Joe, we have been hearing for a couple of days now that Mayor Ireton is planning on appointing Rick Hoppes as the permanent fire chief of the Salisbury Fire Department.
If that is in fact what will happen that will be the downfall of Jim Ireton's political career. The Salisbury Fire Department is in the worst shape it has ever been in. The moral at the Salisbury Fire Department is at an all time low.
Rick Hoppes has been the root of wasteful spending of tax dollars. Rick Hoppes is a racist person and has been heard numerous times referring to people of color as the "N" word. Rick Hoppes has openly ran down Mayor Ireton and some of the city council members. Rick Hoppes has a history of abusing power and retalliating agains employees in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Several people have been fired under Rick Hoppes' administration and it is known that he is going after a couple more. He has been and always will be the laziest employee in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Rick Hoppes has clearly made some stupid appointments such as Dru Bragg to Acting Deputy Chief. Rick Hoppes does not have the support of anyone in the Salisbury Fire Department of the citizens the Fire Department is sworn to serve.
This is not the leadership the members of the Salisbury Fire Department want or need. Rick Hoppes needs to go and the members of the Salisbury Fire Department do not want Jim Ireton to make that mistake. We were promised "Help Is On The Way."
He needs to go on a diet.
told ya. yall nagged, whined, and complained for him to make a decision. so he did. he tried to play nice and come to a mutual agreement between all parties. they didnt. just like i said, hes gonna make a decision thats gonna piss someone off. just happens to be you.
Jim Ireton I hope you are not that stupid.
Rick Hoppes comes and goes as he pleases. He gets to work any time around 9:30 am, takes a 2 hour lunch with his wife, and is usually gone for the day around 3:30 pm in the afternoon.
Many times he and acting deputy chief Bragg don't ever come in to work and claim they "are working from home."
Rick Hoppes' acting deputy chief Bragg is friends the the Grinch, Jonathan Taylor. Hmmm
The reason things at SFD are so bad is because of the whiney cry baby career guys. Grow up and stop being so petty. This is a perfect reason for a volunteer fire company. They do it as a passion not as a job where you can sleep for 24 hours. Wah wah wah.
If this does happen I certainly hope the members of the Salisbury Fire Department stand together and actively start a recall petition for the Mayor. They put him in office and they can take him out.
I am old enough to be Rick mother, & bless his soul he has always been as you described. As a tax payer I strongly resent his use of power & abuse of our money. He will not change----someone needs to stand up to him ------ this dam town is falling apart!!!! Somebody do something-----NOW!!!!!
Newsflash: Mayor Ireton, in case you weren't aware Rick Hoppes and Gordy were working hard for the Comegys Campaign. Are you sure that is going to be your pick as a department head? The taxpayers can not afford anymore of his wasteful spending with your blessing.
Hoppes = Gordy
I've known Rick for numbers of years and have NEVER heard a racist remark out of him. I don't know what he's like to work with or for but he's always been an honorable, kind man in my eyes.
He is NOT qualified for the job....Find someone who is and NOT the guy from Ohio...There has got to be a qualified person to do the job...look!
Joe- that's a bold thing to put in a blog claiming he's a racist. Have you actually heard him say these things??? Come on man!
anonymous 12:01, clearly this was a letter sent to me. Again, I can only think of ONE Idiot stupid enough to make such a statement.
this man has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars and will continure to waste lots more. we sure need him for fire chief like we need more taxes. thanks sjd
Is Jonathan still reading your blog Joe?
Rick Hoppes has never sat for a promotional exam and has always kissed butt to get where he is today. Hoppes and Gordy have ruined this fire department and they both need to go.
Yes, absolutely. I reject between 50 to 100 of his comments per day.
This has got to be a big mistake. I encourage all good citizens to contact Mayor Ireton and flood his mailbox with disapproval.
Honorable Mayor Ireton
This would totally not be a good thing for the City of Salisbury, as Hoppes cannot even get into his running gear and go in and help fight a fire. Oh yes, he can shoot off his mouth and critize all the others but he needs to look at himself first.
That would be funny to see Rick appointed Chief, after the Mayor told him he wasnt good enough to be the Chief.
Does this mean pookie will not split up with the pirate not that he will be the Deputy Chief?
I just have to say this. I think I'll start calling him "ONE TERM IRETON" from now on.
