On Tuesday June 1, 2010 at 12:59 pm, A Trooper from the Salisbury Barrack of the Maryland State Police stopped a red Mercury Tracer on Manoa Blvd. at Kiowa Avenue in Salisbury. While contacting the driver and passenger of the vehicle, the Trooper detected the odor of burning marihuana coming from inside of the vehicle. The Trooper also learned that the driver’s Maryland driver’s license was suspended. As the Trooper continued to interview both the driver and passenger as they sat in the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle put the vehicle in drive and sped away, dragging the Trooper nearly five feet. The vehicle fled at a high rate of speed and crashed in front of the National Guard Armory located on Rt. 50 and Booth Street in Salisbury. Both the driver and the passenger fled on foot from the vehicle towards the Booth Street Apartments. The passenger, Dionte L. Grant, 27, was taken into custody without incident. Grant was charged with possession of CDS with the intent to distribute and possession of drug paraphernalia along with possession of a concealed deadly weapon after digital scales, CDS and a hunting style knife was found in the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle, Montez Lamar Scott, 21, of Salisbury, is wanted on the following charges:
Att. 1st Degree Murder
Att. 2nd degree Murder
Assault 1st Degree
Assault 2nd Degree
Reckless Endangerment
CDS Possession with intent to distribute
CDS possession –Not MARIHUANA
Dangerous Weapon-concealed
Driving while Suspended
Attempting to flee and elude police
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Montez Lamar Scott is asked to the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack at 410-749-3101
Att. 1st Degree Murder
Att. 2nd degree Murder
Assault 1st Degree
Assault 2nd Degree
Reckless Endangerment
CDS Possession with intent to distribute
CDS possession –Not MARIHUANA
Dangerous Weapon-concealed
Driving while Suspended
Attempting to flee and elude police
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Montez Lamar Scott is asked to the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack at 410-749-3101
Attempted murder??? not hardly. Also, you cannot charge reckless endangerment from an incident relating to a vehicle unless someone is shooting from the vehicle. ANOTHER example of Troopers not knowing the law and trying to make a case S T R E T C H into something it clearly is not. This was a simple 2nd degree assault incident, plain and simple.
8:28? You're an idiot. But I'll be glad to drag you while you hang onto my door and see if you don't think I'm tryijng to kill you, or am at least recklessly endangering you and others.
8:28 you are an idiot, read the title, this is a warrant. Obviously a court official already agreed to the Troopers aplication for charges and approved the warrant request.
I know the family of the Trooper involved would agree with this warrant do to the FACT that their loved one almost didn't come home do to the pure ignorance of these people, and the fact that he was doing his job to keep this town safe. So don't open up your mouth about things you clearly know nothing about. And don't say anything about the law enforcement that you may very well need to save your life or your family's life one day!
8:28 Are you F++++++ kidding me. A Police Officer was dragged down a street by a car occupied by criminals obviously breaking the law and you don't think there is nothing more then a simple assault charge here. You have got to be the biggest idiot to ever grace the face of this planet. Obviously the best part of you ran down the crack of your mommas a$$ and eneded up as a stain on the mattress. I guess if the Trooper had shot one of them you would have wanted his head on a platter for being out there doing his job protecting your dumb a$$. Hell who cares if the Officers in this area are killed by these f+++ing thugs around here who you apparently think should be able to run wild dragging people down the street without anything but a simple assault charge. GD you have ruined my whole day you dumb a$$. wtf! You are as much a waste of breath and space as the people that pulled that officer down the street with a car. No need to wonder what is wrong with the world it's people like you.
8:28, Think about it, charge him with Attempted murder (which I totally agree with) and he will probably plea to the lesser charges.
What happened to the pistols we issue police officers. Can't the State of Maryland afford bullets for them??? Come on, let Police Officers do their job. Its a savings to tax payers. This person will either get a slap on the wrist, go out and kill someone, or we will be paying for this deadbeat to rot in jail at the tune of $45,000 per year.
Get real people. Quit trying to make crooks look innocent. When you confront people like this, take the law into your own hands. Quit burdening the taxpayers to pay for deadbeats.
What punk looking fool this guy is .
boy, he'll be a hard one to spot...
The cop should have used his weapon and ended the bloodlines and any chance of reproduction. More thugs in the same area of Salisbury as always. We can all now pay for this guy to be housed in prison.
8:28- is that you Montez? trying to defend yourself already?
"8:28 you are an idiot, read the title, this is a warrant. Obviously a court official already agreed to the Troopers aplication for charges and approved the warrant request.
9:05 AM"
Yea, It wouldn't be the first time the commissioner's were wrong either would it?? Go look it up,
CR 3-204 states
"(a) A person may not recklessly
(1) engage in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another; or
(2) discharge a firearm from a motor vehicle in a manner that creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another."
"Subsection (a)(1) of this section does not apply to conduct involving:
(i) the use of a motor vehicle, as defined in 11-135 of the transportation article.
It doesn't matter what you THINK, it matters what the law CLEARLY says. This is not an attempted murder case, especially not with malice and forethought (1st degree). It's definately an assault, but that's clearly all it is.
Only a liberal Obama Loving idiot would look for a reason to claim this guy is innocent. Only a liberal Obama Loving moron would not defend a police officer that almost lost his life in the line of duty. Yes you pu$$y 8:28 I am referring to you.
This guy is not a thug, he is a poor innocent victim of the Nazi Police force of the state of Maryland.
Look at his rap sheet....oops, I mean history with the law. Poor kid, I bet he got pulled over because he was black. Shame on the bad Po Po they should look for white fokes and not the innocent people of color.
