Dustin Mills, a local educator and citizen activist, has today announced his intention to run against Delegate Rudy Cane in District 37A. Mills, stating that change is needed in Annapolis, believes he brings a different perspective. “As someone who has spent most of his life in the workforce, I am not a career politician and believe that a Delegate should represent the District, not the wayward leadership in Annapolis,” he stated.
Mills cites the economy as one his most significant issues: “As the state budget continues to grow yet revenues dwindle, we are faced with difficult decisions. Instead of raising the tax burden on our citizens and businesses, we should look at cutting government spending and supporting programs that foster job creation, helping bring money to the local economies.”
“Martin O’Malley and his supporters have driven this state into significant debt and have forced local counties and municipalities to make unnecessary difficult decisions. Delegate Cane has done nothing to fight the downward spiral of this State; they have forgotten the Shore and its people. We need someone in Annapolis who will represent the great people of Delmarva and not the special interests of liberal PACs and radical Democratic lobbyists,” says Mills.
Some specific examples of Mills’ plan include rolling back the Maryland sales tax in order to make Maryland businesses competitive again, as well as cutting the corporate tax to help recruit quality employers and businesses. “We have too many people out of work here on the Shore. The government owes it to the people to do everything in its power to help them find quality employment.”
Mills moved to the Shore over 5 years ago, and while he acknowledges that he is not a native to Delmarva, he has adopted it and feels at home. “Moving here to attend college was the best decision I have ever made. I fell in love with the Shore and its people and have chosen to make this my home. The traditional values of Delmarva are something I also cherish and believe they deserve quality representation in the State House.”
“Traditional values, integrity and effective leadership are tenants of my campaign. I believe that the people of Delmarva want someone who believes the same way they do and someone who will represent them up in Annapolis,” stated Mills. “I look forward to a great campaign about issues and look forward to quality debate with Delegate Cane.”
I'm glad that someone is finally going to take on Rudy Cane. That guy votes for every high tax and irresponsible budget proposed by the liberals in Annapolis.
I know this guy. He's single, overweight and has worked numerous campaigns where each candidate lost. This jumk about his being in the woprkforce most of his life, he's just a kid. What we need is wisdom and experience, not sound bites and words from other politicians. I don't like Rudy but come on republicans, are you that desperate.
You go coach!
To 8:08, Rudy may have experience, but I fail to see any examples of wisdom during his decades in office. We don't need someone well known for being the most ineffective legislator on the Shore to represent us in 37a. We need someone new, and Mills is the guy to do it.
You may think Republicans are desperate, 8:08, but what's really desperate is the local Democrats posting comments attacking Dustin's physical appearance. You really want to start judging some of the Democrats out there based on what they look like?
Obviously the shore does need someone like Rudy because he keeps winning. Having an opposing view is one thing but ask yourself this question republicans. How's it working for you here on the eastern shore. I think its perfect. Duntin has been on every losing team he has participated with. This isn't even a challenge.
Until Republicans can come up with a black candidate to run in this gerrymandered district no one will beat Cane unless he retires. That's just the way it is like it or not!
Dustin is a GREAT guy!! I know him personally and he is always there when you need him. I'm very pleased that he is running. Dustin is very well driven and takes everyone’s interest to heart. If you ever have a question, feel free to ask him. Dustin would be more than happy to help. I trust Dustin to go to Annapolis to accomplish things that the constant incumbent could never achieve. Dustin truly has taken to heart the values of the Shore, and I do believe he will carry them to the Capital. I encourage each and every one of you to talk to Dustin with an open mind. I’m positive he will set your mind at ease, and show you that your voice will not go unheard.
Sounds like another Ehrlict to me. Maybe this guy should make his own play book instead of stealing from everyone else. Has he served his time yet. Has he been on city council or county council. Just like all kids today, take me to the top without having to work for any of it.
If you give me a burger today I will gladly pay you on Tuesday.
Anonymous said...
Sounds like another Ehrlict to me. Maybe this guy should make his own play book instead of stealing from everyone else. Has he served his time yet. Has he been on city council or county council. Just like all kids today, take me to the top without having to work for any of it.
8:31 PM
Has Michael James served his time yet?
8:34, has James ever won a race he's ever entered.
Whatever moron convinced Dustin he was a viable candidate is almost as goofy as Dustin is for believing them.
8:48 PM
NOPE...that's my point!!
I have known Dunstin for several years now and he's a stand up guy.
Personally, I'm enjoying watching the democrats squirm because the republicans have entered this race with someone who can win.
Yes, he's young. However, he knows politics and he knows the Eastern Shore. Put your seat belts on Folks, there's a new Sheriff in town.
Maybe Julie Brewington can take notes from you Joe. She can't spell Cane. She spells it Cain. I take a pledge to the flag of the united republic of the states in america.
anonymous 8:59, ok, that was funny!
Democrats, keep attacking Dustin based on his physical appearance and age. The Democrats know that Cane is out of touch with his district and that O'Malley has been a disaster. The Democrats can't attack Dustin on the issues so they resort to petty personal sniping. It's pathetic.
Julie, Julie, Julie
Julie Brewington or whatever name she uses, is a whacko. Her and her husband are whacko's. I hope her husband doesn't think he is a viable candidate for county council either.
I'm so proud to live in a quiet area of the world such as the Eastern Shore. A place where we no longer encourage our young people to shoot for the moon and land among the stars.
Kudos to this young man for being involved. Next week the nay sayers will post complaints about his apathetic "do-nothings" peers. You can't have it both ways folks.
For goodness sake, can't you people do anything without attacking someone. Julie Brewington has nothing to do with this post nor does John Robinson have anything to do with previous posts. It's people like you small minded, vindictive commenters that turn everything sour. I hope and pray none of you have to have your lives disrupted by a foreclosure you certainly wouldn't want anyone revelling over your misery. What the hell is wrong with you all? Like John Robinson or not his family is paying the price for his bad judgement. Like Julie Brewington or not at least she has the backbone to stand up for what she believes while the rest of you sit back on your laurels pissing and moaning about all that is wrong with the world.
Grow the hell up. I don't know how Joe reads all of these juvenile comments and maintains any semblance of sanity.
anonymous 9:03, you should see the ones I reject!!!!!! However, I couldn't agree with you more.
Is she Julie Dilworth or Julie Brewington?
Who cares. I think Julie is gutsy and pretty awesome. Good for Dustin too! It's great that people are willing to get up and get involved and subject themselves to this kind of thing for the betterment of all. We need more people like this.
I too have known Dustin for years and am amazed to know that one's personal appearance and marital status are actually deemed more important than one’s political views. I guess all those George Clooney-types in DC have passed me by. I am a Democrat but know that Dustin truly feels that he will represent his party to the highest level. His age/gender/marital status/etc should have no basis on his ability to perform a job to the citizens of the Shore. "Experience" is a very loose term in politics and change is good. Additionally, when referencing political figures, if you want to sound credible, it does help if you know how to spell their names.
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