You guys can get back to your comments now.
If Jim appointed Jesus himself,some of you guys would still complain. There is just no way to pick a new chief that everyone would agree with. Try a different tatic, try to get along for the sake of the fire company, instead of seeing how fast you can bust it up.
Mayor Ireton didn't you promise us that if you got elected that Hoppes and Gordy would be gone.
Joe I agree with you one hundred percent. I am calling Jim Ireton a "one term" mayor as well. I think he has cooked his goose on the SFD fiasco. He fooled the career guys into endorsing him for mayor and then he turned his back on them. The career guys raised money, worked hundreds of and hours walking the streets and sign waving as well as making hundreds of phone calls for him. This is the payback you give the career firefighters Jim. You need to put your head down in shame and resign.
The comment about him having a 2 hour lunch with his wife is a lie I know for a fact. His wife works and does not take 2 hour lunches. Find facts next time Joe before you post these lies. Looks to me like firemen are a bunch of whining cry babies from reading your blog. I'll bet all the comments are from the same firemen that didn't get their way! Facts Joe facts, not hear say.
Let me make something VERY clear here. Rick's Wife has NOTHING to do with this, so leave her out of it. I also happen to know Rick's Wife does work and I highly doubt they spend 2 hours together at lunch. But if they did, SO WHAT!
Here's the funny part. If I censor comment, you guys get pissed. If I allow them, you guys get pissed. So here's the deal. YOU mention Rick's Wife in any way from here on out, your comment is rejected.
From everything I personally know of this woman, she is an absolute sweetheart and you will NOT pick on her/them in any way.
Some whiney career cry baby sends in a "the sky is falling" letter and all his boy friends pile on. Whoever said they wouldn't be happy with Jesus is correct. By the way he wouldn't take the job with all the whiney bitches in the department right now. Maybe they are afraid of Hoppes because he may actualy make them work for a living. What a novel concept, working for a living and then volunteering to help the community.
Of all the comments published thus far, I found that of 12:33 most "right on." Ireton has been hounded for a year to pick someone, so he has. I don't know Hoppes or anyone else associated with the fire department except Larry Dodd, whom I think a lot of. Many were against hiring someone from outside, so Ireton acceded to your wishes. As 12:33 and others said, no matter whom Ireton chooses, he won't be the correct one.
In my 30 plus years of knowing Rick, I have never heard him use anything close to the "N" word as you call it.
Thanks for clearing that up Bryan. Unlike the rest of the commenters here, YOU used your name like a man. I can understand why some don't but guess what, Bryan has just as much on the line as you do and he's man enough to stand by what he says. Learn from this example, please. Don't just make statements that can hamp peoples lives without owning up to such a statement.
The mayor did not appoint Hoppes as chief. He can not do so without advise and consent of the council. Now the council is another story. If Debbie and Terry voted for Christ on the Cross the other two idiots would vote against him. So until someone fills Gary Comegys seat this split council will continue to be split. Shanie and Louise have no clue about how to vote on any issue without Gary telling them. Louise is beginning to sound more like Lynn Cathcart everyday. Shanie is just a big bump on a log with less brain power than a piss ant.
The Fire Chief is STILL UNAPPOINTED thanks to Shanie and Louise.
To the one or two commenters on hear stating to give Rick Hoppes a chance as permanent fire chief. He has had a chance and he failed us the citizens. He has been an acting chief for over a year and he failed the city and the fire department.He was given a chance as a firefirefighter and he failed. He was given a chance as an assistant chief and a deputy chief and he failed. He was given the chance to meet the educational requirements for fire chief and he failed. He was given a chance by the tax payer and he failed us by spending millions of dollars. He is why whe have 5 brand new unneeded fire trucks. He is the reason we have a $10 million unneeded fire station less than a half mile from a perfectly good one. He is the reason we have an unneeded Hazmat truck that cost the tax payers almost $200,000 and it was supposed to be a grant. He is the reason why we rehabbed 2 fairly new fire trucks. He is the reason we are getting a brand new state of the art, unneeded fire boat. He is the reason we will be getting a brand new miniversion of Station 16 on Brown Street.
I don't know about you but I am done with giving these crooks a chance at another failure.
