O’Malley-Brown Campaign Releases Campaign Chairs for
Every County in Maryland
Small Business Owners, Community Leaders, Teachers to Serve As Local Chairs to
Re-Elect Martin O’Malley
Former Governor Harry R. Hughes to Serve as Chair for Eastern Shore;
Mayor Rawlings-Blake, County Executives Leggett, Pollitt and Ulman to
Serve as City, County Chairs
Every County in Maryland
Small Business Owners, Community Leaders, Teachers to Serve As Local Chairs to
Re-Elect Martin O’Malley
Former Governor Harry R. Hughes to Serve as Chair for Eastern Shore;
Mayor Rawlings-Blake, County Executives Leggett, Pollitt and Ulman to
Serve as City, County Chairs
BALTIMORE, MD (June 8, 2010) – Today, Governor O’Malley and Lt. Governor Brown announced the O’Malley-Brown Campaign Chairs for every county in Maryland. The Campaign Chairs represent small business owners, business leaders, community advocates, educators and teachers, and current and former elected officials, including former Governor Harry R. Hughes, from every county in our state.
The Campaign Chairs demonstrate the tremendous community support that the O’Malley-Brown campaign has heading into summer months. The latest Washington Post poll shows Governor O’Malley leading Bob Ehrlich by 8 percent -- a larger margin than Governor O’Malley won by in 2006.
“Four years ago, I committed to the people of Maryland that I would always put the needs of our families and family-owned businesses first. I know our families have been struggling because of the downturn in the national economy, but because of the tough decisions we've made together, Maryland has fared better than most other states,” said Governor Martin O’Malley.
“I am honored that these respected business and community leaders have agreed to serve as our campaign chairs,” said Governor O’Malley. “With their help we will take this campaign to every corner of our state in the coming months to share our positive vision as we move Maryland forward.”
County Chair Position
Allegany County Jim Bespitch AFSCME 67
Anne Arundel County Tim O'Malley Amerinational, Senior VP of Sales
Baltimore County Don Hutchinson Former Baltimore County Exeucutive
Baltimore City Stephanie Rawlings Blake Mayor of Baltimore
Calvert County Bernie Fowler Former State Senator
Caroline County Nancy Voss Retired Teacher
Carroll County Greg Pecoraro Westminster City Council
Cecil County John Bunnell Mayor of Cecilton
Charles County Elridge Proctor National Tourette Syndrome
Association, Legislative Assistant
Charles County Jim Gesl Dentist
Dorchester County Victoria Jackson Mayor of Cambridge
Frederick County Geb Byron Consultant
Garrett County Stephan Moylan Attorney
Harford County George Harrison Democratic Activist
Howard County Ken Ulman Howard County Executive
Kent County Thad Bench Small Business Owner, Benchworks
Montgomery County Isiah Leggett Montgomery County Executive
Prince George's County Richard Stewart Montgomery Mechanical Services,
President and CEO
Prince George’s County Minerva Riddick Strategic Solution Center, Senior VP
Queen Anne's County Fred McNeil Former teacher
St. Mary's County Joe Anderson St. Mary’s Watershed Association,
Somerset County Mike McCready Pres. Somerset County Commissioners
Talbot County Steve Kehoe Attorney
Talbot County Dan McDermott Executive Director, Upper Shore
Workforce Investment Board
Washington County Bill Proctor Attorney
Washington County Jeanne Singer Attorney
Wicomico County Rick Pollitt Wicomico County Executive
Worcester County Greg Shockley Small Business Owner
Western Maryland Bob Kresslein Attorney
Southern Maryland Sheila Sullivan Attorney
Eastern Shore Harry Hughes Former Governor
As many states struggle through the national recession, Governor O’Malley has made the tough choices to balance the state budget, cut state spending by $5.6 billion, and reduce the size of government all while still making progress on the state’s key priorities.
Under Governor O’Malley, Maryland’s public school system was ranked #1 in the nation by Education Week for two years in a row. Maryland has retained jobs better than all but 4 other states in the country while maintaining an unemployment rate that remains more than 25% below the national average. And under Governor O’Malley, Maryland is one of only 8 states to maintain a AAA bond rating certified by all three bond rating agencies.
Now I understand why Pollitt wants to have a public information office at his beck and call.
So he can stump for O'Malley.
I'll vote for Ehrlich and Ollinger, thank you.
I guess the county is in such great shape that Rick has plenty of time to campaign for both himself and O'malley...great prioritization.
I don't know about others but I have had enough of the tax and spend policies of this administration. I want real change and not an administration that is going to agree with everything that the Obama administration hands down. I'll be voting republican this year for that reason. I frankly see nothing good coming out of the democratic party. Our nation and state is broke and the democrats have no clue as to what to do other than raise our taxes. I'm tired of that failed solution and want cuts and less spending by government.
If Pollitt has time for this, why can't he be his own "public information officer"?
Hopefully the election will be a farwell party for the O Malley & Brown tax and spend thuggs. Let's pray.
Why would Pollitt want to hitch his wagon to O'Malley this year because he will be dealing with Governor Ehrlich this time next year?
That assumes Slick Rick is reelected this fall.
Lots of wishful thinking going on here, O'Malley will be our next governor.
If O'Malley is our next governor, then there sure are alot of liars out there. If I say I'm not voting for O'Malley, I absolutely mean it - what about the rest of you?
I didn't know that Talbot County had Democrats. I am disappointed to see this. McCain for Governor!
I will write in "none of the above."
Vote this trash out of office he is destroying Maryland
Speaking for Somerset, McCready is a light weight for chair. With all the good old boy democrats I can't imagine why O'Malley picked McCready for this job. Maybe the family of good old boys have had enough of O'Malley and had rather not drag their reputation down any lower. Actually, I can't even imagine anyone admitting that they are a Dem, I would be to embarrassed to admit it with the likes of Obama and O'Malley in leadership positions.
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