Note: Initial Sort is by Last Name. Sorting by other columns is available by clicking on the desired column header. Secondary sort is always Case Number. (1.049 seconds) Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
020300077382008 Scott, Montez L Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 11/12/2008
24P08003135 Scott, Montez L 04/1989 Defendant Baltimore City Circuit Court Civil Non-Support Closed/Inactive 11/19/2008 CIARRA JAMES vs MONTEZ L SCOTT
3H00043102 Scott, Montez L 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 05/09/2007
0000001VX0ABL Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Dorchester County District Court Traffic ACTIVE CASE 02/21/2010
0000001VY0ABL Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Dorchester County District Court Traffic ACTIVE CASE 02/21/2010
000000EL95559 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 01/06/2007
000000SC16532 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
000000SC16533 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
000000SC16534 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
000000SC16535 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
000000SC16541 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
000000SC16542 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic INACTIVE CASE 06/01/2010
2F00023424 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Dorchester County District Court CR ACTIVE 02/22/2010
3H00054799 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR ACTIVE 03/20/2010
5H00046828 Scott, Montez Lamar 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 03/15/2008
000000FM69390 Scott, Montez 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 06/21/2009
000000FM69391 Scott, Montez 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 06/21/2009
000000FM69392 Scott, Montez 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 06/21/2009
0H00051912 Scott, Montez 04/1989 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR DELINQUENT 06/22/2009
19 items found, displaying all items.
Pretty boy, he will be popular in jail.
you have the right to remain "bang" Bang" thug!
They are both lucky to have escaped without having literally lost their heads.And what the hell is IN the weed they are smoking that makes them want to kill a police officer?Whoever saidthere are 2 societies is right.I cannot imagine any universe in which my 20 yr old would have a rap sheet as long as this kid does.Boy did his parents do a bangup job.Throw the book at these assh*les ,at least in prison they cant hurt anyone but others like them.
Bluto, it is a rite of passage to go to jail and it's even a bonus if they kill "the man."
In Obamaland they are considered hero's!!
Because he took off with a Trooper attached to his car (how that happened, let go) does not mean he was trying to kill the Trooper. Apparently, he was trying to get away.. What about the drunk drivers who only get manslaughter charges when they operate a vehicle on public roadways, under the influence and KILL innocent people. What does Obama have to do with this incident? Bunch of racist folks on here.
I hope this piece of trash is caught and severely beaten as he resists. Then judge do your job and put him away for a long time. No plea bargain for this bum!!!
I said it Bluto.
Anonymous said...
Because he took off with a Trooper attached to his car (how that happened, let go) does not mean he was trying to kill the Trooper. Apparently, he was trying to get away.. What about the drunk drivers who only get manslaughter charges when they operate a vehicle on public roadways, under the influence and KILL innocent people. What does Obama have to do with this incident? Bunch of racist folks on here.
1:32 PM
Because someone doesn't like Obama means they are racist? WTF!! No wonder this country is in bad shape. To many liberal morons in this country.
Because someone doesn't like Obama means they are racist? WTF!! No wonder this country is in bad shape. To many liberal morons in this country.
3:05 PM
totally agree 3:05. If it was Clinton in office for all this crap and we blaimed him or threw jokes about his administartion it would be OK and not racist. This country is in bad shape because of people that think that way. Some are so quick to throw out the race card and when they do they are usually rewarded for it because no one has the nerve to stand up and and fight about it. They fear being labeled a racist themselves. It has nothing to do with race for srying out loud. If the driver was white and the cop was whiote and the president was white I would still feel the same way about the thug turd. He deserves to go to prison and have his "Wheels" taken!!!!!
I am not bringing race into this. This is not the first time he has been in trouble. And still out on the streets, driving suspended, and the next thing an innocent person will be killed by him. He is not worth even letting him breathe free air. He needs to be put to death, and we certainly know our court system would never do that. Hopefully he will resist with the right police officer, who knows what to do, and then the State will pay to bury him. AFter all, thats probably whats gonna happen anyway.
Let me pull you from my window and drive off. Let's see how you'll be screaming that I tried to kill you?
Just a question...doesn't a crime against a police officer warrabt a more major charge than a crime against a regular citizen? That might be why the charges seem more serious than some might think.
Personally, I think the charges are accurate. Just because the officer didn't let go, doesn't make the intent any less.
Okay, go ahead...have at me...
Checked his rap sheet out online and he assaulted law enforcement already earlier this yr and has a court date in July for that. Has other assaults and speeding 100mph in a 30 down Rt. 50 and an 80mph. Also several charges for negligent driving including running stop sign and a couple of incidents not having a child restrained in seat belt. Good riddence to him!
11:08 AM, Are you really trying to say that dragging someone down the road with your car is not likely to cause them serious bodily injury or death?
When I heard this I immediately think the officer was attempting to arrest the driver and after grabbing ahold of the driver the driver drove off. I didnt think as some idiot earlier thought the cop just grabbed ahold of the window and held on.
I still say we need to go back to the good ole boy way of doing things. Let all HONEST individuals have guns to protect ourselves. He already had one, and we can tell he is a worthless piece of trash. We are paying for every medical bill, every meal, and paying for children that he has brought into the world. Now its our obligation to turn our back on him, and let him do as he pleases. I pay thousands of dollars a year in car insurance just so I am protected against thugs such as him. Pay me back, put his away for good.
This is Montez Scott, And I am here to inform you that I did recieve a simple assault. Everything in this case was blown out of proportion, and the state trooper had it all wrong, just like a few of you here commenting. Thankyou
lol, I know this is an old old post but just had to say I went to school with this guy and im pretty sure I've seen him homeless and begging for money about 6 years ago. honestly I've seen a lot of people I went to school with turn to crime or drugs or die recklessly. the fact is if it was easier to get a job or the cost of living wasn't so ridiculous around here maybe more people would have a better shot at a decent life.
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