What is it that so many crybabies have to attack the fire dept all the time ? It appears to me that the fires are being put out...is not that the most important job of a fire dept ? How can the acting chief be so bad if nobody is complaining about big fire losses in Salisbury. All that other stuff about Gordy, Pookie( who the H is that?),a fireboat or hazmat truck that we need (or don't need),how much time is spent getting subs or cheeseburgers,etc is secondary to the fact that the FIRES are being put out. Make Hoppes the chief and move on; enough of this bullsh#t !!
Thank-you 5:15 To Annon 12:33 believe me you are not speaking for all of the citizens of Salisbury nor taxpayers. Get Real!
Worcester Co. FF, how bout you stay in that county and shut up? You think spending on unneeded status symbols is good? Blowing millions so you can put out fires is good even if people can't get paid in full and criminals laugh at cops in broken down cars?
I can put out fires without bankrupting good people and sticking it to my brothers. Keep your nose out of it.
It appears to me that the only choice, even from the beginning is to get a quality Chief, one with proven experience, to take control of the fire department. My vote is the gentlemen from Ohio. He will be good for our community.
Anonymous said...
Thank-you 5:15 To Annon 12:33 believe me you are not speaking for all of the citizens of Salisbury nor taxpayers. Get Real!
5:43 PM
5:43 PM if you were a tax paying citizen of Salisbury you would sign your name. You would also be mad as hell that the next fire chief is not even a resident of the city or a tax payer. Now sign your name or put your money where your mouth is.
Anonymous said...
It appears to me that the only choice, even from the beginning is to get a quality Chief, one with proven experience, to take control of the fire department. My vote is the gentlemen from Ohio. He will be good for our community.
7:51 PM
Ha Ha Ha... Who are you in "our community?" Bernie is that you? LMFAO.
Yeah, good choice there Salisbury. I can't believe Jim Ireton wasted tax dollars on this clown by paying for his travel expenses 3 times. This guy is trouble.
Township fire chief accused of harassment was warned in 2001
By Lawrence Budd
Staff Writer
Friday, March 07, 2008
SPRINGBORO — Clearcreek Twp. Fire Chief Bernie Becker was still on probation when he first came under fire from his firefighters in 1997.
Before recommending that trustees end Becker's probation — despite a no-confidence vote from his staff — the township administrator suggested Becker's detractors could be "a chief want-to-be" motivated by politics in neighboring Springboro or delivering payback for some actual or perceived slight.
Extras"Finally, the dissension could just be part of the natural progression for an organization that knows it is under pressure to meet steadily increasing service demands," Administrator Dennis Pickett said in Becker's Dec. 29, 1997, evaluation.
Now Becker, 49, is under internal investigation again, accused of sexual harassment.
On Feb. 25, the firefighter's union president presented a complaint to township officials accusing Becker of improperly touching firefighters, exhibiting other inappropriate behavior and creating a hostile work environment.
Among nine new sexual harassment claims are some similar to those made in 2001 during an investigation by the township police chief.
Union officials said this represents a pattern of unacceptable misconduct.
While ordering an investigation, administrators said they believe they had taken sufficient preventative steps.
"We sent him to some counseling and kept an eye on him for quite some time," Pickett said Wednesday, March 5.
On Feb. 5, 2001, trustees issued Becker a written warning and ordered him to complete sensitivity training.
The action followed an investigation triggered when Becker displayed an appendectomy scar to a firefighter in the hospital facing the same procedure in front of the firefighter's wife.
The same day, a different couple, Tim and Holly Lofton of Springboro, expressed their support for Becker in a note still in his personnel file.
"I want to apologize for where our society has digressed to when a friendly touch, football-player pat on the butt, or swapping stories about scars constitutes disciplinary action. It is a sad day," the Loftons said.
On Monday, Becker returns to work after a vacation planned before Feb. 25.
He didn't return phone calls seeking comment.
Most recently, Becker put together a public-private coalition to fund a 2 million gallon water tank at the fuel terminal off Ohio 122.
Becker also has represented management during the unionization of the department.
Contact this reporter at (937) 225-2261 or lbudd@DaytonDailyNews.com.
What a waste of time and money. He needs to go. And so does Gordy.
NO ONE within the organization wants them. How can you not be a candidate for fire chief and then become chief?? It was clear when they met and said they didn't want him to be Chief.
