"Mr. Albero,
I would love to know, why this morning, as I was sitting at the stop light at the Foodlion on Tilghman rd, why the Salisbury fire truck came flying up behind me as I was going to make a left turn, and flew through the light sirens and lights blaring the whole time. They then got through the light turned them off and turned into the Department of Motor Vehicles. What makes them any BETTER to sit at a stop light, and act like they have sense?
I would love to know what the emergency was at the DMV, that made it necessary, to turn lights and sirens on, and then barrel through the light, and turn them off to go to the DMV? If I am not mistaken, isn't breaking a law to do this?"
no law broken because, it's the law to have the lights and sirens on.. If they do not, then it is breaking the law... But either way they would get away with it even if they broke the law so who cares... I hope they run into a poll or something to show that its not necessary to do that... like that one guy from sharptown who was going 90 and t-boned a women leaving a stop sign... was proven to be his fault and he had no need to go to the accident but he did and you know what she end up dying becasue of him yet nothing happened to him for it...
Somebody needed to renew their drivers license. lol
I have seen this a few times where they head west on 50 lights and sirens blasting, only to turn on Cypress Street to go back to the station.Maybe a new chief will get them straight.
Stuff like this really needs to go on a complaint form filed with the city.
It really irked me! I am the one on the road, that moves for all emergency vehicles, and that to me, was not a freaking emergency. I will be calling city hall and telling them so, this is a waste of tax payers money!! I live in Willards, and have seen them take the fire trucks out many times, but never have then done that!! Lights and sirens are for emergency purposes only!!
Boys & their Toys will play------and Salisbury Tax payers still have to pay.
That Dept has gotton away with to much to long!!!!! We need some real men in there!!
There was an emergency at the DMV. Somebody reported getting good service! An immediate investigation was launched. This must be stopped before there is a repeat occurance.
They were actually starting the delivery of a baby, one of the employees at that. When the paramedics get on scene, if they feel that the engine can downgrade there response, they tell the engine to downgrade. The engine will then cut its lights and sirens off, however continue into the scene to make sure everything is ok. The lady has since given birth, so be respectful and give a pat on the back for the quick response.
anonymous 1:26, GIVE ME A BREAK!
Are you trying to tell me and ALL of the people reading this Site that a Fire Truck made it to the scene before an Ambulance did?
AND, if the Ambulane DID make it there before you, what would give YOU the right to throw on your lights to get through the light.
AND, why didn't you have your lights on BEFORE you got to the traffic light?
Sorry, I'm calling Bull Sh!t on your comment.
No, the ambulance got to the scene before the engine. The engine did not turn its lights on before it entered the interection, thats 100 percent false. They responded from station 16.... its facts, just call central. The ambulance told the engine to slow there response, but it was too late, they had already started pulling into the dmv. People need to state the facts.
Sunday afternoon heading WB 50 an unmarked silver magnum flying down 50 ran up on a car and started flashing his red and blues at a car to make her move out of his way. Woman did not move, he switched to slow lane with lights out started swerving back and forth and then got in front of the vehicle he was attempting to intimidate. I watched the entire ordeal from two cars back.
He proceeded up the road around 75mph obeying traffic signals for as far as I could see. Wouldn't that be classified as abuse of power? I am all for supporting the police but stupid moves like that cause the entire force to be put under the magnifying glass.
If it was for the birth of a baby, ONLY AN AMBULANCE WOULD BE NEEDED!! When someone where I live is having chest pains or what have you, that go with your health, ONLY THE AMBULANCE SHOWS UP!! This was an unnecessary waste of money, and I can very very easily find out if there was a birth of a baby in the DMV today! I am not stupid and was not born yesterday! Give them men some REAL WORK, instead of wasting money. This incident today, was money that could have been used for someone's raise!
Joe called Bull Sh!t ... case closed. Thank you for looking out for all of us Mr. Albero, sir.
By the way people, there was NO AMBULANCE at the dmv when this occured!! WTF!
They did this to act important so they would not have to prepare lunch or even supper for the paid fire fighters, so they would be able to eat at their convenience in that new restaurant kitchen and not waste time and manpower to go out and eat. Makes sense.
Like I said, i'm a man of proof. Call central or better yet call DMV. You babies don't have the balls because your wrong and for once the fire dept is right.
i am sure that realy happened
12:38 Before you make accusations against Sharptown, Maybe you need to get youe story straight. No such accicent happened in Sharptown, You must be confused with the incident in Hebron.
