More Discussions On The Downtown Plaza
When Urban Salisbury was having their final meeting, thinking they were no longer going to be around, "I" brought up the Disney Concept. I don't know where Brad Gillis became recognized for such, (he was in the same meeting) but I explained to everyone just how Disney created Disney Land and Disney World.
Allow me just a minute here to explain as I'm confident many of you were not aware of any of this.
You see, Walt Disney had a very creative mind. He came up with this idea of an entertainment theme park but because he didn't have the money to make it work, he went outside the box and created what some of us know as the largest Trade Show ever created, open 365 days a year and millions of visitors.
You see, when you go to Disney World, (as an example) did you ever notice the GE Carousel? Did you notice Chrysler, Ford, Westinghouse, Paramount, etc.? What Walt Disney did was, he went to all of these major manufacturers and said, I'm building this theme park where I'm going to bring you millions of visitors per year. You can buy these 8 acres and here's what I want you to build. I want a roller coaster ride here, (you pay for it) and this area here is where you'll build an exhibition center to market your products. Once each company got on board it was simple to get others.
What Walt Disney did was, he sold them on the fact that he'd only take 35% at the gate and they could all share the rest. Then he went to the state of California and then Florida and said, this is land you can't do anything with. You give me the land and in 20 years I'll bring you $20,000,000.00 worth of taxes. The states agreed and it was no longer a vision, it became an instant success.
I explained this to Urban Salisbury months ago and I stated this shouldn't have to cost the taxpayers a penny. If you have the right vision and tools, anyone could make it work. Mind you, that was the short version of what happened overall but you get the picture.
The Downtown Plaza could be built up just like Pleasure Island in Disney World. I personally feel it needs to be designed around entertainment. Bars, restaurants and then specialty shops along the way. You want an attractions destination to PULL from Ocean City. You want to be years ahead. Think of the draw during Bike Week, Pork in the Park and ALL of the other Hot Rod events and Ocean City Trade Shows.
My idea is to completely shut down the Plaza and even allow outdoor drinking. This way people can smoke a cigar or cigarette and simply open it at both ends. Provide transportation so the college students can have a way to and from and even a bus shuttle to Ocean City.
If you create a entertainment theme park there, there's no question in my mind, (even in the worst economy) it will do well. You have to think OUT OF THE BOX and make it work, just like Walt Disney. I see a fantastic future for property owners to do well on the sale of their properties in order to get out and the future value would be unthinkable!
So rather than coming up with a plan that looks real nice, why not do like I've been doing and create the MOTOR to the entire plan. Something in which you know will work. All they're providing right now is the frame and body but there's NO ENGINE! That's what I'm good at. Imagine a local Seacrets on the Downtown Plaza. Yeah, sure there's going to be some issues and problems. However, all of them can be worked out. You have a Parking Garage that could be FULL every single night and charge for parking. Well, anyway, it's a thought. Let's see where this takes us.
Wonderful idea.
I picture Fells Point here in Salisbury on our downtown plaza...cobble stone roads, cool shops, and more sushi restaraunts just like Sushi de Kampai...best sushi in the world, by far. Cleanest place in town to eat...woops, off subject...if I had money, that's what I'd do with it.
Sing along with me, country tune:
If I had money, I'll tell ya what I'd do, I'd go downtown and buy a building or two...turn it into Fells Point, turn it into Fells Point...okay, that's enough:-)
I would never post such a thing on a Monday.
Thanks:-) Anyone willing to back me? LOL!
Just copy Easton.
You need some good entertainment like the Avalon gets. Go B aritists that will play the smaller places but are still very talented
Disney isn't going to waste money building anything in Salisbury. They don't build in small areas like Salisbury, and never will. They are though planning a resort hotel for the National Harbor(they've purchased the land, and are hoping to start building in the next 2 years). Personally I'd love to see the downtown renovated, along with moving the Perdue factory outside of town(muni bonds go a long way in passive persuasion). Get rid of the hood, and actually get a couple good urban planners in to renovate that entire area(downtown through riverside). But we all know the good ol' boys, and they ain't gonna let it happen.
You easily could set up a stage in the middle of the plaza, right where it breaks off - St Peters St, i think its called - and have bands play once a week on Friday evenings.
Then rope it off any allow open container drinking, with a beer truck, and its a party!
I dont think Joe meant that Disney would come to salisbury. In other words do as Disney did only on the downtown plaza.
Our thought was to make a Shanty Town (the first one in west ocean city) with little shops on the river, board walk, restaurants etc. The only thing we have on the river now is parking lots! Dr's offices and one nice restaurant and the old company on the other side. We also have Mr SJ Disharoon whom we would want to keep. If we did shanty town motief the building would be new. Easy to heat or air conditioning. As far as getting rid of Perdue. when they leave there goes a chunk of taxes. Keep thinking people.
get rid of th Perdue plant?
yeah, that's a great idea!
Hey 1221, I bet you work for the government right?
153-No, don't work for the gov't.
I wasn't saying get rid of Perdue, simply get them to build a new facility that isn't in the middle of town. That's where the muni bonds would help, it'd entice Perdue to build within the county and open up area to renovate a larger swath of downtown. Unless you enjoy that smell...
If Perdue moves into the county they will not be paying slisbury property taxes. That smell you smell, smells like money. It keeps our citizens employed and chicken on the table. (or pot).
i think this is a great idea
I think it's a great idea to try and build up the downtown area, but what about what's already there? There are some really nice Restaurants and a few little shops. . .are you supporting these businesses? I think people need to first start trying to support what is there already and then maybe more people will want to build up the downtown area. Businesses downtown are really struggling because the community support isn't what it should be. If you are going to talk the talk, then walk the walk. Go downtown and support these local businesses.
i think you have a good idea along the lines of fells point i went there and LOVED IT also would love to see somewhere like they have in myrtle beach bearfoot landing and broadway at the beach...during bike week all three years i went we spent more time at those locations than others just because we like the atmosphere
I think that an idea like Fells Point is a great idea. The draw of Fells Point is not just for college students but for parents needing a night out etc. Push for it Joe
WHO are these people?I hear the talkers,but u have to show up for the walk
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