8:18 AM is absolutely correct. Hoppes was not qualified in the beginning, but the corrupt city administration kept throwing his name back in after the so called committee through him out. This committee was biased and corrupt from the beginning. Hoppes didn't meet the qualifications and shouldn't have even applied. Mayor Ireton knew he wasn't the best choice and sent him packing. Now all of a sudden there is talk from the inside of the Government Office Building that Ireton may appoint Hoppes fire chief anyway? WTH! This city continues to be the laughing stock of the state of Maryland. Jim Ireton if you are that stupid to appoint this worthless, fat, lazy slob then you need to step down. We citizens did not put you in office to make these irrational decisions.
I read the article in the local newspaper today regarding Bernie Becker for Fire Chief and really felt I needed to say something in his defense.
Perhaps a little background would help. Our family moved to Springboro a year after the Beckers. We live a few houses apart (it was really a few houses as our subdivision was still under construction) and our boys are about the same age and became friends. I'm sure this will sound like I cannot be biased, but I feel that it actually gives me better insight into who Bernie is.
Springboro is a community that had been mostly farmland. Very quiet and consisting of very tightly-knit families. We were the "new Springboro." From school board to city/township administration to athletics, we were the undesirables. There were actual "agendas" by life-long residents to oust people from positions of authority. Bernie became one of those targeted. As you can imagine, the part-time fire department that was once here was no longer effective and Bernie built it to what a growing community needed. When looking for someone to fill the position, the township knew they had to look outside the current pack of fools and to bring in someone with insight to take the department forward. Unfortunately, this was not well-received by those left behind.
There was a pecking order and the township administrators strayed from that order. Plus, Bernie expected a higher set of standards from his firefighters-more education, more physically fit, etc. and they didn't like it. The old-time firefighters had a goal: get Bernie out and get one of their own in. Bernie fought that mentality the entire time he was chief. The township leaders mishandled the allegations. News crews would show up at their house and harass his wife. Enough was enough and Bernie retired to work on his doctorate degree.
Since Bernie's retirement, the township has been unable to replace him. They set specific qualifications for what they wanted the new chief to have, the very qualifications that Bernie has (education, experience, etc.) and yet no one with those qualifications will apply for the job. We are "stuck" with the bottom of the barrel. What does that say? We cannot get quality because worthy candidates know NOT to apply here. If Bernie was the problem, why would that be the case?
I think your department would be very blessed to have Bernie as your chief, but I'm afraid unsubstantiated rumors and innuendoes will prevail. You would be crazy to not see pass what this really is, a bunch of whiny, lazy, good ol' boys lying to get what they want, and hire Chief Becker.
Marianne Ginnan
Springboro, Ohio
Please move this post back to the top. It deserves the attention.
With the city employees getting furloughs I would like to know who authorized this wasteful spending?
City of Salisbury
Travel Expenditures
Sorry Marianne Ginnan, but you are not a professional reference and you are only trying to help a "friend" get a job. He is nothing but a lot of baggage and a danger to the city of Salisbury. This guy is not employable and he is not marketable. Why do you think he has been unemployed for over 2 years?
So tell us Marianne Ginnan what "article in the local newspaper" did you just happened to read today that pertains to the Salisbury Fire Department and the City of Salisbury? Please give us the link to the areticle in today's local newspaper!!
Why do I think this just happens to be a fluff piece from Marianne Ginnan for Bernie Becker?
My vote is Eddie Werkhiser for Chief, he has been here and remembers when this was a smooth and great fire dept. Thank you.
Judge dismisses ex-fire chief’s lawsuit
By Lawrence Budd, Staff Writer
10:47 AM Thursday, March 4, 2010
LEBANON — With a five-day trial beckoning, a Warren County judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by Clearcreek Twp.’s fire chief accusing the local firefighters’ union of defamation and invasion of privacy.
Bernie Becker, fire chief since 1997, retired in July 2008 as trustees were to consider review of an internal investigation of complaints brought against him by members of the local union. In a lawsuit filed in October 2008 in Warren County Common Pleas Court, Becker claimed he had lost one job and been passed over for more than 90 others as a result of what he claimed were malicious claims by the union.
The union accused Becker of sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment and abuse of power in a complaint made to township officials in February 2008.
On Feb. 24, Judge James Flannery ruled Becker failed to “show that the union entertained serious doubts about the truth of the allegations” in the complaint. The trial was set to begin on Monday, March 1.