It was indeed an emergency call. I personally heard the 911 call! The siren and lights are used during response to tell people like you complainer to move over so they can get to the person who needs help! Would you prefer for them to continue blowing the siren when they arrive at the call? Then you'd complain about that. PEOPLE, PEOPLE use your brain and stop and think for a moment. If you were having a baby at the DMV....you wouldn't care how they got there.....just get there. So move over whoever you are and give them room.....You apparently are one of the citizens who does not care when someone needs emergency assistance. It's just ALL about YOU isn't it! You're the one who has no sense! There was NO BS to this call. It was legitimate. And to the comment at 1:30 there are husbands and sons riding on that emergency vehicle trying to do their job. Please do not wish them harm. Seems no matter what they do, it's wrong. Before speaking, try finding out the facts. I'm sure the lady at the DMV was greatful for the response. Oh, and yes Joe, sometimes the fire truck does arrive before the ambulance.....not often...but there are cases when the ambulance may be delayed.
Freakin whiners at it again... Get a life people, you have nothing else better to worry about? Sounds like a bunch of old busy body women with nothing better to do than complain. Do you all want some cheese...
The SFD has two policies regarding downgrading responses to non-emergency incidents. The first, (not the example here) is our patient transport decision. The policy states that the senior provider (i.e. Paramedic) informs the driver whether to respond lights and siren or no lights and siren to the ER. This is based upon the clinical impression and patients condition. This is done for the safety of the patient, the crew, and the general public. Many times throghout the day patients are transported to PRMC via this method.
The second example (referenced here) can apply to EMS or Fire responses. All responses are began WITH lights and siren. If the 911 center advises the engine or ambulance of a false alarm/call, uninjured subject that simply needs help up, or a situation has been downgraded by units already on the scene than the engine or ambulance is to proceed in non-emergency; gather information, verify the situation is controlled and return to the station. Typically the responding unit is informed additional information 30 seconds to 2 minutes after beginning its response. Hence, the reason why people see the engine downgrading its response at Rt. 50 and Cypress St.
I do not know what type of call they were responding too, or what the situation was this morning. However, this is why many times the engine/ambulance will shut off the lights. It is all about the safety of the public, the patient, and the emergency personnel. Hope this helps people understand a little more about the fire service.
Rob Frampton BS, FF/Paramedic
Acting Lieutenant
I've even seen school busses do this on Rt 13 to stop all traffic so they can make a left turn. They don't pick up any kids, just turn on their lights, wait for everyone to stop, then make their left turn.
Guaranteed this will come back to haunt the author!
Get your story straight and leave Sharptown out of it!!!!! Because no such thing has ever happened in Sharptown!!!!
Can someone just tell me why a Firetruck is needed for a delivery of a baby? Seems like a Waste of tax payer dollars.
Truly I really do not understand this.
Don't assume, maybe the call was cancelled and then they turned into the MVA because that is where they were.
I love how these stories bring all the "experts" out of the woodwork.
Don't worry about the speck in someone elses eye before first taking care of the plank in your own.
For all complaining about the fire service, would you like someone standing over your shoulder scrutinizing everything you did at your job, without having the knowledge of what your job was or the procedures associated with it? Micromanagement from the uninformed is ignorance at its worst.
Remeber when you point a finger you have 3 pointing back at you!
To the people who ask why a fire engine is needed at a child birth I simply ask:
How many medical personnel are in a delivery room at the hospital during the birth? A doctor, a respiratory therapist, 2-3 nurses, and probably a tech (just an educated guess).
Without a doubt more than the two that are on that ambulance. During a child birth you end up with two patients; the mother and the baby. Would you want a lone provider caring to both should something go wrong? I highly doubt it.
I don't know the specifics of the call but the number of personnel that were sent to the scene was justified. There probably should have been an additional ambulance so that the mother could be transported in one and the baby in the other. However, manpower is definitely an issue and a second ambulance might not have been available. I don't know.
Case closed.
Have fun ripping my comment and trashing my response, I'm sure it will occur.
Rob Frampton BS, FF/Paramedic
Acting Lieutenant
1:22, Still lol. map
So, I'm travelling on Naylor Street heading towards 13 on my way home. I hear the siren activate. A few seconds later a full size pickup blows by me at maybe 60 on the narrow street. Scared the hell out of me and my family. I believe that when responding in your POV, you are required to be mindful of safety and obey ALL traffic laws. I called the Asst. Chief's office to report the idiot. Never could get in touch with them and they never returned my call. I wish now I had stopped by the firehouse, jerked him off the firetruck and kicked his %^$@ (tail). I will if it ever happens again.
