all of you to use the link to see what's available.
Thank you for providing this great service to match pets with potential homes. A couple of kittens got dumped at our house and we were lucky enough to find a loving family who would take them both (we thing they were litter mates). We were lucky and so were the kittens. Hopefully your site will provide for happy endings for many more.
AWESOME idea Joe!!! Already have it tabbed as a favorite!
Thank you Joe. I know there are a lot of animals out there that need a new home and many people get sick of jumping hurdles at humane societies so this is a great way to get those great pets in wonderful homes.
Joe, You are an angel for doing this. May you be repaid for your kindness.
You all can repay me by spreading the word. Let everyone you know that this service is now available. There are so many dogs and cats that need loving homes. Bless all of you for taking so many of these animals in. Now, (through word of mouth) we ALL need to give back and help them find homes. Lord knows WBOC, WMDT & the Daily Times aren't going to help us, so we need to help ourselves. This is about the animals, not Joe Albero and everyone else.
This is fantastic. You have done great things for animals in Wicomico County. I use your advertisers every chance I get.
anonymous 7:34, thank you!
i love god, dogs and joe albero.t
Way to go Joe. Another 1st and what a great service this is for the animals, not to mention our community.
Thanks so much for doing this Joe! It's a great idea----One person can make a differance!
I will definately spread the word---getting ready to send some mails out now! EW
This is a good and much needed service you are providing. In what capacity would you expect the TV stations and DT to help? I am not comprehending your meaning there.
Excellent, Joe! We just recently adopted two kittens from the Worcester County Humane Society. Otherwise, I'd DEFINITELY be utilizing this link. Thanks for providing such a great service -- not only to the community, but also (and especially for) the animals!
i do hope that people still do a little reseach before giving a pet for free...i adopted a pet from talbot humane soceity and didn't think any of the things required were out of line. please make sure they are spayed/nuetered
Thanks, Joe, for seeing a need and DOING something about it.
I wish the Wicomico Humane Society would do a better job with keeping their website updated. AND they should only be euthanizing those that are sick and can't be cured, or are not socially adoptable.
Thanks again, Joe. You da man!
anonymous 9:05, Thank You. However, it takes all of us to make a positive difference.
Keep in mind Folks, this feature is but a small attempt to help these animals.
You must remember that the Humane Society still needs our support. They have so many cats in their inventory it isn't funny.
This is by no means a competition. It is simply another avenue to help keep so many animals from entering their facility. If we can adopt these animals out to good homes before they end up at the Humane Society, great. However, we strongly agree with their policy to spay and neuter ALL stray animals. You can contact the Humane Society and have them do this process for a fraction of what it might cost at a veterinarian's office.
We have 7 cats on the Ranch, all have been spayed and neutered.
Pets are like children...don't have one unless you can care for it!!
Healing Hands Animal Hospital on E Main St runs a spay/neuter program once a month for around $40. You can contact them at sniptuckcats@gmail.com for the next clinic and get on the schedule.
Does anybody have a good experience with the Humane Society? I would love to hear about it if they do. We tried to adopt a dog last winter, and the girl in charge of adoptions(Jenna Greene) never called us back. Randy called Linda Lugo, and she never returned his call. What's up with that? All I ever hear about is how many animals they have, and can't seem to place in homes. I have heard many similar stories about our Humane Society.
was my experience too harsh for this comment section or is it because of the delays?
@anne taylor 1056pm
ive had nothing but problems with the humane society (wicomico). there was a lot of ignoring and nasty attitudes during my visits.
i got my baby spayed there (4yrs ago). i was told to come back around noon. when i arrived at noon, i was told no one at that location would EVER tell me to return that soon. i explained that i spoke to someone earlier who advised me this was the time. i was basically told i was lying. fortunately, another girl in ther admitted that she did say that because of the snowfall.
once completed and later that afternoon, i was delayed again because my dog had issues coming out of the anesthesia. no updates on her condition and i was left in the dark the whole time. finally, a doctor that worked there asked me to go back to see if i could get my dog up since they couldnt seem to do it. my baby ran into the cage (she couldnt see it cage door because she was still 'high') when she heard my voice.
a couple days after the stitches were removed, i noticed there was 'fishing line' still sticking out of her. i called and was told (basically) that i was lying again. if there were really stitches there, they wouldve dissolved by now. another couple days had past, i called and spoke to a supervisor there who said i could bring my dog in. to their astonishment, they missed removing 2 stitches and did so immediately.
my sister had a good experience the first time she went. the 2nd time was a totally different story. the 3rd time she swore she would never go back.
cont from 149pm
forgot to mention, my primary vet told me that my dog had gotten a staph infection from the humane society too.
What can be done to change things at the Wicomico Humane Society? I realize part of it is a money issue, but a bigger part is the poor attitudes, poor customer service, favoritism for some animals and disregard for others, etc...They should be investigated, but by whom? What agency will not believe all the lies they tell?
i was just there the other day to check out a dog and i can tell you they are the 'lowest' on dogs i have seen. of the 4 runs they have one was completely empty, and the other appeared to hold the stray dogs. i keep track of their website and they are adopting out dogs pretty quickly.
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