Contact this reporter at (937) 225-2261 or lbudd@DaytonDailyNews.com.
How ironic: someone having the stones to call someone out for not signing their name and then being to cowardly to sign their own name. Interesting.
I've know Hoppes 20 years and while he is many things and can be a stubborn pain in the behind, he is certainly NOT any racist and I've never heard him use anything remotely even close to the N word. Anyone saying so is an outright liar and is only stirring crap.
Hoppes has made some questionable decisions and Bragg is certainly one of them. Gordy could do better if he would worry more about his volunteers and what they do or don't do and less about the career people. Hoppes would do better to remember that as well.
The mayor could help the whole situation by just naming a chief; and Dodd surely isn't a wise choice. He has no respect from anyone, career or volunteer. The volunteers are scared to death of Becker because he'd probably force them to earn their keep, or at least get rid of the baggage as there are some that really are trying and doing a good job.
It's time Mayor. Do your job, make a choice, and let the men and women of the department as well as the citizens move past this fiasco you have created and allowed to continue.
It will be shame if Jim appoints Rick Hoppes as the chief of the department. He does not meet any of the qualifications as they were written. The department will never reach its full potential if this happens. We need someone the membership can respect not more of the "old boy system".
If the city makes this man the fire chief with no degree we need to chsnge all other requirements. They're always telling us we have to have a degree or you cant get promoted. Lots of good firemen have been passed over for college book worms.More big talk from Hoppes.
Anonymous said...
How ironic: someone having the stones to call someone out for not signing their name and then being to cowardly to sign their own name. Interesting.
I've know Hoppes 20 years and while he is many things and can be a stubborn pain in the behind, he is certainly NOT any racist and I've never heard him use anything remotely even close to the N word. Anyone saying so is an outright liar and is only stirring crap.
Hoppes has made some questionable decisions and Bragg is certainly one of them. Gordy could do better if he would worry more about his volunteers and what they do or don't do and less about the career people. Hoppes would do better to remember that as well.
The mayor could help the whole situation by just naming a chief; and Dodd surely isn't a wise choice. He has no respect from anyone, career or volunteer. The volunteers are scared to death of Becker because he'd probably force them to earn their keep, or at least get rid of the baggage as there are some that really are trying and doing a good job.
It's time Mayor. Do your job, make a choice, and let the men and women of the department as well as the citizens move past this fiasco you have created and allowed to continue.
2:17 PM
So you get on here and attack someone for not signing their name and you don't sign yours? You call someone a liar and insinuate that Hoppes is the better choice. Then you get on here an say Dodd is not respected by anyone? I guess you think Hoppes is respected to everyone. What a joke!! And the volunteers are scared to death of Becker? Where do YOU come from making these false claims and then not signing your own name. My guess is you are related to Hoppes in some way. I think you are scared and have something to hide.
Anonymous said...
My vote is Eddie Werkhiser for Chief, he has been here and remembers when this was a smooth and great fire dept. Thank you.
12:28 PM
Salisbury doesn't need this hillbilly clown. He retired for a reason so keep him in the pasture.
Hey Anon 2:17 PM I know who you are!!
Sign yours and I will mine. You aren't any better.
I make no assumptions that Hoppes is the best choice. I only point out that Hoppes is not anything remotely close to a racist as he is accused. If you know him at all, you know that and if you state otherwise, your either wrong or lying. You choose which.
Actually, I pointed out a number of faults. But I guess your scared volunteer behind can't read at a third grade level and you missed all that. To bad for you. And you you know darn well that most of the volunteers don't want an outsider because he would come in and probably make a mess of changes and then those of you who aren't doing anything, like most of the ones at 16 for example, would be out of a position. Imagine having a chief that would hold everyone to their position! Career and volunteer! Bragg would be sweating his off also.
Becker may not be the choice and Hoppes may not be either. But Booger sure as heck isn't what this place needs! Or is that you writing that comment Boog? Probably so. Everyone knows what a snake in the grass you are.
Whether you like it or not, Ireton is the issue. If he would grow a pair and do his job, we could all get on with further complaining about his choice. And you know that's exactly what will happen. So accept it mayor and move forward. Your making this place a joke and holding it back. The people your sworn to serve and the charter require it of you!
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