Rob is right , if the man power was the case then how many people does it take to patch a pothole, i have seen as many as 3 big stste dump trucks and 7 men on a pothole the size of a frying pan so whats up ? Jump their asses ! thats your tax money NOT at work. WTF ? Some a$$ho%^$ will complain about anything give the public a break and look at yourselves before judging others I I am sure you are alot worse. Bunch of dwmn cry babys piss and moaners, and do nothings go back to your boreing pointless lives, probley the most exciting thing you see all day so complain about fire personel responding to save lives you worthless trash.
and so on...and so on..fact is..Firefighters think they can drink and drive..as do many Troopers..it's their world..they expect us to honor it..I think if there is a multitude of open complaints against a driver with a Fire Fighters license plate..they should be subject to a public review...not some Union glad-handing
I am truly sick of the entitlement some feel is a part of their benefit package
If you have an issue w/ the pickup...then take the tag and call the police. That's a volunteer responding...and yes...they are supposed to honor ALL laws. The A/C may not have been in the office and he may not get back into it tonight. He will get it when he gets back in.
I doubt very seriously you'll do anything b/c if you were going to do what you said, you wouldve just done it and not got on here and bragged about what you'll do next time.
It doesnt make whatever whoever did right, but you making idle threats is just as stupid.
5:09, Typically two are in a delivery room, the OB and a nurse. However IF the baby being born was premature that would surely warrant additional responders as it also would in a delivery room.
" Phil said...
So, I'm travelling on Naylor Street heading towards 13 on my way home. I hear the siren activate. A few seconds later a full size pickup blows by me at maybe 60 on the narrow street. Scared the hell out of me and my family. I believe that when responding in your POV, you are required to be mindful of safety and obey ALL traffic laws. I called the Asst. Chief's office to report the idiot. Never could get in touch with them and they never returned my call. I wish now I had stopped by the firehouse, jerked him off the firetruck and kicked his %^$@ (tail). I will if it ever happens again."
I'm throwing the bulls**t flag on this one. Most volunteers put strobes in their P.O.V., which is only legal in the state of MD for fire police and chief officers. They are not to be used en route to the scene but once they are on scene to enhance safety. No I know in this department has a siren on their vehicle. So get your head out of your a** and get off the bandwagon. Did it ever occur to you that it may have been an unmarked police vehicle. As they have been using different vehicles for their vice busts in the area over the last two months and those vehicles are equipped with sirens. What color was the truck and which way was it headed? Cause by your description it would have been headed to station 2 and only a few of us have full size pick-ups and it would be easy to find out who it was by the color. Let me know and if it matches any of our guys I'm sure our A/C will be more than happy to address your issue.
I'm happy with Lt. Frampton's response. Part of the reason extra equipment goes out is dispatchers don't always get ALL the information about what the emergency is in the first few seconds. As soon as they get the call, they put out the call for response. The responders go. The dispatcher may still be on the line with the caller who may not get around to saying that the emergency is a woman going into childbirth. Let's say that happens about 2 minutes into the call. Then the dispatcher puts the call out to downgrade because it's a baby being born. The ambulance gets there and the fire truck returns. When the dispatcher gets an ambulance emergency call, a fire truck is also sent unless the caller is level headed and expresses clearly that what the emergency is, i.e., that it's not a car accident or other issue where the fire truck is needed.
Not everyone who calls 911 is calm, cool and collected. Not every dispatcher is perfect or can understand the person in the first few seconds. Even when they do, the trucks go out as a precaution until it is absolutely certain that it isn't needed, even at house calls where it will wait, holding off traffic until it's established that the ambulance crew has what it needs.
What really bugs me is that more and more I am seeing personally owned vehicles with red emergency lights installed on them just like police cars. The drivers turn them on I suppose when going to an emergency but I think it is illegal. I doubt that their insurance companies know about this use either. Can anyone shed any light on this subject?
to all you complainers i hope if your house is burning down the sfd goes 5 mph to get there and if its jelly belly joeys house i hope they dont post
Wow... all of you are commenting without names, numbers, addreses. WHY? Scared? P*ssies. Get a life. Let us know where you live so we can repsond with everything we have in all 3 stations... then sit and watch your house burn down... haha So man up and quit b*tch*ng
1:23AM: This frome somebody who doesn't post their name either. Pot, kettle . . . kettle, pot.
We have this happen fire trucks running lights to a call and then, ,,the part no one hears is the fire officer on scene report that the firetrucks are to slow down or return to station. I am a captain and have done this on many calls. ... I or another officer gets on scene of the reported call only to find it was not an emergency and we call and slow down the firetrucks or recall them to the station. Just remember when you need them to rescue you from a fire or a bad accident you or your love ones will want them to arrive really fast. Most off ten I hear what took so long to get here. Now I also know sometimes we get drivers that are jerks driving fire trucks also. Just rember lights and sirens mean pull to the side of the road and stop till they pass by. That is the law in all 50 states. How many people do that, be honest.
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